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Jungkook's place

Rosie wake up from and find Jungkook isn't beside her. "Where did he go?" she questioning herself early in the morning. Suddenly, she felt something running on her nose. A blood. Rosie was so shocked at the moment and rushingly clean up the blood on her nose. "Jungkook shouldn't see this!" she said while running to the toilet. She look at herself in the mirror, pale. She just sigh and cleaning the blood until there's nothing left. "Why do I looked like this?" as she continue looking at herself in the mirror. She heard a door knob, and Jungkook's voice suddenly calling for her name.

"Babe? Babe? Rosie?" Jungkook called her. "I'm here" she answered his call. She can heard Jungkook's footsteps going infront of the toilet door. "What are you doing?" Jungkook asked. "I, um, stomachache" she said while chuckling and she lies. "Oh, do your business. Come down after this. I made a breakfast" he said. "Okay" she replied and rushingly clean the mess that she made in the toilet.

"Yes, hyung. She's with me. Don't worry. I already called the hospital about her" Jungkook said while on call. "Why? What's wrong? What do you mean that she need a treatment? She seem, okay?" he said. "I don't get it, hyung. But, she's okay now. She's with me. So, you don't have to worry about that" he replied with a unbelievable smile on his face. "Okay, I'll inform about her condition to you later. But for now, she can't go to work" he said seem to convince people on the other line. "Thank you, hyung." as he hang up the call.

"Who's that?" Rosie asked while leaning on the wall near the kitchen. "Oh! How long you've been there, babe?" Jungkook asked her and startled with her existence. "Just now. Who's with you on call with?" Rosie asked again. "Oh, it's Namjoon hyung. He's so worried about you" Jungkook said while preparing the breakfast. "Oh, I forgot to inform him about me" Rosie make her way to the table. "I already did it for you. And he's fine with that beside he's worried about you. Such a good boss, isn't he?" Jungkook said while smiling. "True. He taking a good care of me while i'm working with him. He's a nice guy I met since my existence" Rosie said while looking at the food.

"What? What about me?" Jungkook asked in disbelief. "You're at the third place" Rosie said while giggling. "Third place? Who's at the second place?" Jungkook put his hand on his waist. "Junhoe oppa" Rosie look at him and smirk. "Oh, that Junhoe guy? Tsk. And first?" Jungkook look annoyed whenever he heard his name. "Why? What's wrong with him? I met him before you. First place is, Namjoon oppa" Rosie chuckles at his reaction. "Put Namjoon oppa at the second place and remove that Junhoe guy from your list. Put me at the first place" Jungkook said while take his seat. Rosie just smile at his behaviour, "Okay, I put you at the first place, then" as she take a sandwich. Jungkook smile and pinch her cheek. "aww, i love you babe" he said while giving her his bunny smile. "me too, i love you too" as Rosie enjoying her sandwich.

Namjoon's Crib

"What we should do next?" Namjoon voice seem serious talking to the person on the phone. "The cancer has been spread through her body? And, is there any way to stop the cancer from spreading?" he asked in worry. "Oh, so she need the treatment as soon as possible? Okay, doctor. I'll try to convince her later" Namjoon hang up the call and pinch his forehead. "What plan should I do?" as he thinking the idea to convince Rosie to get the treatment. He took the phone and dial Jungkook's number. A few seconds, a lady's voice pick up the phone.

"Hello?" the lady answered. "Who's this?" Namjoon asked. "Namjoon oppa. It's me Rosie" Rosie said on the other line. Thanks god, this can make his plan more easy. "Oh Rosie! How are you?" Namjoon asked. "I'm fine. How about you oppa? I'm sorry that I can't go to work at the moment" Rosie apologise to him. "It's okay. Take your time. By the way, Rosie. I want to ask a favour to you" Namjoon seem hesitant to said. "What's it, oppa?" Rosie said. "Can we meet? I mean, just two of us. Without Jungkook knowing, please? It's an urgent" Namjoon beg to her. "Um, sure. When it will be?" she said without doubt. "Tomorrow? At lunch hour? You good?" he said. "Sure, see you tomorrow, oppa" Rosie said while chuckling. "Without Jungkook knowing, okay?" Namjoon repeat. Rosie just humming. "Okay, I'm hanging up the phone. Bye"  Namjoon said. He finally can breath for a little after saying all of that.

Hi! An updates from me! Hihi. Sorry for making you guys waiting so much. I've got so much love & support from all of you towards my book. Thank you & I love you! Do vote, lots of love!! 💜💜💜

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