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"Is this dress pretty baby?" the girl asked Jungkook. "Yeah, the color suits you.." he smiled. "Really? I'll take this then.." the girl say. Jungkook just gave her a smile. And of course, Jungkook paid for everything. "Baby, I'm hungry.." the girl said with pouting her lips.  "You're hungry, babe? We'll eat after this.." as Jungkook caressing her cheek. "Where do you want to eat, babe?" Jungkook continues. "A steak won't hurt right?" the girl smiled. "Sure.." he replied and they left the store.

"Jungkook?" a guy greeted Jungkook. "Namjoon hyung?" Jungkook said while giving him a 'shut up' signal. "Oh hey hahah.." Namjoon said while laughing, to cover up the situation. "What are you doing here, gentleman?" he continued while smiling. "Bought something for my woman.." Jungkook said while holding back his smile. "Hi, I'm Namjoon. Jungkook's big brother" Namjoon greet the girl politely. "Hi.. I'm Tzuyu, Jungkook's lady.." she replied while holding Jungkook's arm. "Nice to meet you, Tzuyu.." Namjoon said, still smiling. "Me too, Namjoon....oppa?" she laughs. "Oppa sounds cute.." he replied shyly. "Ehem.. I'm still here.." Jungkook clearing his throat. "I'm sorry.. Btw, I got to go.. See you soon, Jungkook?" Namjoon said and giving him a little naughty smirk. Jungkook just smile at Namjoon's behaviour. "See you soon, hyung.." he replied. "See you soon too, oppa. Nice to meet you.." Tzuyu waving at Namjoon. Namjoon just smiling and left the scene. "Let's go.." Tzuyu said while patting Jungkook's arm.

"It's been a years I'm going here.." Rosie said while looking around the mall. Rosie took out a small paper in her bag. M Restaurant. "Where's this located btw?" she said still looking around. After a few minutes, finally she found the restaurant. "Wow..it's so..elegant.." she said to herself and stop her way infront of the restaurant entrance. "I can do this.." while taking a deep breathes.

As she step on the restaurant, one of the worker greeted her, "Hi, how can I help you, Miss?". "Uh I'm..I'm searching for Mr Kim Namjoon.." she said nervously. "Oh..Let me lead the way, Miss" the worker said. "Oh, thanks" she replied while still looking at her surroundings. "Here.." her heart suddenly stop when she see a door infront of her. "Mr Kim is here.." the worker said while smiling. "Oh, thanks.." her heart suddenly beating faster than before.

Rosie knocks on the door twice. A gentleman voice can be heard from inside. "Come in.." he said. As she opened the door, a good-looking man greet her with a smile. "Hi, probably you are Rosie, right?" the guy said while smiling. "Ah yes.. Mr Kim.." Rosie smile at him. "Take a seat.." he offered. "Thanks.." Rosie took a seat infront of him. "Hi, I'm Kim Namjoon. I'll interview you today.. So, don't mind to introduce yourself?" he said, giving her his dimple-smile. Rosie just bit her lower lips and smile, "Hi, my name is Roseanne Park. But everyone calling me as Rosie. I'm 21. I live at somewhere around here.." she said nervously. "Ro..sie.." Namjoon said while writing something on the paper. "Your family background?" Namjoon asked her. The moment she heard that, she sit silently and her mind drifted. "Miss Rosie?" Namjoon waving his hand infront of Rosie face. "Oh sorry.. I'm, My family didn't do well aha.." she just awkwardly laughs. "Oh.." he replied. "Are you really want this job btw?" Namjoon ask her again. "Yes sir Yes" she said confidently. "Alright.. I'll call you later? Please leave your number.." Namjoon asked. "But, I have no phone, Sir" she said while looking down. "Ah.. Really?" Namjoon just stay silent but in shocked while thinking other ways. "Do have an email?" He asked. "Ah, I do.." she said. "Alright, so you can leave your email here with me.. I'll send the news to you thru the email.." he said smilingly. "Okay.." while writing her email on the paper. "Rosie?" Namjoon looked at her. "Yes?" as she looking at Namjoon. "Your smile is so pretty. And, you are an extraordinary girl that I've ever met.." he smiled at her. "Thank you.." she said shyly.

"Let's get you some drinks.. What do you want? We need to talk more.." he said while looking at the menu. "I'll just get lemon juice.." she smiled. "Oh wow.. Have you eaten?" he asked, still looking at the menu. "No thanks.. I already grab something before I came." she lied. "Okay.." as Namjoon called for the waitress. "What do you need, Sir?" as the waitress entered the room. "One lemon juice and a glass of wine, and... one cream pasta.." he said to the waitress. "That's all?" the waitress asked. "Yup.." as he give his smile to the waitress.


Only BTS

"I heard there will be a party at Taehyung's house this Saturday?" Jungkook asked Seokjin. "Yeah. Please come, you hoe" Seokjin glared at Jungkook. "Of course I'll come, Hyung" he smiled. "Taehyung's friends are mostly the best. He got the best one in the list!" Jimin said while looking at Jungkook. "You're right.. He always got the best women that good at party.." Namjoon replied with a naughty face. "All of us will get each one.." Jimin replied while smiling. Jungkook just smirked. "Yah! Hoseok! I heard about your girl. What was her name? Luisa? Luwis?" Yoongi asked with a glass of wine at his hand. "It's Lisa hyung.." Hoseok said while looking at the TV. "Yah whatever.." Yoongi just rolled his eyes and took a seat beside him. "Lisa? Which Lisa?" Jimin asked. "Are you talking about Lisa who took the Music Academy?" Jungkook asked him and make his way to the living room. "Yeah.. That Lisa" he replied boringly. "Spill the tea then.." Namjoon said and took his glass and make his way to the living room too. Everyone gathered at the living room just want to know the tea.

"I think I found my type.." Hoseok said, still looking at the TV. All of them, laughs beside Seokjin and Yoongi. "What?" he said as he make a questionable look. "Are you really sure?" Jungkook asked in disbelief. "We still have a long journey, Hobi.." Jimin said still holding back his laugh. "I found one too.." Seokjin said while looking straight at Hoseok. "Omfg..? Who?!" Namjoon asked Seokjin right   away. "Someone from Acting Academy.." Seokjin confess. "Spill the tea then.." Hoseok suddenly smirk. "Kim Ji Soo.." he said without any worries. "She's Kim Jennie's sister.." suddenly out of nowhere Taehyung popped out. "Tae.." Jimin looked at him. "Forget about me hah? RESTART THE STORY!" Taehyung said and jumped on the sofa. "You know what Tae, Hobi are now with Lisa.." Jimin said. "What? Lalisa you mean?" Taehyung was shocked and looked at Hoseok. Hoseok just giving him a bright smile. "Congrats hyung.." while giving out his handshake. "Thanks ya~" Hoseok replied while smiling.

"And.." as Jimin want to continue, Jungkook interrupts, "Seokjin hyung are now with Kim Jisoo.." Jungkook winked at Jimin. Jimin just rolled his eyes. "Next. Anyone want to confess?" Namjoon asked. "Me.." Taehyung replied his question. "YOu?!" Jungkook and Jimin shocked. "Who are you with, young boy?" Seokjin asked Taehyung. All of them patiently waiting for the answer. Deadly silence. "Kim Jennie.." Taehyung said as all of them shocked in disbelief. "Ho...my....gawd.." Jimin said dramatically. "Kim Jennie?!" Seokjin shocked. "I'll be your brother in law then.." Seokjin laughs. Taehyung laughing at Seokjin's statement. "We'll be a family, hyung!" Taehyung hug Seokjin.

"Anyone? Come on.." Namjoon keep asking the question. "Are you and Lisa already..." Jungkook asked Hoseok. "Yahhhh.." Hoseok just hold back his smile. "You already did?!" Jimin laughing. Hoseok just gave them a mysterious smile. "How about you and Jisoo?" Hoseok asked Seokjin. "We didn't.. It's too early.." Seokjin laughs. "You know, the protection we always put it under you seat hyung. For not to get caught and easy to take when you are in hurry.." Namjoon said while laughing. "You guys-" Seokjin was cut off by Yoongi. "I'm with Heize.." all of them laid their eyes on Yoongi, speechless. No one dare to ask. "Ok-ay.. Congrats hyung.." Jimin said while awkwardly laughing. All of them laughing and looking at each other in disbelief. Yoongi's eyes are still looking at the TV.

"Okay okay.. We need to celebrate this.." Jimin stood up and took a bottle of whiskey and put it on the table. They put their shot glass in the air and a click sound can be heard from their glasses gulped. "To the boys that are already taken, we, as a single one, and still lingering around, congratulating on your happiness.." as Jimin said, all of them cheer up.


Phew~ What a long chapter! Can you guys predict, what job will Rosie work for Namjoon? Ehe! No edited story. I just wrote it and publish. If there any grammatical errors or typos, sorry for that. Thanks for reading btw!! xx💋

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