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NJ Club

There are so much people enjoying their moment in the club. Rosie feel uncomfortable and want to go home but she can't. "Rosie, chill. Is this your first time?" Jennie asked. "Nah, I'm okay" Rosie awkwardly smile. "If you feel uncomfortable, we can go home?" Jungkook said worriedly. "No, it's okay. I can just sit here, you guys can enjoy yourself" she said. "Okay, I'm gonna go there..." as Jennie pointed at crowd. "Jungkook.." Jennie give a signal to Jungkook to take care of Rosie. Jungkook just winked. "Bye!" Jennie left.

"Rosie? You want to drink something?" he asked to make her feel better. "Em, can I get juice?" she said. "Okay, I'll order it for you" as Jungkook stand up and make his way to make an order. The place is so loud and people look like they are know how to enjoy. She sit there awkwardly and looking. Suddenly, there are several guys approaching her. "Hey, sexy" this deep voice guy sit beside her. The other one at her left. "Hey, you're alone?" said the second guy while playing with her hair. "Don't touch me" as she pissed the touch. "Wow, you're aggressive. We love aggressive woman" said the first guy and all of them laughing. The third guy pulling her hand and all of them bring her at the back of the club. "She's so light man" said the second guy. "As long as we can get what we want, I don't fucking care" the first guy while laughing.

They close Rosie's mouth with their hand. Rosie was shouting for help and a tears begin to fall. "Hey, hoe. Can you just calm fucking down!?" said the third guy. They bring her to the men toilet and things like that usually happened in the club, so people doesn't really care. "Help!" Rosie shouted but her mouth been covered by the third guy. "Shut up, baby girl. You'll be fine, if you are fucking listen to us!" as the second guy said while loosening his belt. "NO!" Rosie kick them off, trying to escape. "YOU HOE!!" the first guy pull her and slap her.


Jungkook bring the drinks and make his way to the table and found Rosie wasn't there. "Where did she go?" he talked to himself. He looking at the crowd but she's not there. His feeling feel uneasy and he started to looking around. His sweats begin to fall. "Hey, can I ask something? Did you see a girl with her hand blonde color and she's wearing a black dress?" he asking random people in the club, without a dots. "Uh no" said the guy. "I think I saw her" said his friend. "Where?" Jungkook impatiently asked. "In the restroom. I mean men restroom" he said while smirking. "What?! Thank you by the way!" as he's running toward the toilet. He immediately kick off the restroom door and searching for her. "Rosie! Are you here?!" he shouted. "mmmmmm!!" Jungkook heard a voice and kick off the last door in the toilet. There three guys that trying to make something to her.

Jungkook was shocked and immediately beat them up. Rosie was crying and fixing her clothes that has been ripped by them. Three of them running away from the restroom. Jungkook immediately run toward Rosie and hug her. He look at her clothes that had been ripped by them. Rosie was crying and hold Jungkook tightly. "Shhh, I'm sorry for leaving you. Don't cry, I'm here" he's trying to calm her down. "I i i, want t—to go home" her voice was cracked. "Okay, we go back now" as he hug her.


Jungkook's Car

"I'm sorry, Rosie" he apologised. "It's okay. It's not your fault" as she look at the window. "But I'm leaving you at the unfamiliar place for you" his eyes landed on Rosie who was sleeping. "You're sleeping? So fast" he said in the low voice. He stopped his car the side of the road and stare at her face for a moment.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" as hold her hand tightly. "I should listen to you for not going to the club" he look down and look back at Rosie. He's playing with her fingers. "You've got a tiny fingers" he's compare his fingers with her. Jungkook suddenly chuckled. He giving a kiss on Rosie's cheek and started to drive again, but the direction are going to his house not her.

No edited chapter, I bet there will be a grammatically errors in here. Btw, vote on my book! Thank you. Lots of love!! 💜💜

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