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"I told you I don't have any money!"
"Your daughter! Where's your daughter?! I know she had the money!!"
"Don't disturb her! You just go!!"
"I won't!!!!!"
Rosie's felt a sweat on her hands and her forehead. She hesitating to enter her house. Another day, another problems. Everyday she just feel the same. No changes. Rosie just stood in front of her door house. "There you are!" Her dad take a step towards her and pull her hair. "Give me the money!" her dad keep pulling her hair hardly. "It-s..hu—rt!" She doesn't want to cry this time, but her eyes can't say no to tears. Her face was red because of the hurts that she hold. Her mom keep  pulling her dad hand from her hair, but her mom doesn't have any strength to do so. "I-i don't have any—this time.." She lied. She need the money too, for her mother treatment. "You are lying!!" as her dad give her a big slap on her face and there's a blood running through her nose. "Rosieeee!!" her mom running towards her. Her dad open her bags and found some money in her bags and kneel down to Rosie. "YOU! UNGRATEFUL DAUGHTER! LYING TO YOUR PARENT!!!" Her dad give her another slap and push her back and make her moan a little because of the hurts. Her dad just laughs and left the house.

Her mom was crying so hardly "I'm so sorry. This is my fault" a same words come out from her mom mouth every time this thing happened. "No. This is our fate" She said, trying to get up but she fall down instead. "Are you okay? You can't get up.. Let me help you" her mom trying to balance her body and both of them make a way to Rosie's room. "Have a rest. I go get some cold towel.." and her mom left her. Rosie hold back her tears and feel a hurts at the back of her body. Finally, a tears fall down from her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked Rosie worriedly. "Yeah. Just.." she said while busying herself on choosing Namjoon's clothes. "But you look....terrible" Namjoon looked at her back. "Yeah, don't worry about me" She sighs. "You sure? Let's go to the hospital" Namjoon asked her and standing beside her. "No no. I'm okay. Oh ya. Speaking of hospital, can I get your permission?" she looked at Namjoon. Namjoon look at her bruises. Her foundation didn't do well this time. It didn't covered up her bruises. Namjoon look at her neck there's a dry blood behind her ear. Rosie was looking at him, waiting for the answer. "Oppa? Did you hear me?" as she waved her hand in front of Namjoon face. "Sorry, you said what just now?" he asked. "I need to accompany my mom tomorrow. She got an appointment with a doctor.. So.." She was cut off by Namjoon. "Just go. You can just prepare my clothes for tomorrow today.." Namjoon give her a permission. "Really? Thanks!" she smiled at Namjoon and turned her back and set up his clothes.

Only BTS
"It's been a while!!" Jimin yelled. "Can you just shut the fuck up?" Yoongi glared at him. "Ops, sorry!" Jimin laughs. "Where's everyone?" Taehyung asked, looking around. "Still not arrived. Btw, how's your relationship with Jennie?" Jimin patting Taehyung's shoulder. "Hmmm. I was caught in a lie" Taehyung sighs. "What did you do this time, young boy?" Yoongi asked as he stared at Taehyung. "I-i was hanging out with Joy last time" Taehyung said while looking at his glass. "Serve you right then.." Yoongi look away and open the TV. "No, hyung. It's just, you know, we are having a normal conversation but she's got a wrong thought.." Taehyung explained. "Taehyung-ah. You didn't understand women.." Jimin said to him.

"True" Namjoon popped out from nowhere. "Since when?" Jimin asked. "Just now.." He said while opening the refrigerator to find a drinks. "Where's everyone?" Namjoon asked. "I don't know.." Jimin replied. "I'm here" Jungkook took a step lazily. "What's up, our international playboy?" Namjoon asked and smile. "Geez.." Jungkook just take a seat on the couch. "You look tired.." Taehyung asked Jungkook. "Yeah, got a new project today.." he replied with his eyes closed. "I heard you are targeting on someone this time? Is it true?" Yoongi asked Jungkook while watching the TV. Jungkook open his eyes and glared at Jimin. "You know, I'm so excited about things, especially about you.." Jimin stated and took a seat beside Yoongi. "Who's the girl?" Namjoon asked Jungkook. Jungkook just heavily sighs. "Tell us.." Taehyung said and take a seat beside Namjoon.

"Her name is Rosie" Jungkook said slowly. "And?" Taehyung asked impatiently. "Rosie?" Namjoon asked with his eyebrows frowned. "Yeah. You know her?" Jungkook asked Namjoon with his eyes widen. "I knew someone named Rosie too.." Namjoon replied calmly. "I hope our Rosie is not the same.." Jungkook stated. "Continue!!" Jimin said. "As I said, I met her on Jimin's place last time at the party.."Jungkook said and continue "I found her something. And I want to try her. But she's rejecting my date!" Jungkook said in frustration. Taehyung and Jimin laughs. "Wow, this is a first time, JK" Yoongi said while stared at him smiling. "I kNOw RigHT?!" He replied to Yoongi in disbelief. "She must be special.." Namjoon said.

"Joon, how about your dresser?" Yoongi asked. "Is she okay?" He continued. "My problem aren't solve yet!!" Jungkook said, stressing out with his hyungs behaviour. "That, you can talk to Jimin and Taehyung later" Yoongi said, doesn't look care. "She's okay. But something happened to her today" Namjoon said while taking a sip on his drink. "What's wrong with her?" Jimin turn around to look at Namjoon. "She got all bruises over her face. I think someone had beat her" Namjoon said in a serious tone. "For real?" Taehyung asked in shocked, same goes to the rest. "You are not asking what happened to her?" Jungkook asked. "She's a mysterious woman. She wouldn't tell me her problem.." Namjoon said while looking at Jungkook. "She got a blood too at the back of her ears" Namjoon continued. "That's bad.." Taehyung replied with a concern in his face. "But I didn't dare to ask anything.. She might resign from her work" Namjoon said. "Try to check on her background then" Jungkook stated. "Why I didn't even think about that?" Namjoon give a shock expression. "You're smart, JK" Namjoon pat on his head. "Well-"Jungkook was cut off by Yoongi. "You didn't bring her to the hospital?" Yoongi asked. "She refused.." Namjoon replied to Yoongi. "You should keep an eyes on her" Yoongi said with a serious face. "I should next time.." Namjoon nodded. "I want to meet her" Jimin said with interesting face he put on. "Maybe someday.." Namjoon just smile.


BAAM! hehe goodnight!! 💜💜

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