
978 50 6

Y Cafè

Namjoon feel his heartbeat beating fast as the time goes by. He look at his watch, it's already 1:24pm. "Where is she?" as he look at the entrance of the cafe nervously. The ring bell of the door is ringing and shown Rosie at the door. Namjoon stand up immediately and greet her. "Hi, Rosie. How are you?" while hugging her. Rosie smile at him brightly but her face obviously pale. "I'm fine. How are you, oppa? I'm sorry if I—" she was cut off by Namjoon. "Let's take a seat first" Namjoon offer her. She laughs and sit.

"Have you eaten?" He asked. "My appetites is little bit you know" as she sighs. "I understand. A juice? Is it okay?" He asked, his face is full of concerns. "A strawberry juice" as she smiles. "I'm going to order the drinks, wait here" Namjoon stand up and go to the counter to order the drinks. Rosie eyebrows frowning at his behaviour. "Why he look so awkward?" as she laughs. After a fee minutes Namjoon come back and awkwardly smile at her.

"What?" Rosie asked while smiling. "Aha! Actually, I have something to asked and beg you" he turn into a serious mood again. "What is it, oppa?" she asked in confusion. "Urm, actually, emm, I knew about your health, Rosie" he finally spoke. Rosie hold her breath for a while because she's little bit shock about it. "And I really really please, want you to take the treatment.." he continues. Rosie sit back and lean a little, her mouth slightly open and she heavily sighs. "I, i, I— can't, oppa" she look at him with a teary eyes. "Rosie, you can. Don't give up. The doctor did called me, and he said you can get a better life after you get that treatment. Please? For everyone around you?Your mom, your friends?" Namjoon adjusting his seat because he did feel uncomfortable after saying all of that. Rosie stay silence, and looking down at the floor.

"I choose to die" She suddenly said that. "Sorry, what?" Namjoon's face suddenly change. "You choose to die? But, why?" Namjoon plays with his forehead. "I don't need to give my reason. This is my fate. I choose to die. Everyone will die. Just, just you need to be ready for it." she said with her eyes started to teary. "Are you ready for it? Look, your cancer in your brain has spreading into all of your blood in your body. You can save yourself. You, just think about everyone arounds you. Can you? I don't want you to go, I had think of you as my own little sister. Just please, Rosie?" Namjoon begged to her. Rosie stare at his face. His face is so full of hope. Hoping for a soul to be save. "I, i—" she was cut off by him.

"Please think about it. Take your time, but not too long. I understand that you can't do the decision now. But, remember, there are still human out there loves you" He smile with a sad on his face. She thinks of her mom and Jungkook. "I'll call you later if I already make my decision" she smiles. "Glad to hear that" he smile back to her.

Jungkook's mansion

"Where have you been?" Jungkook asked her with his curious face. "Oh, I met my friend just now" she lies. "Which friend? That Junhoe?" he asked with his eyebrow frowns. "No, my schoolmate. You're not going to work?" she asked, trying to change the topic. "No, I'm gonna spend my day today with you" as he smiles. "You look pale though. Are you okay?" he continues as he walk to Rosie. "I'm okay, just it is so cold outside" she lies, again. "Please use a thick clothes next time. Okay? What are you gonna eat today, babe?" he asked her. Rosie nodded, "Um, can I eat a pancake?" she's chuckling. "Em, but, can I go home today? I haven't seen my mom almost a weeks" she continues. "Sure, I'll make one for you. Emmm, you want to go home?" he hesitates to agree. "Sure you can. I bet you miss your mom so much" he smiles. "Thank you" as she smiles. Jungkook just give her his bunny smile. "I'll go upstairs first" Rosie said and left. Jungkook just nodded.

She looks herself at the mirror. Pale. She just shaking her head and sighs. And she make her way to the window, standing at the window, looking down, and thinking of something that she shouldn't thinks. "If I jump down there, I will not burdening people arounds me. Should I stay or...go?" she murmured to herself. "I think.." her thoughts was cut off by Jungkook's voice yelling for her name from downstairs. "ROSIE! Your pancakes are done. Come" he standing at the edge of the stairs. "Give me 5 minutes!" she replied. "Okay! But don't be too long!" he said.

She quickly packed her things and bring her carries downstairs. "Wow, smells so good." she said while smiling. "Come, I put some strawberries on you pancakes" he call for her. She make her way to the dining table, and her smile didn't fade when she saw a food on the table. "Beautiful" she said while taking her seat. "What? You got bananas on your pancakes? Gah" she laughs. "What? What's wrong with that?" he wanted to laughs too. "Nothing" she just smile. "Stop looking at me and eat" Rosie said while putting the pancakes in her mouth and her eyes suddenly widen "urmmmmm! This tastes so good! I love your pancakes, Jungkook. And you" she smile after said the last sentence. Jungkook shyly smile. "Eat you pancakes" he's trying to control his expression of his face. Rosie just laughs at his reaction.

Rosie's neighbourhood

"Thank you for sending me" she said while open her seatbelt. "I can send you until in front of your house. Why here?" He said worriedly. "Nah, I lived in a narrow hallway, so I'll go by myself" she lies. "Really? Atleast I can—" Rosie cut off him. "It's okay. We'll meet soon right? Don't worry" she tries to convince him. "Em, alright. See you soon. If anything happens, call me" he said while rubbing her hand. "I will" she smiles. "I'm going" she open the car door slowly. Jungkook pulling her hand and kiss her. "I love you" he whispered. She smiles "I love you more" and let go of his touch. "Bye. Take care" she said and waving at him while walking. Jungkook's heart is so heavy to letting her go. He feel that something will happen to her but he deny it. He smile while watching she's walking from behind. Rosie turn her back and waving at him and giving him her smile. "Don't wave at me, I don't want that smile will be the last smile I see" he's said to himself.

Hi! I'm updating. I'm so sorry if I'm not updating for a long time. But hey, thank you so much for the 19k readers. I love you guys, really! Please do vote on this chapter. Lots of love!! 💜💜

***Not an edited chapter***

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