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"Today was fun! Thank you for the invitation ehe" she chuckles shyly. "It's lovely to hanging out with you. Will do next time?" Jungkook said while smirking. "Um, sure why not" Rosie awkwardly laugh. "Thanks for the ride. You can drop me off here" she pointed at the playground. "Here? Are you sure? It's dark, Rosie. You can get any harm. Let me send you in front of your house" Jungkook worriedly said. " No no no. Just, here. Okay? I'll be fine. I'm used to this. Don't worry. Hurry up, stop here!" as she patting Jungkook's arm endlessly. "No!" Jungkook looking around. "It's dark outside, Rosie" he continues as he stare at her. "I'll be fine!" she's trying to stop him from driving. "Noooo, Rosie! I shoul—" Jungkook's eyes widen as Rosie put her lips to his.

Jungkook immediately stop his car and try to kiss her back. She's trying to pull away but Jungkook deepen the kiss. He's didn't expect that she's replying his kiss. Both of them kissing for a few minutes until Rosie pull it away. Both of them just stay silent for a moment. "I'll send you here, then" as he look away. Rosie just nodded. "Thank..you for today. I had fun" she awkwardly said. Jungkook stare at her for a while. "What's wrong?" she bravely asked. "Nothing. You just, a disbelief creature" he shyly laughs. Rosie laughs too and cover up her face. "Nonsense!" she said. "For real. I really mean it, Rosie" his voice suddenly slow. Rosie put her hand off and shock that Jungkook's face just a few inches from her.

"I think, I'm in love with you" his words make she shock as she widen her eyes. "Wh—at?" she's shuttering. "Really. I mean it." Jungkook stare at her eyes and giving a kiss on her cheek. Rosie stay silence for what just happened. "I think, I should go now. Thanks" she's rushing exiting the car. "Rosie! Rosie!" he yelling her name but she didn't turn around. "Fuck, did I just confessing my feelings to her?!" as he put his hand on his face to cover it from embarrassment. "Oh my god!!" he laughs at himself for what he was doing just now. "Yah, Jeon Jungkook! Did you really fall in love with her?" he asked himself and shaking his head slowly. "You're dead crazy!" he murmured and trying to look at Rosie at outside, but she's already gone. "So fast?" he chuckles. And he left the neighbourhood with his smiling face.

🌹Rosie's House

"Mom, I found our new house to live" she standing behind her mom. "Where?" her mom turn around quickly. "Near from here" she stated with her serious face. Her mom look down with a worry face. "Mom, this is for our good. I don't want you to be abuse by him, I mean us. I really can't" she hugs her mom, holding back her tears. Her mom nodded slowly. "Anything for us" her mom wiping her tears away. "Don't cry. We'll be fine." she touching her mom's cheek caressing it with gently. "I'm going. Just pack your things. We will move out from this house this weekend" she hug her mom again. "Okay, take care" her mom weakly smile at Rosie. "Bye! If there's anything, call me as soon as possible!" she left the house.

🌹Namjoon's House

"Sorry, I'm late—" she stopped as she see someone she knew in Namjoon's house. The guy look at her at shock. "Rosie?" he laughs. "You know her, dude?" Namjoon asked the guy. "Of course! Previously she work at the cafe. What are you doing here, Rosie?" the guy asked her. "Junhoe?" she slowly take a step forward. "I'm working here, right now." she said with her smile. "Oppa, do you know him?" she asked Namjoon. "Oh, he's my business partner" he smile. "Yeah, we are working together." Junhoe laughs. "Oh, I see. I take a leave then? Continue to what you guys doing just now. Sorry" she awkwardly smile. "Are you working as his secretary?" Junhoe asked her. "Ahh—" she look at Namjoon as Namjoon look at her too. "No dude. She works as my personal assistant" he awkwardly laughs. Rosie glare at Namjoon didn't believe from what she heard but she slowly nodded. "Oh. Wow hahaha. Lucky you" Junhoe laughs and patting Namjoon arm. "I'm going for now. For real" she left quickly from the living room to upstairs.

Junhoe's eyebrow frowns. "Let's us continue, shall we?" he said to Namjoon. "Sure. Btw, you knew her from where she's working at the cafe right?" Namjoon suddenly asked him. "Yeah. Why?" Junhoe suddenly feeling nervous. "Did you know her family members or where her house is?" he asked Junhoe with his serious face. "I think she's the only child. Her house? She never mentioned it before. What's wrong? Is there something wrong with her, Joon?" Junhoe asked worriedly. "I can't find where her house is. She's so mysterious" He replied with concern. "Oh, wow that's....mystery" Junhoe laughs. "I know right?" he replied. "Leave about that. Shall we continue our discussion?" he continue and look at Junhoe as he nodded.


Jungkook took his phone beside his bed. He was searching Jimin's number in his phone. Shortie Jimin. He sending a message to him.

JK : Hyung
Shortie Jimin : What
JK : I have something to say
Shortie Jimin : suddenly? what's that
JK : hmm did I make a right move?
Shortie Jimin : what do you mean?
JK : I kissed her
Shortie Jimin : Jesus. WHO?!!
JK : promise me, you won't tell anybody about this!!
Shortie Jimin : trust me
JK : you always broke your promises!!
Shortie Jimin : for this time, I won't😏
JK : promise?
Shortie Jimin : Promise!
Shortie Jimin : RELAX Jungkook hahaha
JK : I kissed Rosie last night
Shortie Jimin : YOU KIsssed whOoooo?!!!!!!
JK : Rosie
Shortie Jimin : oh wOw. that's fast
JK : but it gives me a worry
Shortie Jimin : what's wrong?
JK : i think, I'm in love with her
Shortie Jimin : Jungkooka, it's okay to be in love. You don't have to worry about that! Or you are worrying about your pride as a playboy huh?
JK : hmm
Shortie Jimin : Let us talk in face to face. I'll give you an advice. You're on?
JK : On! Alright! See you at out usual place?
Shortie Jimin : NICE


Hi i'm back! Sorry for not updating! I'm really busy for the past these weeks! Short update from me. I'll try my best to take my free time to write this book okay. Lots of love💜💜

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