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"Thank you everyone who was invited and coming to the YONGs dinner party tonight. I really wish a happiness and joy to my guests. Actually, this party is for the 20years of this company has been existed and thanks to my late grandpa and my father who run the company well and was continuing by me until now. Enjoy the party tonight and forget your stress for a while. Sincerely, Min Yoongi, the CEO of the YONGs" as Yoongi ended his speech, he greet his guests and spotted his members. "CEO Yongsssss" Seokjin greet him jokingly while hugging him. "Congrats" he continue. "Thanks hyung" Yoongi replied with a smile. "Hyung, congrats!" Namjoon hug Yoongi, followed by Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. "Hyung, I hope your company will always success" Hoseok said while hugging him. "Well, enjoy the meal that had been serve and do not make a scene" Yoongi said jokingly. "Ah hyung. We already ate for how many times" Taehyung said while rubbing his stomach. "It's okay. Take your time. This party will not ended early" as Yoongi smirk. "Btw, where are your partners?" Yoongi asked. "Wanna meet them?" Jimin said."Sure. I need to know them, in case, I meet them outside, cheating on you guys secretly" he smile. As they make their way to the ladies table.

"Hi everyone, I'm Min Yoongi" Yoongi greet them. "Hi oppa" Jennie greet him and give him a kiss on a cheek. "Hi Jen, it's been a while. You look skinnier from the last time we met" Yoongi said jokingly. "I'm on my diet" she's grinning and look at Taehyung. "Really? Hi Potato." Yoongi greet Jisoo smilingly. All of them just laughs. "Don't ever call me that" Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Kidding. You look gorgeous today" Yoongi laughs. "She's always pretty" Seokjin interfere their conversation. Yoongi just shrugging. "Both of you must be Tzuyu and Yeri, right? I met both of you last time" He smile. "Yes oppa" Yeri and Tzuyu said in unison. As that moment Tzuyu and Yeri glared at each other. "Nice to meet both of you" Yoongi said, smilingly. "Me too" Yeri said while smiling. "Me too oppa" Tzuyu smiling. "And you? I've never seen you before?" Yoongi frowning his eyebrow. "Hi, Mr Min. I'm Rosie" as she giving him her best smile. (Fuck stop that you Rosie!) Jungkook said to himself.  "You must be Namjoon's dresser, right?" Yoongi said smilingly. "Yes, Mr Min. Nice to meet you" Rosie smile at him. "Nice to meet you too. We should meet often and—You are so pretty" Yoongi smile at Rosie. "Oppa, I will tell Heize Unni later" Jennie said jokingly. "Thanks god, Heize wasn't here" as he laughs. "We got so many witnesses, Hyung" Namjoon laughs. "Don't" Yoongi said jokingly. "I think I should go now. I need to talk to some of my important guests. Enjoy your day tonight" as Yoongi winked at them. "I'll my leave now. Bye ladies, see you guys soon"he continues. The ladies just waving at him.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies room first" Rosie stood up from her seat. "Alright, take your time" Jennie said smilingly. Rosie just smile. "Need me to accompany you?" Lisa asked. "It's okay, just continue on what you are doing" Rosie turn back as she replied to Lisa. Lisa just nodded. "Rosie! Where are you going?" Namjoon asked her. "Ladies room" Rosie smile and left. Namjoon just nodded. "Too concern uh?" Taehyung tease Namjoon. Namjoon just shaking his head. By the time, Jungkook stood up as he look Rosie make her way to the toilet. "What's wrong?" Hoseok shock on his behaviour. "I need to go to the toilet first" as he left them.

Jungkook look around to find Rosie as she already entered the toilet. So, he was decided to wait at the outside of the toilet. As Rosie exiting the toilet, he approached her immediately. "Rosie.." He block her way. "Oh my god!" she was surprise because Jungkook suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "I'm sorry for making you surprise." Jungkook said as he hold Rosie's shoulder. "What's wrong, Mr Jeon? Is there anything you need?" She asked nervously. "I'm um, I'm, are you free tomorrow?" He asked while his eyes scanning her face.

(Her lips is everything. This is how she looks in person. She— she is so pretty.) Jungkook suddenly smirk. "What's wrong?" she asked with her eyebrows frowned. "I'm um, I want to ask you something" He trying to find an excuses. "You can ask like, right now?" She laughs. "Really?" Jungkook smirk and move forward. Rosie shock at his sudden move and trying to hold on something. It is so quiet at that moment except the music can be heard. "I actually.." as he lean his face forwards and stare at Rosie's lips. Rosie just froze at that moment as she doesn't know how to react. "Want you.." Jungkook finish his words and smiling. Rosie push Jungkook away and clearing her throat. "You must be drunk" her voice suddenly change. "No, no I'm not" Jungkook stated. "Those who are drunks will say the same thing" Rosie put her hand on her waist. Jungkook just laughs at her behaviour. "You are really something. What did you do until make me like this, huh?" Jungkook asked her. "What do you mean?" Rosie said in confusion. "I'm crazy a about you!" Jungkook said from his smiling face to his serious face. Rosie was frozen, "You are crazy!" as she left the scene. "Rosie!" Jungkook shout out her name. "You will think I'm crazy this time! But I'm not! I will make you moan my name one fine day!" Jungkook scoffs.


BAAM!!!!!!!!! Short updates!!

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