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The YONGs Party

Everyone was enjoying their night at the moment. Jennie and Taehyung were making out same goes to Jisoo and Seokjin, Hoseok, Jimin, Yeri and Lisa was dancing together, Namjoon was drunk and dancing on the crowd, Tzuyu was nowhere to be found, Jungkook drinking at the counter of the bar watching the crowd, and there's Rosie, sitting on the couch alone, feeling bored as hell.

"You're alone?" a voice greet Rosie from her wonderland. She turn her back and smile, "June? Take a seat." June took a seat in front of Rosie, "Where's your friend?" he asked worriedly. Rosie just laughs, "He's been drunk and it's so funny to see" as she cover her mouth. June just smirk at her words. "Don't worry, I'll be accompanying you tonight" as he winked to her. Rose feel her cheeks getting red. "Nah, are you sure?" as she stare at June. "Yeah, you need something to eat?" he look on the table, Rosie took 3 glass of lemon juices while enjoying the moment. "You want some juice or other drinks? I think, you should drink some wine or whiskey?" he continued. "Nah, it's okay. I don't drink alcohol" she refused. "Just drink a little bit. Come on. Enjoy the night, Rosie" June convince her. She think it deeply. But it's true, she never start drinking again after she broke up with her ex, a few years ago. "I'll try" she laughs. "I'll go get it" June smile and left for drinks.


Jungkook already took more than 5 glass of whiskey and he can feel the heat in his body. The world around him spinning a bit and he don't think he already drunk and decided to drink again. As he look his left side, there was Rosie, talking to a stranger— a man should be say. He frowned his eyebrow and took a death glance towards the man. As the man left, he make his way to Rosie's table even though his walked are unbalance. He immediately sit in front of Rosie and stare at her for a moment. "Are you okay, Mr Jeon?" she asked in concern. "Rosie.." he murmured. "Yes?" she replied. "Nothing.." he laughs and smile. Rosie just nodded. Both of them just sit silently without one of them start the conversation.

"Here's your drin—" June said and realised there was someone joining the table. "Mr Jeon Jungkook" Rosie said as she can read June's face expression. "Oh.." he said, take a seat beside Rosie. "Is this you friend?" June asked, feeling competitive. Jungkook glare at both of them, in deep down, he feel so jealous and want to bring Rosie run away from there. "Nah. No, he's a friend of mine too" she replied. "What's your name?" Jungkook asked coldly. "Junhoe. Goo Junhoe" he replied calmly. "Oh.. Your boyfriend, Rosie?" he worried about her answer. "Hah? Nor" she replied while laughing. June just stare at her and glare at Jungkook. Jungkook just smirk at her answer.

"You wanna join us, bro?" June asked Jungkook. "Sure, if you're allowing me" Jungkook rearrange his seat to sit comfortably. "Here, Rosie." June give her a glass of whiskey. "Thanks, June" she smile and drink a whole of it. She admit that, she can't drink but she need to act cool in front of two men. Her face expression change and she feel her whole world were spinning. "Are you okay?" June asked in concern. "Yeah" as she patting on June's thigh. June was frozen because of her action. Jungkook feel his heart was explode at the moment and drink the whole of his drinks. "I need to go to the restroom" Rosie said, trying to balancing her body. June hold her hand for help "You need me to accompany you?" he asked. "Nah, I can" she laughs and left.

And there was June and Jungkook left there. "I need to go to the restroom too" Jungkook stood up and June just nodded. He trying to follow Rosie and he catch her hand and took her away from where they are. Jungkook bring her to the back of the yard where there's no one there. "What?" Rosie said while laughing. "I can't stand of you" Jungkook said while holding her wrist. "Let me go" she said, smilingly. Jungkook push her to the wall and hold on her wrist tight. "It's hurt, Kookie" she said and that word suddenly make Jungkook stop on his action. "Kookie?" he smirk. "I love that" he smile and look at her lips. "You like that?" Rosie laughs. Suddenly, Jungkook kiss her slowly and finally he can taste of her lips. Good news for him, Rosie was kissing him back. He was shock during their kiss.

Rosie put her arms on Jungkook's neck trying to deepen the kiss as Jungkook put his hand on her waist. Slowly Jungkook put his hand on her skirt and touch her butt. Rosie put her legs between Jungkook's waist and he lean Rosie on the wall for a better secure. Their kissing turn into passionately and both of them doesn't know when they will stop. Jungkook make his lips turn to her jaw and down to her neck that make her moan a little. "I'm—" she moan. Jungkook feels so good to hear her honey voice moan on his ears. Jungkook go up again to her lips and said "Say my name" between their kiss. "Kook—kookie" she moan slowly that make Jungkook turn on. That night, only both of them knows what happen between them.


Hi! Sorry for the late update! I'm so sorry! 😭😭 But at least I try, right? Hehe. Sorry for the short update. Finally there was a moment between Rosie and Jungkook!! Hehe. Did you guys already saw PERSONA CONCEPT PHOTO?! All of them are so good looking!!😭😭😭 Waiting for BLACKPINK's teaser right now. Wishing the teaser will come out tomorrow!! Bye! Lots of love. Don't forget to vote! Mwah💋

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