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Namjoon's Crib

"aaaa Rosie?" Namjoon call her name with stuttering. "Yes oppa?" Rosie stare at him for a moment. "Erm, can you do me a favour?" he said uncertainty. "What it is?" she's waiting for the answer. "Can you meet my friend tomorrow? Because I can't make it, so can I send you there?" He said. "What do you mean?" she asked with her eyebrows frowns. "Please get a document from this guy for me. He need to see me tomorrow but I can't. I'll pay you extra for that. Please?" Namjoon beg to her. Rosie just laughs. "Okay oppa. It's not a big deal" as she smile at him. "You're okay with it?" as he worried. "Nah, it's nothing, right? I can do it for you. Plus, I need to go somewhere too tomorrow. I'll pick the document first, then I'll go" she said with a smiling plastered on her face. "You are so nice. Thank you. Oh! Where's my tie? I forgot to put it." he looking at the table.

There are so many choices tie on the table but Rosie choose the best for him. "This!" she give it to Namjoon but he has bread on his hand. "Let me help you. You are so hungry, didn't you?" as she chuckles. "Yeah. Sometime I didn't take a breakfast" he complained. "Aigu, you need to!" she pat on his chest. "I will" he chuckles too. "All in set. Now go. You might late" Rosie said shoo-ing him. "Hey, that's cruel but you are true. I need to go. Bye, Rosie" Namjoon took his bag and waving at Rosie. "Bye oppa. Take care" she replied with a smile. She can look Namjoon nodded even though he's not facing her.

The next day


"Where is this?" as she look on the maps. "Am I took the wrong ways?" she looking around. "Oh! There you are!" she pointing at the cafe. Ket's Cafè. "Which on is he?" she looking for the guy that she should meet up. "Can I help you, Miss?" there's a lady greet her. "Oh ya. Is there any possibility that Mr Jeon in this cafe?" she asked. "Oh yes. You must be his client. Let me lead the way. Here" the lady walk first, followed by Rosie. "Mr Jeon, this is your client" the lady said and excusing herself.

As the guy turn his head, his eyes widen same goes to Rosie. "Are you that Mr Jeon?" she shock. "Who else in this town got the same surname with me? It's a rare" Jungkook chuckles. Rosie just rolling her eyes. "It's nice, to see you, again, Rosie. Please have a seat" Jungkook offers her. "Thank you" she replied. "I'm in hurry. So, where's the document?" she said. "What document?" he asked in confusion. "Mr Kim asked me take a document from you. So, where's it?" she said in faster. "Hold up. Order your drink first. And I don't understand which document that you mean it? Namjoon hyung said that?" he shaking his head in disbelief. "Why? What's wrong?" she asked him in confusion.

"It should be a date, Rosie. Not an appointment. Did Namjoon hyung and you have a miscommunication towards each other?" he furrows his eyebrows and smirk. "No. He's the one who mentioned about the document. I don't have time play around, Mr Jeon. I have things to do." she look away. "What things that you need to do? You can't. I'm not allowed." he stare at her face. What a beautiful lady. "And who are you that you are not allowing me to go?" she put her hand in the air. "Because, Namjoon hyung giving you to me for a day. So, you are courting by me today. I've plans for our date today" Jungkook smirk. Rosie scoffs and rolled her eyes. "Firstly, we go for a movie. Secondly, we will go to the amusement park. Thirdly, we will having an ice cream at the streets. Fourthly, we will ride a bike near the lake. And lastly, we will having a dinner together. Are you agree on that?" he asked for her permission. Rosie seems loves the plan as her eyes widen but she think it twice. She gasps. "Erm. I'm not-" she was cut off by Jungkook. "A big NO" Jungkook strictly said.

"What? I didn't say anything. I just said I'm not ready." she cover up. "Why? You look, pretty today. As usual" as he put his smile. "Thank you but-". "NO excuses. Come on. Let's go!" Jungkook stood up from his seat and look at Rosie who is still sitting down. "Come on. Today will be fun!" he convince her. Rosie bite her nails and slowly stood up from her seat. Jungkook took her hand and intertwined their hands. Rosie shock on his action and stand still. Jungkook turn his back to look at Rosie who shyly looking down. Her cheeks starting to red and she look at Jungkook who already staring back at her. Oh my god, this can't be. She murmured. "What did you say?" as they exiting the cafe. "Ah, nothing." she looking down again. Jungkook just smile and chuckles. "Don't shy with me. You will comfortable with me today. Trust me" he smile at her, giving her his bunny teeth. She looks at his lips, same goes to Jungkook. Oh my god, Rosie! Why you look at his lips!? Are you crazy!? She thought to herself.

An update! Hello hello. How are you guys doing? I don't fcking believes that my readers already reached 2k. THANKYOU FOR READING! i love you guys! Don't forget to vote on my book! Lots of love! 💜💜

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