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The YONGs Party

"I don't know that Yoongi's party would be this luxurious

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"I don't know that Yoongi's party would be this luxurious.." Seokjin said while looking around. "Are you okay, babe?" Seokjin asked Jisoo. "I'm okay. Hence, he's my cousin" Jisoo said, giving Seokjin a smile. "I forgot. I thought, where's the rest?" Seokjin asked while looking at his watch. "Maybe they are on their way.." Jisoo said while take a sip of her wine. "Oh! Lalisa!" Jisoo waving her hand spotting Lisa's existence. Seokjin look at Jisoo and turn his back and there's a smile plastered on his face. "Jung Hoseok!" Seokjin giving Hoseok a hug and offers both of them a seat. "You are early today, Hyung" Hoseok said while smiling at Jisoo. "Unni" Lisa hug and kiss Jisoo's cheeks. "You are so pretty, Lisa!" Jisoo look at her in awe from her head to toe. "Ah. You are more pretty!" Lisa shyly replied. "Both of you are pretty" Hoseok smile while looking at two ladies. Seokjin just smile looking at them.

"Where's the rest?" Hosek asked Seokjin. "I don—" Seokjin was cut off by Jungkook. "Hyung" Jungkook greet Seokjin and Hoseok while giving them a hugs. "Hi" Tzuyu greet Lisa and Jisoo. "Hi. I bet you are Tzuyu?" Jisoo asked while glaring at Tzuyu. Seokjin knew that Jisoo doesn't like Tzuyu in some way but he just watch the drama that Jisoo will played. "Yes" Tzuyu smile while taking a seat beside Lisa. "Hi" Tzuyu greet Lisa. Lisa awkwardly smile, "Ha—Hi" Lisa replied while looking at Jisoo. "It's nice meeting both of you in person" Tzuyu said while smiling. "Me too" Jisoo awkwardly laughs. "Yeah" same goes to Lisa.

Jungkook look at Tzuyu and his conversation with Seokjin and Hoseok. "Where the fuck is Jimin?" Jungkook asked, took out his phone from his pocket. "Don't search for him. He obviously will come late" Taehyung replied from behind. "Oh Tae!" Hoseok greet Taehyung and look at his partner. "Jennie" Taehyung said while smiling to them. "Hi oppars" Jennie greet the men. "Hey Jennie Kim" all of the men greet her. Jennie just smile and look at the other table. "Oh Unni" Jennie greet Jisoo as she took a seat beside Jisoo. "Yah! Why are you so late?" Jisoo pinch Jennie's thigh. "Sorry. Taehyung was drop off at some place" Jennie grin.

"Hi.." there's a slow voice greet Jennie. "Oh. Hi?" Jennie look at Jisoo and Lisa awkwardly. "I'm Jungkook's girlfriend, Tzuyu" Tzuyu greet Jennie with a smile on her face. "Oh? Really?" Jennie smirk while glaring at Jungkook. But the men talks without remembering the world. They are in their own world. Jennie just rolled her eyes. "Btw I'm Jennie. Jisoo's younger sister" she fake her smile. "Really? No wonder both of you look so pretty" Tzuyu replied, still have a smile on her face. "Thanks for that" Jennie said and look at Lisa. "Lisa! It's been a while!" Jennie said excitedly. "Oh unni. I've been here for half an hour! You just knew my existence!" Lisa pouted. Jennie laughs, "I'm sorry. There's an introduction happened."

Tzuyu just look at them silently. "Excuse me. I need to go to the ladies room. Sorry" Tzuyu stood up and smile at them. "Okay" Jisoo replied but her eyes glued at Jennie and Lisa. "Where are you going?" Jungkook look at Tzuyu suddenly stood up. "Ladies room" Tzuyu replied and left. Jungkook just look at her and nodded and continue his conversation. Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa also continue their talks. "I don't fucking believe that Jungkook brings her along!" Jennie said in disbelief. "Me too" Lisa said while her eyes rolled. "Lisa and me just doesn't know how to speak with her!" Jisoo said in her deep voice. " The men look at them with wondering face. "What's wrong?" Seokjin asked Jisoo. Jennie glared at them. "Jungkook, I don't fucking believe that you bring her!" Jennie make a question look on her face. "I just don't have any women on my mind" Jungkook shrug and laughs. "Ugh" Jennie patting her forehead. The men only laughs. "They don't know us" Jisoo said with a serious face. "Hey" someone voice greet them."Yah Kim Namjoon, the CEO of RM Co is here" Taehyung said while laughing. "Just, don't" Namjoon said while laughing too. "Where's your partner?" Seokjin asked while looking around. "Oh. She's in the toilet" Namjoon said and took a seat beside Taehyung. "Oppa!" the ladies greet them. "Hi ladies!" Namjoon smiled at them. "Where's your partner?" Jennie asked. "She will join you guys after this" Namjoon said while smiling. "Okay, I wonder what she's look like" Jennie replied with a smirk on her face. "You guys will love her" Namjoon said. "I hope so" Lisa said and winked at Hoseok at the moment Hoseok look at her. (Fuck! Rosie is here! What I suppose to do?!) Jungkook thought to himself. Jungkook just stay silence while all of them were in the deep conversation.


"Fuck! I didn't know Jennie was here too! And with Taehyung oppa?! Huh!"
"I need to call Irene Unni"
"Unni! Look who's I found here!"
"Take a guess!"
"Oh my fucking god!"
"It's Jennie!!"
"I didn't believe that I saw she's here today! With KIM TAEHYUNG!"
"Okay Unni. I will monitor. If there's anything, I'll update to you"
"Alright! See you soon! Mwah"
As the girl left the toilet, Rosie finally take a step from the toilet room and stood in front of the mirror. "Did all rich girl do that? Aigu" she heavily sighs as she took look at herself at the mirror, she doesn't feel confident at all with her outfit.

Rosie's Outfit :

"I didn't believe that you just wore this outfit!!"  she sighs

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"I didn't believe that you just wore this outfit!!" she sighs. She put on some lipstick on her lips. "Done. Fuhhhh" she let out of her breath because she feel so nervous as hell. She exit the toilet and try to find Namjoon, but she couldn't find Namjoon somewhere. There's a guy greet her, "Rosie?" as she turn her back to face the owner of the voice. "Oh? June?" she smiling. "What are you doing here?" June asked her in disbelief. "Couldn't believe I found you here" he chuckled. " Me too. Actually I um I'm coming with my friend. He need accompany, so why not?" she awkwardly laughs. "He? A guy?" June face expression change. "Yeah" she smile. "oh—okay. Didn't know that.. Btw, you-look—pretty though" as he look Rosie from head to toe and he smirk. Rosie feel uncomfortable by his looks and feel her heart beating faster. (Oh my God you Roseanne! This isn't the right time to feel like this!!) Rosie thought to herself. "Thanks" she laughs. "I need to go now, June. My friend might searching for me" she excuse herself. "Okay. See you later?" June furrowed his eyebrow. "See you later" she smile and left the scene. June silently checking out her body from behind. (Fuck, she's hot) He smirked.

Sorry for the late updates!! Thank you for those who are reading my book eventually it got so many grammatical issues and typos, but I tried my best. I KNOW I AM LATE, but BLACKPINK ARE COMING TO OUR AREA! Are you guys ready, BLINKs?!!!!!!!! Rosè look so baddas with her outfit in the poster!! Btw, do vote on my books!! Thanks. Lots of love💙💙

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