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L streets

Jungkook looking around trying to search someone he really want to meet. There's no sign of her shadow at the place. He make his way to the park nearby and sit there with hopeless. He suddenly heard a voice chuckling nearing from him. He slowly stand up and silently take a look at it. A blonde hair girl sitting there with a guy but the guy left her after that. "Ro—sie?" Jungkook murmured to himself.

He make his way to the girl. "Rosie? Is that you?" Jungkook said in a slow voice. The girl slowly turn her back and face him. It showing a shock expression for both on the face. "Jungkook?" Rosie shock at the moment and doesn't know what to do. "Rosie!" Jungkook rush to her and hug her. "Rosie! Where have you been? I missed you!" as he put his head on her shoulder and he missed her smells so badly. Jungkook doesn't know why, but his eyes started to tearing and he's hugging her tightly.

"Jungkook, how did you know I'm here?" Rosie said it nervously. "Don't ask me that. For now, I really miss you, so damn much. Don't let go of me. And please, don't leave again, anymore." Jungkook said it with his shaking voice. Rosie wanted to cry but she hold the tears back. "What do you mean?" Rosie asked him for explanation. Jungkook let go of the hug and stare at her face. She look so pale and there's a eyebag under her eyes. He look at her hand, there are bruises and a fresh blood at her cloth. "Are you okay? Are you sick? Tell me. I'm worried!" Jungkook hold her hand tight.

Rosie look at his face and started to teary. "I'm fine, Kookie. I just don't feel well. I'm—" Jungkook put his finger on her lips. "Stop. I'm so happy that I can meet you now. Let's go home" Jungkook convince her. "No. I won't going back." she looking down at the floor. "Not at your place. But at my place" Jungkook said while wiping her tears. "Don't worry. Let's go" he continues. "But, Junhoe—" Rosie was cut off by Jungkook. "Let him here. Please, go with me?" Jungkook said while giving her a smile. Rosie stare at his face and smiling. "Okay" while she's nodding.

Jungkook place

"There's no one here. Do whatever you want. I'm searching for your clothes. Wait here" Jungkook said while going upstairs. Rosie just nodded. Rosie look around at his place and amazed by the design. "He's so detailed. No wonder why he look neat and clean" she's chuckling. And there's one photo caught her eyes.

"Wow, we had a similar childhood picture

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"Wow, we had a similar childhood picture. He look really cute here" as Rosie put the frame back. "Hey! What are you doing?" Rosie shock at the voice that disturb her. Rosie turn her back and see Jungkook bring a dress for her. "I just had this in my place. Wear this for a moment, we will go shopping after this." as he pass her a dress. "It's okay. I will going back after this. Don't push yourself, Kookie. I'm sorry if i'm—" She was cut off by him. "What do you mean? I really sincere. Don't ever brag it out again. Now, go change" Jungkook said while staring at her face. "O—okay" she replied and feel a little bit guilty because of her saying just now.

 Rosie going out from room and searching for Jungkook

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Rosie going out from room and searching for Jungkook. She smell a food and found him at the kitchen. "Hi, what are you making?" Rosie asked him. Jungkook turn his back and look at her. She really look good on that dress. Her pale skin stand out and her blonde hair pull it off. He chose the right dress and thanks god he didn't give the dress to his ex last time. "You look beautiful. That dress really good on you" Jungkook said it while smiling. He can't take his eyes from her. "Thanks, I'll give it back to you" she said while making her way to Jungkook. "No, I give it to you. Take it" he said while cutting a bread. "No, this is might be your girlfriend's. I won't take it" she said while staring at the food.

"I don't have one" he said while making the scrambled eggs. "Really?" Rosie said while laughing. "What? Are you really laughing at me? This is so wrong" He joked. "What? I thought you have one?" Rosie said while looking at him. Jungkook stop from what he was doing and stare at her face. It was an awkward silence for a moment. Suddenly, Jungkook slowly make his way to her and push her against the wall. He put his hand on the wall while staring at her lips. "Jung..Kook. What are you doing?" Rosie's heart starting to beat faster. "I'm waiting for that girl that never notice my attention. I'm waiting for that girl to notice that i'm giving her my love. But, she never notice all of that. And now, maybe this is my chance. To confess all of it. And now, you stay still. Don't move" he finally said it and starting to kiss her lips but Rosie stop him.

"Wait! What? I don't get it." Rosie push him slowly. "I said, don't move" Jungkook hold her hand and starting to kiss her slowly and passionately. Rosie can feel the taste and feel that Jungkook trying to confess to her in the kiss but she's confuse. But, she's kissing him back that make him shock. Jungkook slowly put his hand to her waist and Jungkook explore all the taste in her lips. She doesn't stop him for doing what he was doing. Jungkook lips slowly go down to her jawline and her neck. Rosie starting to moan a little that make Jungkook turn to her lips. He can't listen to Rosie's moan because he scared that he might be doing more than that.

Jungkook start to open his cloth and continue to kiss her again. He put Rosie hair at back and kiss her neck and left a mark on there. "Mine" he  chuckling and continues. He put her on the desk near them, and kiss her aggressively. She started to moan and he can't hold it back again. He take off her cloth slowly and her bra show up. He stare at the view for a moment and Rosie pull his head up and kiss him. "I love you" Jungkook said between the kiss. Rosie suddenly stop after she heard it. "For real?" Rosie asked him. "Yeah, I liked you since the first day I met you. But you didn't realise about that" He said while staring at her hazelnut eyes. He touch her cheek and kiss it. Rosie smile and kiss his forehead. "I love you too, but I always denied this feelings." Rosie said that make Jungkook smile. "You're mine now" he said while kissing her chest playfully. "Stop, it's tickling me!" Rosie laugh. "Oh you're sensitive huh?" Jungkook laugh. "I'm hungry" Rosie said while pouting. "Oh, I almost forgot!" Jungkook suddenly let go from her body and rushingly go to the kitchen. "Oh no! It's burn!" Jungkook said while showing the scramble eggs to Rosie. Both of them laughing so hard.


Hi! Good news! I'm updating. Hehe. Sorry for making you guys wait for so long. Because I just back from my trip with my classmates. My back and feet hurts so much😭😭 But i'm fine now! Please vote on this chapter. Finally we have a Rosekook moment! Yihi. Lots of love!!💜💜

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