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Jungkook's mansion

Jungkook look at himself for the last time

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Jungkook look at himself for the last time. He's checking his suit and bowtie and arranged it properly again for the how many times already. He talk to himself in front of the mirror. "Okay, JK. You can do this. You always did this. Don't be too nervous. Don't be.." as he let out a small breathe from his mouth. "Okay, I should go. For real, this time" as he took his watch and put it while he's walking to the downstairs.

"Evening Mr Jeon. You look, amazing" his maid said. "Thank you, honey. Mrs Song, I'll be late today. So, you can sleep early today. Take a rest." as he hug his maid. Jungkook really taking care of Mrs Song which is his the only maid that working in his house for a long time ago that he thought of her as his second mother. "Okay, Mr Jeon. Take care. Hoping everything will be alright" as she smile at Jungkook. "Thank you. I'm going" he left the house in rushing.


Rosie's Crib

Rosie's phone was ringing. Jungkook's name was on the screen. She immediately answered the call. "Hello?" she speaks. "Rosie. I'm on my way. Are you done?" he asked. "Yeah" she said while putting a lipstick on. "Okay, see you" he chuckles on the other line and hang up. "ok—" Rosie look at her phone screen and didn't mind and continues on what she was doing before Jungkook arrive. "Done" as she smiling at the mirror. She exit her bedroom and looking for her mom.

"Mom, I'm going out. If there's anything happen, call me okay?" she said while putting her phone in her bag. Her mom comes out from the kitchen and give a look to her. "What?" Rosie trying to control her expression. "Who's the guy? I hope he's treating you well, my daughter" as her mom hug her. "I'll introduce him to you later okay. We are just friends instead" she said and stare at her mom's face. "I know. But, make sure take care of yourself okay" her mom smile. "Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself" she said smilingly. "Rosie, remember, you are sick" as her mom mentioning her disease, she's trying to change the topic. "I'm going. He's here. Bye, love you" she kiss her mom's cheek and left the house. Her mom just shaking her head and close the door.


Jungkook stopped his car at the playground of Rosie's neighbourhood. He's dialling Rosie's number. As she answered, "I'm on my way" and hang up. Jungkook chuckles at her behaviour. "She's too cute to handle" as he looking around, looking for her. For a few minutes, there she is. Walking to his car slowly and looking down. He can look her cheeks was up and down because of she was smiling. Jungkook enjoy the moment for a while, looking at her from a far. "How can someone can be so stunningly?" he thought to himself. He's awe at her outfit. Her body line, her legs, her hair, her skin so attractive. All of it.

Jungkook immediately go out from his car to open the car door for her

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Jungkook immediately go out from his car to open the car door for her. As she closer, she giving him a killer smile that she's the only one who own it. "Hey" she greets him shyly. "Hi" Jungkook replied. There was a hanging conversation for a while happen. "You are so pretty, today" Jungkook stare at her while smirking. "Thanks. You too. You look, formal?" she laughs. "Am I?" as he checking out his outfit. "Nah, but its look good on you. Never see you wearing these kind of outfit" she said. "Thanks, Rosie. Come in" he offer her. "Thanks" she said while entered the car. Jungkook close the door and entered the driving seat. "Ready?" he asked her. "What?" she laughs. "We are going now. So, are you ready?" he asked her while chuckling. "Of course" as she stare at him. Jungkook smile and start to drive the car.

While in the car, the was a dead silence. Both of them didn't dare to open their mouth because it is too shy. "Erm, so. Where did you bring me?" Rosie asked him. "It's a secret. You'll see yourself. For sure, we are having a dinner" he said and look at her for a while. "Okay" she said and look at the outside. "Should we introduce ourselves properly?" Jungkook said suddenly while his eyes focusing on the road. "What do you mean?" Rosie frowns her eyebrows. "You know, we didn't introduced ourselves properly last time. While we are hanging out right now, we should know about each other, even a little" he said while shrugging. Rosie was silence for a moment. Jungkook take a look at her because there's no response from her.

"Hey, did you hear me?" he said it softly. "Ah, yeah yeah. You start it first then" she said. "Ladies first" Jungkook chuckles. "There's no interesting about me" she said, faking her laughs. Jungkook look at her for a moment. "Hey look at the road" she warned him. "Rosie, my name is Jeon Jungkook. I'm the son of The JNS Co. I have a brother, his name is Jeon Jungyoon. My mother's, Jeon Soyeon and my father is Jeon Janghoon. I'm the youngest. We live separately. I'm 24, was born at Gangnam. My favourite food is Kimchi stew. My favourite drink is anything. My favourite colors is red and black. I loves cat and dog. I have a dog named Yun but he's died. So what about you?" He said without a dots.

"Wow, you are coming from a good background. Nah, my family just a small family. I just have my mom. My father..." she stop for a while and continues "died. My mom didn't work. I work for her. She's sick. I need a money for her treatment. I'm 24 too was born at Ilsan. That's all." she look at Jungkook, waiting for his reaction. "That's all? Your favourite colors, foods, drinks? Sorry for asking, what the reason your father's death?" as he look at her and the car stop because of the red light. "I loves baby pink. My favourite foods is chicken and my favourite drinks is lemon juice. He died because, he was involved in the car accident. Nah, that's old" she stare at Jungkook that who already stare at her. "Why you looking at me like that?" she asked and laughs.

"You are so pretty today and I can not to look" he's being honest and his eyes widen from what he said. Rosie just laughs and smile. "Thanks" and look at Jungkook deeply. Jungkook can't take his eyes off from her and look at her back. Suddenly, there's a hon from the back from their car. The light is already green and Jungkook immediately drive his car back. Both of them laughs for what just happened. "Seriously, Rosie. You are really pretty today." he said it again. "Jungkook, you know what? You said it for a many times and I'm sick" she laughs again. "I'm sorry" he laughs too. "We will arrive for a few minutes" he said and smile. Rosie just nodded.


Hi. I'm back! Sorry for the long update. I'm so busy. So, I have my free time today. This story has not been edited. I'm directly wrote it and tada! So, if there's any grammatical issues, I'm so sorry! Don't forget to vote! Lots of love!! 💜💜

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