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Rosie standing in front of her gate at her house. She saw the door was slightly open and her heart beating so fast. She slowly take a step to enter her house. "Mom?" she called her mom slowly. "Mom? Mom? Where are you?" she's calling again this time but there's no sign of her mom answered. She feel so uneasy and starting to find her mom at the room to the kitchen. "MOM!" she shouted and her eyes starting to feel wet. "Rosie? My love?" her mom was walking out from the toilet. "Ugh! Mom!" she's running to her mom and hugged her tightly. "I thought you wasn't here. I'm scared" she said but her voice seem shaking. "I'm here my love. Are you okay?" as her mom let go of their hug.

"Oh my, you look pale. Are you okay?" her mom rubbing her cheek. "I'm okay, Mom. Don't worry" as she's nodding her head. "I'm so glad that you are home" her mom smile, trying to hold back her tears. Rosie just smile. "Is he here? I mean, dad?" she started to worry. "He haven't been here a few weeks" her mom replied. "Oh, thanks god" Rose feel an ease in her chest. "Have you eaten?" her mom asked. "And, who's sending you home?" her mom continues. "I'm going back by myself. I'm hungry heee" she lies and smiling. "I made a kimchi stew.." her mom smile and shrugged. "Oh god! That is so good! Btw, I, I have something to say to you" Rosie said while looking down. "What it is?" her mom seem concern to know. "Later, after we eat" she replied. "And, now I'm hungry~" she hug her mom's arm tightly. Her mom just laughs, "You are so clingy" as her mom rub her head.

Jungkook's mansion

"Ah, I missed her already!" as he lean on the sofa. He look around, so quiet. "Ughh~" he sighs. He called Jimin. "Diminie, where are you?" he asked playfully. "Yah! Where's your manner? I'm outside. Why?" He laughs then. Jungkook laughs too and replied "I'm bored. Let's hang out." "Sure, where?" Jimin asked. "At our usual place. I'll call Taehyung" Jungkook said. "Call!" Jimin replied. "Call!" as Jungkook replied too. "See you later" he continues. Jimin just humming and end the call. Jungkook immediately getting up from the sofa to change his cloth.

CT Bar

"Ohhhhh~ It's been awhile, Jungkook-ah~" Jimin tease him. "You are fucking late" Taehyung said to him. "I'm sorry" he chuckles. "What are you up to lately?" Jimin asked. "Just fine. I'm looking fine right" he's blushing. "Oh? You're blushing man. Is there something good happened to you lately?" Taehyung tease him by making an annoying voice. Jimin laughing at Taehyung behaviour. "No, nothing happens" Jungkook trying to hide his smile but he failed. "You are so bad at lying dude!" Jimin push his shoulder and laughs. "We already knew about that" Taehyung said while taking a sip of drinks. "What did you guys heard, huh? Don't tell me..Who spilled the tea?" Jungkook looking at them with questioning looks. "Yah, who didn't know you? We've known you since you are from zero to hero!" Jimin laughs. "Who said it?" Jungkook still questioning them. "Hey, relax. We've been knew that you are falling in love with Rosie. We can see that buddy" Taehyung said and sip his drink.

"Am I too obvious?" Jungkook face seem unsure. "Yeah man. Here, we will pay for your drink to celebrate that you are not available anymore" Jimin winked at Jungkook. Jungkook just smiling and drink a bottle of soju in one go. Taehyung and Jimin just cheering on Jungkook while he was drinking. "Jungkook the ace, here you go. Another drinks for you" Taehyung offers him. Jungkook just took it and drink it immediately. They drink until three of them heavily drunk and passed out.

The next day

Jungkook open his eyes slowly and his eyes hurt because of the lighting. He was on the bed without any single clothes on him. He look around and there is someone beside him. He rubs his eyes slowly, "Rosie?" he said and smiling. The person beside him was move her head a little. He feel his head so heavy because he drink too much last night. "Hey, Rosie. Wake up" he said while smiling. The girl beside him finally face him and Jungkook so shock at the person beside him. "Who the hell are you!!?" he yell and push her. "Oppa!" the girl yell back at him. "Why did you do to me like this?" the girl slowly crawling to the bed. "What are you doing here!? What, what are you doing to me!!?" Jungkook voice seem angry of what happened to him just now. "Oh my god, you're the one who asked for it last night. Not me!" the girl look disappointed at Jungkook's reaction and she's quickly putting her clothes back. "If i'm pregnant, I will come and found you again after this!" and she left. "What?" Jungkook confuse. He doesn't know what to do.

"What if, Rosie know about this?" he quickly searching for his phone. He dial Jimin's number and he's waiting for him to answer. "Hmm?" Jimin's voice seem like he's still in his bed. "Ya! Where are you?!l" Jungkook shout at him through the phone. "Hey hey, what happened to you? Why are you shouting at me like 8 am in the morning!" Jimin shocked at Jungkook's voice. "Just answer my question!" Jungkook voice seem angry and fear. "I'm at my home. Why?" Jimin said. "How about Taehyung?" Jungkook asked again. "Of course he at his own place. What's wrong?" Jimin voice suddenly change. "You know what? I'm sleeping with someone that I don't fucking even know!" Jungkook finally let out his anger. "WHAT!? WHO THE HELL IS SHE? How—?" Jimin asked in confusion. "Look, I don't even know who she is. And, how come she's at my place? And I've been sleeping with her!" Jungkook voice seem frustrated. "Look, I will go to your place after this. We'll talk about this again, okay?" Jimin trying to chill him. Jungkook just sighs. "Okay" and he end the call. "What did I do!! What if Rosie know about this!! What if—UGH!" he throw his phone to the wall.

Hi! I'm updating. It's been a while right? I'm so sorry if I'm not update anything to you guys. I've been so broken for a few months and doesn't have a courage to write but I'm trying my best to write this. Pls do vote on this chapter. Lots of love!💜💜

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