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Han River
"Hyung" Jimin look at Jungkook's worried face. "What? Give me a sec. I need some fresh air. I'm not seating yet, you hoe" Jimin laughs betweeen the sentences. Jungkook just stay silence and look at the river. "Geez! Kidding! What's the matter?" Jimin stare at Jungkook's side profile.

"I'm in love" as Jungkook just look in front. He didn't have a courage to look back at Jimin. "With who? Tzuyu? ShinB? Hani? Or—" Jimin was cut off by Jungkook. "Hyung!" as he look give a serious glare to Jimin. "Or Rosie?" Jimin smirk at the name. Jungkook widen his eyes just then he looking down. "Rosie, isn't?" Jimin sighs. Jungkook just nodded and hummed. "I knew it" Jimin smile. "You knew? oh—what?!" Jungkook frowns his eyebrows. "You are falling in love with her" Jimin smile at him.

"How it can be, Jungkooka?" Jimin asked him as he stared at him, waiting for his answer. "I don't know, hyung. It was suddenly growing inside my heart. And, I can't control it" he uncertainty finish his sentences. Jimin sighs again. "Did you do anything with her? I mean, holding hand or whatever is it" Jimin look at Jungkook, waiting for the answer. "I kissed her, twice" he smile. "You what?! Twice!? Oh wow. That was, fast" Jimin chuckles. "I know right. But, both of us didn't say anything about that. That gave me worries" Jungkook sighs. "My lil bro, just confess your feelings" Jimin patting his back slowly. "Are you crazy? Namjoon hyung will kill me" he shock at Jimin sudden words. "Namjoong hyung we can settle it later. The important is your feelings" as Jimin pointed at his chest. "Don't lose this chance. You lose it twice before" Jimin giving him a warm smile. "Should I?" Jungkook look at Jimin for a minutes. Jimin nodded and smile. "I'll give a try. Thanks, hyung" as he hug Jimin. "You are welcome, my lil bro."


Rosie woke up because her phone was ringing. Her eyes open slowly and she make a little bit stretching. She immediately answered the call without looking at the name. "Hm?" she's humming by her morning voice. "Rosie? Did I woke you up?" a guy's voice can be heard from the other line. "Uh? Who's this?" she's brushing her eyes slowly. "This is Jungkook. Sorry for disturbing your sleep" he chuckles at the other line. "Oh. It's okay. What do you want, at this—" she look at the watch, it's 7am in the morning. "early in the morning?" she continues. He laughs, "actually, I want to bring you to dinner, tonight?" he slowly said it. "A dinner?" she's pretending to be shock. "yeah?" he's waiting for the answer. "Yah, Kookie. Are you kidding me? You are calling me just now, to said that? A dinner?" she laughs.

"Yea—p? What's wrong with that?" he's confused. "Kookie ya, you can ask me that at noon, maybe or what. Why should early in the morning?" Rosie laughs in disbelief. "I'm sorry about that. But, I might scared that I will forget about this invitation. So, since I was woke up early and thought about that, I should called you immediately, aha." he awkwardly laughs. "It's tonight, right?" she asked again. "Yes" he's clearing his throat. "Sure. Why not" she chuckles. Jungkook let out his relief sighs. "Thanks god, you accept that. So, see you tonight? Dress well" he said. "Are we going somewhere that out of the town or what?" she said it jokingly. "Noooo. I mean, not too far. But, just dress well" he said. " Okay. Well, see you tonight?" she asked. "Okay. See you tonight, Rosie" he laughs. Rosie immediately hang up their call and lying at her bed again and sleep.


Jungkook immediately open his wardrobe and try to find his suits. "Which one I should wear? Or should I buy a new one?" he stare at his wardrobe for a moment. "I should buy a new one then" he close it and reach his car key and drive to the mall. He look at his watch it's 830 am so he thought that the mall not open yet so he decided to take a breakfast first. He stop at his usual place, Hi-Break Cafe.

He order his usual menu and starting to play with his phone. He stalking Rosie's SNS and can't stop from smiling. "I can wait to see you tonight. To tell you everything" he said to himself. After he took his breakfast, he make his way to the mall. He enter the mall and go to his usual shop that he always did his suits. "Good morning. Welco— Mr Jeon! It's been a while! What make you here today?" Mr Han, the owner of the shop welcoming him. "Hi Mr Han. Actually, I want a new suit for tonight." he looking around. "Tonight. For sure! What kind of theme you will attend tonight, my son?" Mr Han give him a smile. "A date" he shyly smile. "Oh wow. A date? That's romantic. Who's that lucky girl?" Mr Han smirk while looking at him.

Jungkook touch at the back of his neck shyly. "A secret" Jungkook tease him. Mr Han pat on Jungkook's shoulder lightly and laughs. "Okay, I'll give a black satin. This suits you." as he put the suit in-front of Jungkook. "I'll take this, then" Jungkook immediately agreed. "What a desperate man!" Mr Han laughs. "I just can't wait, Mr Han." he said while following Mr Han to the counter and paid for the suit. "Good luck for you. I hope everything went well." Mr Han said smilingly. "Thanks, Mr Han. See you again" Jungkook bid a good bye to him. He exit the mall and put the paper bag to the passenger seat. He look at the paper bag and smile as he drive back to his home.


Hi! I'm sorry for not updating after a while. I was so busy with my assignments and others. I'll try my best to update often! Don't forget to vote!! Lots of love!! 💜💜

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