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Namjoon's Crib

"Morning" Namjoon greet Rosie with a smile. "Morning Mr Kim" she smiled back. "Did you decide on what outfit that will I wear today?" Namjoon asked while look at his wardrobe. "I do.." she just smiling and looking for the clothes. "Here. Wear this and this.." she ordered Namjoon. "Alright, ma'am" as Namjoon just give her a little laughs and change his cloth. Rosie just chuckled at his cute behaviour.

Namjoon walked out from his exchange room shyly

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Namjoon walked out from his exchange room shyly. He was never shy in front of a woman before. "How do I look?" he smiled at Rosie. "Wow, you look amazing Mr Kim" Rosie look satisfied at her choice. "Really? By the way, can we drop the formalities? It gave me an awkward. Just call me Namjoon.." as he turned his way to a big mirror to look at himself. "Your choice are good. I love it" He continued with a voice of satisfaction. "Thanks Mr Kim. Oh! I mean Namjo-" Rosie was cut off by Namjoon "Oppa" he said shameless. "Ah Namjoon oppa. You want me to call you oppa?" Rosie smirk. "That's cute" Namjoon said while putting his hand on his mouth to cover his shy in front of Rosie. Both of them just laughing at their jokes.


Rousta Cafè

"Rosie? Are you okay? You look tired and..pale?" her co-worker, Julie asked. "I'm okay, Julie. Just.." the cafè door bell ringing, "Hi! Welcome to Rousta Cafè!" Rosie bring back her cheerful face. "Hi, Sir? What do you want to order?" She said smilingly. The guy just stood in front of the counter, smiling at her speechless. "Hi, Rosie." the guy said. "It's been a while" the guy continued. "Pardon?" Rosie replied with a confusion. "You didn't remembered me?" the guy asked with a disappointed tone. "Have we met before?" Rosie asked again. "Ah, Rosie! He's the one who looking for you while you are taking your leaves" Julie said, standing beside Rosie. "He's Mr Jeon Jungkook. Welcome, Sir" Julie smiled at Jungkook, trying to flirt with him. "Jeon Jungkook? I never heard of that name before" Rosie stated. "We'd met before. At Jimin's party. I mean my friend's party last time" Jungkook said, trying to explain everything. "Huh?" Rosie frowns her eyebrows. "You are going to a party?" Julie asked in shocked. "I was neve-" Rosie was cut off by Jungkook, "That time, you are delivering a cake to my friend's house" Jungkook tried to recalled her memory. Rosie eyes widen, "Ahhhhh! I remember now! I'm so sorry!" she bowing towards Jungkook. Jungkook just laughs at her behaviour. "It's okay.." Jungkook chuckled.

"What you are doing here?" Rosie asked him in confusion. Jungkook laughs, "Hi tea" he smiled. "Ahh, sorry. Didn't expect to see you here. What do you want to order, Sir?" Rosie asked in guilty for not remembering him. "Can you give me any suggestion?" he asked while looking at the menu. "Um, our customers always ordered an Ice Latte, Ice Americano, Ice Chocolate, Gree-" she was cut off by Jungkook, "Ice latte" he said smilingly. "Okay Sir. Um, it's on me today. Since it's your first time here, I guess?" Rosie said shyly. "Really? Thanks. I would love to go here everyday." Jungkook said jokingly. "Ah, sure you can." Rosie said, giving him her killer smile that make everyone melt while looking at her. (Damn, that lips hot and that cheeks too.) Jungkook said to himself. "Take a seat. We will send your drink to your table later" she continued. "Okay" Jungkook said, looking for his seat.

Rosie make her way to Jungkook's table. "Here. Your order, Sir" she said as she place his drink on his table. Jungkook looked at her for a while, "Sir?" Rosie took he out from his mind. "Sorry. Can you just spare a minute for me?" Rosie just stood there silently. (Heck.) She thought to herself. "Um, sure. But only for a few minutes" as she took a seat in front of Jungkook. "I actually, are you free tomorrow?" He directly asked. "Me? Um no. I have work on the morning and continue with the afternoon shift. Sorry" she said, giving him a guilty smile. "Really? You probably busy then. And how about weekend though?" He asked again. Trying to convince her. "Urm, I can't promise that.." she replied. "Um, can I get your number instead?" finally Jungkook said that. (Phew~) "My number?" she shocked. "Yeah, your number." he repeats. "Sorry, I can't" as she replied, "I've got a lot things to do. I'll take my leave now. Nice to meet you, Mr Jeon" she continued and stood up and left. (Fuck! She's trying to play-hard with me. Damn, just wait and see.) Jungkook take a sip of his ice latte and took out his phone. He opens an apps and send a messages to Jimin.

<Shortie Jimin>
JK : Am I lack on something?
JM : what do you mean dude?
JK : am I just being rejected? 😠
JM : Hold on. Let me guess🤔
JM : You target on someone this time?
JK : Yes! But she's ugh 😤
JM : She's what? 😏😏
JK : She's different, hyung!
JM : can you just straight forward to me?! Don't left me hanging!!
JK : Ok, I've met her at your place last time..
JM : Who? That girl? When? How?
JK : Slowly! Let me speak!
JK : I mean, type! I've been met her at your place, and she's delivering your cake. That's how I met her. And I show her the way where to put that cake thingy!
JM : So she's not one of my chicks?
JK : Obviously, not! And she's not giving me her number too!😤😤
JM : Jungkookie, since when?
JK : Huh? What do you mean?
JM : You fell in love with her right? This is not you!
JK : No! I'm not! Just, you know
JM : Trying to fuck her up?
JK : 🧐😏
JM : You little shit! naughty naughty!!🤣🤣
JK : Gives me some idea! I found her body hot! 🤪😋
JM : share with me
JK : I will, unless you gives me some idea
JM : Come to our usual place. And I'll tell you a secret🙂😉
JK : Alright. On my way

He put his phone in his pocket back and take a last sip of his drink. He stood up and look at the counter before he left, but she's not there. He just shaking his head a little with what he just did just now.


Hi! I'm back! Sorry, just to inform that I'll update every weekend, because every weekday I'm busy with my U's life. Sorry for keep you guys waiting. Btw, thanks for those who are voting on my books! Sorry too, if I have a grammatical error or typos. Lots of love💙💙

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