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"Rosie, you're bleeding!" Junhoe said in panicked. Rosie's eyes was widen and try to calm down. "It's okay. It's normal. I'm okay" she said trying to calm him down. "No! You're not okay!" as Junhoe stand up from the chair where they are sitting and running towards the mart nearby. "Oh gosh. I need to leave" as she's trying to leave, she bump into someone. "Ouch, I'm sorry. I don't see you" she's looking down trying to avoid the eye contact between the person she bump into. "I should the one who say sorry to you. Are you okay? You are, bleeding?" Said the person who seem like a guy.

"I'm okay. I'm in hurry. I'm so sorry!" as she running as fast as she can. "Hm, weird" as the person turning his back to look at where she's heading. "Where is she?" Junhoe come back from buying an aids for Rosie. "Where did she go?" he looking around to find her. "Erm, hi? Did you seat here for a while?" Junhoe asked the guy that bump into Rosie just now. "Yeah, what is it?" the guy asked. "Did you see a girl, with her blonde hair, and using a hospital cloth? She's around this tall" he explains. "I bumped into her just now. She's going to that way" as he pointed the way she was heading. "Uh, thank you so much, Sir. I'm Goo Junhoe" Junhoe thanking him by giving a handshake and introducing himself. "You're welcome. I'm Park Jimin" the guy smile to him. "Nice to meet you, Mr Park. I've got to go. Thank you again!" Junhoe give Jimin a smile and left. "Ah, nice to meet you too!" Jimin said as Junhoe left.

"That voice. That girl's voice. Sound so familiar to me" Jimin said while thinking who could it be. He had no idea who's the owner of the voice but he had heard the voice before. "Ah! This is so frustrating! That voice...that voice... Who could it be?" as he look at the right side, where the girl running away.


"I miss Rosie so much. I didn't heard anything about her for these 2 weeks" as Jungkook sighs. "Where is she? Is she fine? Is she's already get married?" he's shaking his head and didn't believe what he was thinking. He took out his phone and dial her number but unfortunately she didn't pick it up. He open her SNS account and to check if she's posting something in there but she didn't post anything. "Where are you actually?" he close his eyes for a moment. "Ah! Namjoong hyung maybe can help me!" as he open his eyes and dial Namjoon's number.

"Hyung!" as Namjoon pick up his call. "What's wrong Mr Jeon?" he replied. "Em, can I ask you something?" he asked. "What's it?" Namjoon replied with confusion tone. "Where's Rosie? I didn't heard anything about her? I'm worried!" Jungkook finally let out his worries to her. Namjoon silent for a moment. "Um, I don't know? She hasn't come to work for two weeks and I can't contact her because she didn't pick up my call nether my texts" He lies. "Really? Where is she tho? I'm sickly worried! I should searching for her!" Jungkook confidently said.

"You better don't. Maybe she had a problems or something. We don't know. She will coming back. Trust me" Namjoon convince him for not to search for her. "Why? Are you sure? Or are you hiding her or something?" Jungkook smells something fishy about Namjoon. "It's not like that. She needs money, Kook. She will coming back. Don't worry. I'm not hiding her. Why would you think like that?" Namjoon laughs. "Just, I'm hanging up. Bye!" Jungkook said and end the call. Jungkoo put his phone at his side and heavily sigh. Suddenly, a notification pop on his screen phone.

Shortie Jimin
Jungkook. I bumped into someone today. Her voice seem so familiar to me. But I don't know where I heard that voice before. I'm delulu. Hm

Jungkook shaking his head and laughs. He replied the text immediately.

Maybe it's your scandal before? You had so many scandals hyung. Never forget about that.

Shortie Jimin
No! Sounds so familiar. I know all of my scandal's voice. But the girl look weird tho

Why? Weird? What do you mean?

Shortie Jimin
She's wearing a hospital cloth! I think she's running away but she's with a guy. That guy maybe her boyfriend. But nah, who's care? I just care about her voice!

Maybe you just delusional?

Shortie Jimin
No i'm not.

btw hyung. I missed Rosie so much. I didn't heard anything about her these days

Shortie Jimin
Rosie? Where is she?

I don't know. Namjoon hyung also doesn't know where did she go. I'm worried!

Shortie Jimin

What's wrong?

Shortie Jimin
Oh my god!


Shortie Jimin

WHAT?! wheRe!?

Shortie Jimin
At the streets! I just remembered where the fuck I heard that voice! Did Rosie has a blonde hair?

Yes! She has!! Where are you!?

Shortie Jimin
Unfortunately, I'm at my office already

Where did you found her? I mean bumped into her? Wait, did you just said—

Shortie Jimin
What? What this time?

She's using a hospital cloth!!!!

Shortie Jimin
Oh my god! Did I!? Is something wrong with her!? Oh my god

Hyung! I'm sickly worried about her! I need to meet her!

Shortie Jimin
But she's with someone. A guy to be specific

who's the guy name? Did you know?

Shortie Jimin
Goo Junhoe I think. He introduced himself to me

That junHOE guy?! Shit

Shortie Jimin
You know him!?

I met him several times

Shortie Jimin

it's not really important right now! I need to find Rosie! Help me!

Shortie Jimin
Meet me at L streets NOW

Okay! I'm on my way!

Shortie Jimin


Jungkook rushingly left his house and go to where he and Jimin need to meet. All on his mind playing right now is Rosie. (What happen to you Rosie? Are you involved in an accident or what?) He thoughts. He shaking his head trying to get rid all of the negative ideas and he driving his car more faster.


Hi short updates! I'm so sorry for not updating because I just finished my final year exam! Hihi, I'll try to update more for this holiday! Sorry if i'm not putting any Rosekook moment at the time being because I had losing so many ideas right now. Can you guys suggesting me any ideas for the next chapter? You can directly message me! Thank you for the love & support. Lots of love💋💋

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