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Bet's Cafè

"Hi girls! Sorry I'm late. Have something to do before going here" as Rosie hug the girls. "Aww Rosie, I missed you!" Lisa stand up to hug her. "Come and sit here!" Yeri pat on the chair beside her. Rosie take a seat beside Yeri as she look at Jennie. "Jen, what's wrong?" as she look at Jisoo. Jisoo just shrug and say "Taehyung." "Hey, what's wrong with him?" Rosie ask Jennie and give a look at Lisa. Lisa give Rosie a i-dont-have-courage-to-ask sign. "Hey" Rosie trying to convince Jennie. "Tae. He.." Jennie was stop at the moment and a tears fall from her eyes.

"Tell us" Jisoo said. "Yeah. Is there something happened between the two of you?" Yeri asked her. "Jennie" Lisa hug her. "He cheated on me" finally she said with a tears on her eyes. "WHAT?!" four of them said in unison. "Are you sure?" Rosie asked her worriedly. "How come?" Jisoo asked in furiously. "Is this for real?!" Lisa's voice change into frustration. "Oh no" as Yeri shock at the words come out from Jennie's mouth. Jennie just nodded weakly.

"How do you know about this?" Jisoo asked Jennie. "I found out myself" Jennie said as she wiping her tears. "My friend send me a picture of him, kissing another girl.." Jennie suddenly crying out loud. Rosie stand up to sit beside her and hug her, trying to stop her from crying. "That fuck boy" Lisa said furiously. "We should ask our boys" Yeri said, don't know how to do. "We shouldn't" Jisoo said with her serious face.

"Shhh..." Rosie trying to calm down Jennie. "This is not what you deserves. Look, you need to find a better solution. Did you talk with him today?" Rosie said, wiping Jennie's tears. "No. I didn't picked up his calls today. I'm so mad. I can't.." Jennie said weakly. "You need to talk to him. Ask him yourself. Who knows that was not him?" Rosie said, trying to calm the situation. "Rosie, men always lie. Don't be too kind. Hobi oppa was caught too last time. I gave him a chance today." Lisa said with her memes face. "Did he changed?" Jennie look at Lisa with her puffy eyes. "Nah, I don't know. He seem fine today. I think, he scared with me" Lisa giggle. "Yah Lalisa" Yeri said, trying to hold back her laughs same goes to Jisoo.

"I don't think I should say this to you guys today. We supposedly to have fun. But, I ruined everything" Jennie look at her lap. "What? That's what friends for." Jisoo said pushing Jennie's shoulder. "Yah Jisoooo" Jennie yawns. "What?" Jisoo laughs. "Are you feeling okay now?" Rosie look at Jennie with her concern eyes. "Yeah. But, Rosie?" Jennie said as she look at Rosie's forehead. "Are you okay? What's this for?" Jennie look at her scar. "Um ah. It's just a little. Nothing serious." she said nervously. "I think this scar still new" Lisa look at it properly. "Are you okay? I heard you've been missing for two weeks?" Yeri said worriedly. "I'm uh, I'm um, have something to do lately and I'm hurting myself. I'm such a clumsy right? Haha" she laugh awkwardly. "Next time be careful!" Jennie said pinch on Rosie's lap lightly. "Yeah, I will" Rosie just can smile.

"You should eat the cake" Rosie said to Jennie. "Why? I'm on my diet" Jennie replied with her eyebrow frowns. "When you are sad, you should eat something sweets. It's the medicine" Rosie smile. "I'm always eating chocolate when I'm sad" she continues. "Really? Lisa, accompany me" Jennie stand up to find a cakes. "What? Suddenly?" Lisa said with her blurred face but follow Jennie. Three of them just laughs. "If Seokjin oppa cheated on me. I'll make him regret" Jisoo said with her serious face. "How about you and Jimin, Yeri?" Jisoo asked her. "Actually, we are nothing Jisoo. We are just friends. Friends with benefits." She replied while sipping her drink. "FOR REAL?" Jisoo shock. "Yeah, and I don't feel nothing with him. Same goes to him" Yeri lean back on the chair. "It's nothing" she continues. "How about you, Rosie?" Jisoo asked Rosie this time. "Huh? What about me?" Rosie replied with her shock face. "Don't you have a boyfriend?" Jisoo smirk. "Uh, no. I don't have one" she replied boringly. "For real? You are pretty though" Yeri said touching her hair. "No. I'm not that pretty..." she was cut off by Jisoo. "Who said!? You are!" she debate. Rosie just laughs. "Maybe some day I will meet him" as she look down at the table. "I hope the better one" Yeri said smilingly.

<1worldwide handsome & his 6ugly chicks Chatroom>

KTH : what?
JM : Don't you heard the news?
JK : What news?
KTH : What is it about?
NJ : what's wrong Chim
JIN : I heard it
JHS : me too
JIN : been wondering
JHS : what Jennie's feel
KTH : what do you guys mean?
JM : You're dead Kim Taehyung
JK : Oh. Just straight to the point Jiminie!
NJ : what's up Chim
YG : faster! I need to know too!
JM : About you and Irene last night! The news had spread all over the Y news!
(Y News are for a rich groups website to look on their news related to their business @ scandals, so the public won't know what their issues is. It just between the rich people)
NJ : Oh no
KTH : What!?
JK : What are you doing with Irene last night? And where?
KTH : fuck
KTH : fuck
KTH : fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YG : What you gonna do?
KTH : That's why Jennie didn't picked up my calls
NJ : explain
KTH : I wasn't doing anything last night, as I remember. I'm drunk. I swear!
JIN : You need to tell that to Jennie, gentleman!
JHS : oh man, you are kissing her
JK : aren't you used to it? 😏
NJ : Jungkook
JK : what?
JIN : this wasn't the right time. He's in trouble. Your friend in trouble
JK : .....
JM : Just face her, Tae
YG : ask for a chance, if you don't want to lose her
KTH : I'm scare
JHS : I'm scared too with Lisa. But she's fine. I was caught too last time. But she forgave me and gave me a chance. And why not, you doing the same. We are not like before, beside Jungkook and Jimin. Namjoon, I don't know if he still doing it....? Ehe
YG : true shit
JK : 😒😒
JM : what the hell
NJ : hey! I'm in moving on process
JIN : 😂😂
JHS : Poor you, Namjoon. Ops, I'm sorry
NJ : 😒
KTH : I'm being serious here!
JM : Just do what Hoseok hyung said. You should be a gentleman! Wake up!
KTH : Hmmmm
JK : Trust me hyung, girls are so weak when they are around us. You right? What to do? 😏😏
JIN : There you go. International playboy
JK : Well
KTH : But she didn't picked up my calls
JM : Duh! She's obviously on her date
NJ : Tae's already vanished? Lewl. Kidding
JK : what do you mean date?
JIN : The girls are reunion today
JHS : Obviously they are having a talks. Girl's day out
NJ : Oh, I forgot. Rosie also joined them today
JM : Speak of Rosie, did she fine?
NJ : Yeah. She's just being Rosie
YG : Did you already check on her background?
NJ : I did
JK : And?
YG : How's the result?
NJ : We should reunion too. It's been a while. The last time was..?
JIN : Don't change the topic
NJ : I don't have a fun talking about this in the phone. We should hang out
JM : This weekend?
JK : Call!
JHS : Call!
NJ : Hmm. Weekend huh?
JIN : Call!!
NJ : Call!
YG : Call! I will buy a drinks
JK : Nice!
JM : Call!
JHS : Tae?
KTH : call
JM : Great! See you guys weekend!
NJ : 🤟🏻
YG : 👋🏻
JIN : 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
JK : 🤙🏻
KTH : 👌👌
JHS : 🤙🏻🤙🏻

Hi! I'm back! Phew, sorry for the slow update! Too many things to do lately. It's TAENNIE moment in this chapter. Sorry for making Irene look bad. I'll try to make a Rosekook moment on the next chapter! Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote! Lots of love! xx

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