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Namjoon's House

Knock! Knock! There are someone who are knocking on the Namjoon's reading room door. "Come in" he said, still looking at his laptop. "Hello, Mr Kim" Rosie give him a smile. Namjoon immediately standing up from his chair and make his way to Rosie. "Rosie!" as he hug her. "Where have you been? You didn't update anything to me! Where the hell you are going!? I am so worried!" he continued by attacking her so many questions. Rosie chuckles at his behaviour. "Oppa, I'm so sorry. I was having a family problem, so I can't make it to you" she weakly smile and pat on Namjoon's shoulder. "At least you text me or give me a call, Rosie!" he pinch on Rosie's cheek.

Rosie laughs. "I'm so sorry" she was turning her back but Namjoon stop her. "Rosie.." he scan her face. "yeah?" Rosie said in confusion. "What's wrong with you?" as he pointing at her forehead. There was a scars on her forehead. "Ah.. This, it's an old scar" she said nervously but Namjoon look at her hand that had some bruises on it. "Are you sure?" as he pulling her hand on the air. She laughs awkwardly while pushing his hand away. "Oppa, what I can do for you today?" she trying to change the topic. Namjoon just furrows his eyebrows. "Um, I want you to prepare my outwears for one week. In case you, you will missing again, like almost 2 weeks" he said in serious tone. Rosie just smile. "Okay, oppa. I'll upstairs first" she said and open the door. "Oppa" she calling for him. "Yeah?" Namjoon turn his back to face her. "I'm sorry" she give him a weak smile. "It's okay" he said, giving her his dimple smile and sit down. And Rosie close the door and make her way to his wardrobe.

<1worldwide handsome & his 6ugly chicks Chatroom>

NJ : she's back😌
KTH : who?
JM : who hyung?
NJ : Rosie
NJ : yeah
YG : where have she's been?
NJ : idk? she said she was having a family prob but
JIN : but?
JK : but what?
JM : but???????
NJ : she had all bruises over her body. I mean not all. At her arms, her forehead got scars too. I'm so worried! But she's not saying anything.
JK : She's there?
JHS : oh no
YG : uh oh. What happened actually? You didn't check on her background? You know what, Joon? You need to.
JIN : true. what Yoongi said was true. You need to Namjoon
JM : she really having a family problem
NJ : yeah. thanks for the advice hyung. I need to go. Talk to you guys later
JM : bye
YG : 👌


There are a notification pop on Rosie's phone.

Hi, Rosie?

Rosie furrows her eyebrows then she smile and replied to her text.

What it is Jisoo?

Are you free tmr? It's been a while I think we met?

I think I will be free. I'll ask Namjoon oppa. Ehe

Okay! I'll let Jennie, Lisa & Yeri know. I'll inform you where to meet💙

Okay! See you tmr? 😊😊

Oh ya! If Namjoon oppa didn't let you go, tell me! I'll kick his ass hahaha

Hahahaha! Jisoo! You are so funny! I'm sure he will let me with you guys

Okay!👌  can't wait to meet you! bye!


She put her phone down and smile. Finally, I got new friends. And her phone start to ringing. Unknown number. "Who is this?" she look at her screen phone and accept the call. "Hello? Who is this?" she asked. "Hi, Rosie" there was a guy voice on the other line. "Yeah?" she furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "Don't you remember me?" as the owner the voice chuckling. "Who.the.hell.are.you.?" she asked impatiently. "Relax baby girl. This is Jeon Jungkook. Ouch, that hurts that you didn't remember me" he said while smirking at the other line. "Oh. Mr Jeon. I'm sorry. Where did you get my number by the way?" she asked him in confusion. "Ah Rosie...Don't you think I didn't know Namjoon hyung?" he chuckling at the other line. "Oh, I'm sorry. What you want actually?" she straight to the point. "I want to meet you. Did you free tomorrow?" he asked her while touching his lips. "Ah I'm not free tomorrow. I have an appointment with Jisoo and the rest" she stated. "Really? Can I join you guys?" he asked. "Ah, you know. It's girl's day out. Next time maybe?" she said in guilty. "Ah, okay. See you next time?" he chuckles. "I'm sorry, Mr Jeon" she said. "Stop saying sorry, Rosie. It's not your fault tho. You are funny. That make me fall in love with you more.." the last words he whispering thru the phone. "Pardon?" she asked because she didn't heard it well. "Nothing. See you later!" he said and hang up the call immediately. She furrows her eyebrows and stare at her screen for a while. What a psycho! She murmured.


Hi! I'm so sorry for not updating because I am too busy with my student's life lately. Thank you for those who are reading my book! I love you guys! Btw, didn't you guys agree with me that Rosie become more prettier lately?! Isn't? THIS FRIDAY WILL BE BTS COMEBACK! We are bless for these two weeks! Do vote on my book! Lots of love! xx

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