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Rosie woke up on a bed and her eyes still close but she already get up from the bed as she look around. "This is not my place" she murmured. She went to lying down on the bed again. Her eyes went widen as she's not familiar with that place. She get up again and shocked. "WHERE AM I?!" she shocked and check on her dress. Thanks God, it's still there but she feel a little bit dizzy. "Ouch! My head!" she rubbing her head.

There's someone knock on the door. "Who's there?" She asked. "Miss Rosie?" a lady asked for a permission to come in. "You can come in" she replied. The door was open with a lady bringing a food on a tray. "Are you sleeping well? I bring you a hangover soup" as the lady place on a small table beside the bed. "Thank you. But, can I know who-" she was cut off by the lady. "Mr Kim asked me to bring this soup for you. Don't worry. You are in a good place" as the lady giving her a smile. Rosie let out her relived breath. "Thank you, Ahjumma" she said as she plastered a smile on her face. "You are welcome. I'll take my leave now" as she left with a smile.

"Did I and Mr Kim?!" her eyes widen as she remembered what happened last night. "Did we kissed!?" she touch her lips. "Oh my! DID WE?!" she's shouting. "Oh my god! Oh my god!!!!!!" she messing her hair and put her face in the pillow. "Last night will be my last drink!!!!" she shock when someone open the door roughly. "What happen, Rosie?! Are you okay?" Namjoon approach her. "Mr Kim—Oppa..." as she blushing. "Yeah?" Namjoon asked worriedly. "I'm so sorry. I need to go now" she gets up and took her handbag. "Wait—" he hold her wrist. Rosie turn her back in embarrassment. "Let me send you home" he smile. "No, no, no. It's okay.." she trying to let go of his hand. "Nah, let me send you. I'll wait downstairs" he left and close the door. Rosie just stood there, froze. "Did he just—" she hold her cheeks as she can feel a heat.

Rosie going down from the stairs slowly as she can look Namjoon's back. "Oh my god. What should I do? Omg, Rosie. Just act normal.." she murmured and let out of her sighs. "Oppa.." she approach him from behind. "Let's go?" he smile and open the door for her. She just nodded.

There was an awkward silence in the car. "Are you okay? You look pale. Should we go to the hospital?" He asked in concern. "Ah no. No need. I'm just you know.." she shrugs. "Yeah. One glass of whiskey can make you crazy" he laughs. "What?" she asked in confusion. "Nothing" he smile trying to hold back his laugh. "Oppa" she call him. "Yeah?" he replied and look at her for a while. "Can I ask something?" she hesitates to ask. "What's it, Rosie?" he smile as he focus on the road. "What did I do last night? What happened?" she asked nervously. "I don't know what happened too. I drunk last night" he laughs. "Oppa!" she pouted. "I tell the truth. I didn't remember too about last night.." he chuckled.

As they arrive on the Rosie's neighbourhood, Rosie asked Namjoon to drop her off at the park near of her house. "Oppa, stop. Just drop me here. I'll walk home by myself" she open the seatbelt. "Let me send you in front of your house" He said while looking around. "NO! ah, sorry. It's okay. I'm worry that my mom will chase with a sweeper on her hand" she lied and fake her laugh. "Why?" he chuckled. "Oppa! I didn't get home last night and of course she's worried about me all night" she said with a smile on her face. "Alright alright then. So, see you later?" he said while smiling. "Okay" as she open the door and waving at Namjoon. Namjoon's car left from the neighbourhood and she let out her sighs.

When she reach at her door house she can heard a man's voice inside. She quickly open the door and see her mom was been hit by her father. "Mom!!!" she run to her mom as her father push her aside. "Stay away, you ungrateful child!!". Rosie can feel a pain on her shoulder when she get hit on the wall. "Mom!" she get up again trying to push her father but end up getting hit by her father instead. "You!" as her father slap her face hard and took an iron rod to beat her hard.

Her mother trying to stop her father from hitting her by giving him a money as she took it from her room. "HAH! THIS IS WHAT I WANT! IF YOU GAVE ME THIS EARLIER THIS WON'T BE HAPPENED!" her father said while counting the money and left the house. Rosie can feel a numb on her legs as she can't move.  Her nose and her head starting to bleeding and her mom reach a phone to call an ambulance. "Wait a little, my love" as her mom crying unstoppable.

Omg! What happened to Rosie? Hi! I'm trying to write a story cause I don't have things to do today. Hehe so here's a heart dropping chapter and Rosie mistook Namjoon and her kissing on the Yoongi's party! Lewl~ Lots of love! Please vote on the book okay! Love you💙

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