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J Restaurant

Jungkook and Rosie entering the restaurant slowly. Rosie was amazed by the design of the restaurant. Its look expensive and she's wondering why Jungkook bring her to dinner at this expensive place. "Mr Jungkook Jeon?" the worker at the counter called for him. "It's me" he replied. "Follow me, I'll bring both of you at your table" as the waiter give him a smile and lead the way. Jungkook just nodded and look at Rosie that looking amazed by the design of the restaurant. "Rosie?" he asked. "You are fine?" he continues. Rosie was little bit shocked and nodded. "Nah, I'm fine. But, Jungkook, this look so expensive. You can bring me to the street foods. I'm totally fine with it. I'm just—" she was cut off by Jungkook. "I'm the one who inviting you for dinner. So, don't talk too much" he laughs. "Come on" he continues again. Rosie stare at him for a minute and followed him.

"Here is your table Mr and Mrs Jeon" the worker smile at both of them. "I'm not—" , "Thank you" Jungkook smile at the worker. Rosie sit down and glare at Jungkook. "What?" he asked. "Nothing" as she look away. The waitress come to serve them. "What do you want to order, Rosie? Just order whatever you want" as he look at the menu. Rosie's eyes widen at the price of the food. She feels uncomfortable and asked Jungkook to order for her. "You can order it for me" she suddenly speaks. "You want me to order the meals for you?" Jungkook's eyebrow frowns. She's nodded. "What you love to eat?" he asked. "Seafood? I'm a vegetarian by the way" she smile. "Okay" as he looking at the menu seriously. She just smile at her view.

"Can I get a mixed green salad, one. Fish and chips, one. And then, filet mignon, one. Also, strawberry ice cream with waffles, one. Lastly, give us Chateau d'Yquem of wine. That's all" as he close the menu book and smile to the waitress. "Is it too much, Kookie?" she asked. Jungkook stare at her and suddenly smile and blushing. "Kookie?" he smile. "Yeah?" Rosie's eyebrow frowns. "That's cute" as he laughs. "What? Did someone never called you that?" she asked in disbelief. "You are the first person" he smirk. Rosie let out her sighs. "Okay, but how did you know that I loved strawberry waffles with ice cream?" she smile and looking at Jungkook. "Your favourite? I'm just pick it randomly" he shrugged and smiling. "I love it you know!" she give him a big smile. Her smile is everything to Jungkook. Her smile can heal his heart that was broken into one, her smile can give him strengths everytime, her smile also mean a lot to him.

"You know what, I loves to see you smile" he said suddenly. "You loved it?" she laughs. "Everyone loving my smile, Not only you" she said it proudly. "Not only me? Who are they beside me?" he said jealously. "My mom, Namjoon oppa, June—" she was cut off by him. "That June guy? Tsk" he clinched. "Yeah. Not only you" she smirk. "Okay fine, You're acting like this because you think you are pretty right" Jungkook smirk this time. "Em, no. I don't think that I'm pretty but for sure, my smiles can give everyone a warm" she said. "You are true. So true" he said with his head nodded. Their meals was arrived and Rosie's eyes getting bigger everytime the food was served. Jungkook chuckles at her reaction. She totally loves food, he thought.

"Oh my god, this is great" as she look at the food and she's looking around. "Oh ya, why do I feel that, in this restaurant only you and me? There's no one around" she asked. "I was booked this restaurant for only the two of us" he said smilingly. Rosie's eyes widen. "Really!? Wow, that's, amazing" as she laughs a little. "Why? You don't like it?" he asked worriedly. "No, it's just, nah. Forget it" she smiles. "Tell me. Did I gave you something that made you uncomfortable?" he asked again. "No, i'm okay. Don't feel like that. Let's eat? Our meals will cold if we're keep talking ehe" she's trying to change the topic. "Alright. So, food is your priority right?" as he cutting the steak. She just nodded and smile while munching on the salad. Jungkook stare at her face and smile unstoppable.


Jennie was walking at streets alone trying to find some foods to eat. Suddenly, she stop at in front of the cafè. Her eyes getting bigger at the view that she look just now. Taehyung with a girl laughing while enjoying their drinks. "He's not texting me today and telling me that he's hanging out with someone?" she murmured. Her legs suddenly told her to change the direction to left from the scene. Her eyes begin to cry, and she's nowhere to go. "Did I do anything wrong?" she thought at herself. Her hands begin to shaking and she dial someone's number in her phone.

"Hello?" the voice on the other line pick up her phone. Jennie just stay silence, not saying anything. "Hello, Jennie? Are you okay?" the voice said. "I'm—i'm—" she was cut off by the voice. "Hey, are you okay? Are you crying? Where are you?" the voice asked worriedly. "He was cheated on me" finally she said it. "Who?" the voice asked. "Tae—" suddenly she begin to cry. "Hey, where are you? Tell me. I'm going there right now" the voice said in rushing. "I'm at—at—a—t U Cafè" as she put her phone down and sighs. Jennie sit in the cafè alone, waiting for the unknown caller to come.

"Hey" someone approached her. She look at the owner of the voice and hug her immediately. "Rosie" and she begin to cry in her arm. "What's wrong? Who cheated on you? Tell me" as Rosie trying to calm her down. Jennie wiping her tears and stare at Rosie's face. "Tae.." and look down. "Is it true? Is it true that you saw Tae with a girl?" Rosie asked worriedly. Jennie nodded. "I saw him in front of my eyes. Jesus, he's not texting me for the whole damn day!" her voice suddenly turn up. "Shh, calm down. Are you guys fighting or what?" Rosie asked. "No, we are fine. We are totally fine. I don't know. He's been something lately" Jennie didn't know that Jungkook was there too. Jennie shocked at Jungkook's presences.

"Jungkook? Since when you are, here?" she asked in shocked. "I was here for the whole time. Are you okay?" he asked in concern. "Rosie? Are you coming with him, just now?" she asked strangely. "Yeah" as Rosie just smiling. "You guys on date?" suddenly her mood change. "No. Right at this moment, we are worried about you" Rose being serious at this time. "Nah, I feel okay now. Thanks for your warm hug. I feel better" as she heavily sighs. "Need something sweets?" Rosie smile. "Sure" Jennie nodded. "I'll get it for you" Rosie stand up trying to find something for Jennie to eat.

"Is it true? About Taehyung hyung?" Jungkook asked. "I don't know. I saw him with a girl today. And he's not texting me for the whole day and been acted strange lately. I feel, uncomfortable and uneasy." Jennie look down, explain. "He must have a problems" he said, trying to ease Jennie's feeling. "Problems? With laughing with a girl? He looked happy and totally fine" she said while rolling her eyes. "I'll try to talk to him later" Jungkook said, trying to ease Jennie's heart. "Nah, it's okay. If he still loves me, he should come to me. If he don't, I bet, I should try to let him go for now on" she said with a cold face. Jungkook was stern by her last sentences.

"Here" Rosie finally come with the cake. "I hope this cake can give an ease in your heart, even a little" she winked. "Thanks, Rosie. Eventho I just knew your for a couple months, I do feel comfortable with you" Jennie said while hugging Rosie. "Nah, it's okay. It's feels better to be someone that you are in need" both of the chuckling. "Jungkook, if you want to go home, you can go. I'll accompany Jennie tonight" as Rosie look at him. Jungkook shaking his head. "No, I'll accompanying both of you, tonight" he said. "Seriously?" Jennie asked in disbelief. Jungkook nodded. Rosie smile at him and he smile back to her. "Thanks to both of you. Sorry if I'm disturbing your date" Jennie said while pouted. "Jennie, you don't" Jungkook said while glaring at her. Jennie laughs at him. "I think, I want to go to the club" she continues. "What?" Rosie shocked. "I think it's the best idea" Jungkook smirk while looking at Rosie. "No no no. Just stay here" Rosie begging to her. "It will get bored if we're stay here for too long" she winked. "Let's go?" she continues. "Come on, Rosie" Jungkook said, trying to convince her. "Come on, Rosie!" Jennie said while pulling her hand and stand her up. Rosie was so speechless at the moment and followed them. Finally, she's agree to join them to the club.

Hi! I'm back! Sorry for the late update, thanks god finally I'm updating! Hehe. I do write a long chapter for this one. Please vote on this chapter. Lots of love!!!💜💜
(btw, did you guys saw a tea by JK&RS? That's cute for me🥰)

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