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G Hospital

Namjoon was lingering around because he was so nervous. Rosie was in the emergency room for about 2 hours without any information that given by the doctor. Namjoon untied his necktie slowly while looking down. He finally take a seat near the door of emergency room. The door was opened and Namjoon immediately stood up from the seat. "Doctor! What happened to her? Is she okay? Does she hurt anywhere?" he asked impatiently. "Calm down. We need to talk in my room" as the doctor sigh. "What's wrong? Bad news?" Namjoon's eyebrow frowns. The doctor just heavily sigh. "Follow me" he ordered. Namjoon followed him to his room.


Namjoon stood beside Rosie's bed and watch her sleeping. He's looking down to the floor and let out a sighs. "Is this for real?" he said it to himself. He took a seat beside her and look at her pale face. "Should I tell Jungkook?" as he shaking his head. "No no. He shouldn't know this" and he pinch his forehead. The door was opened and there was a few nurses came in. "Good evening, Mr Kim. Can you wait outside for a while? We want to check Ms Roseanne condition" as one of the nurses speaks. "Okay" Namjoon nodded and waiting outside. He heavily sigh again. "Did her family know about this? I didn't have any contact of their number" he said to himself. Namjoon looked at his watch, 7:35pm. It's already evening. He doesn't know what to do right now. His mind obviously empty as he sit outside silently.


Only BTS

"Why I can't contact her at all?" Jungkook tries to call Rosie for how many times. "Where are you going?" he type a message for her. He took a seat and look at his phone again. No response from her. "What's wrong, Jungkook?" as Jimin patted on his shoulder. "Nothing" he close his eyes. "Thinking about someone?" Jimin asked while laughing. "NO" Jungkook's voice changed. "Rosie?" Jin pop out of nowhere continue their conversation. Jungkook sighs. "Ask Namjoon. I haven't saw Namjoon for a while. Are they fighting or what?" Jin said jokingly. Jungkook look at Jin and stare at him. "What? I'm just joking" Jin said nervously.

"I haven't saw Namjoon hyung too" Jungkook said. "Me too" Jimin said. "And? What's wrong with that? He obviously busy. He's a businessman anyway if you guys forgot" Jin said. "No no. I mean, did both of them—" Jungkook was cut off by Jin. "An affair? Geez. Really, Jungkook? You think like that?" Jin laughs. "Maybe, hyung?" Jimin said with questioning face. "I hope they're not" Jungkook sighs again. "Of course they are not. My friend was one of Rosie's secret admirer" Jin said. Jungkook glare at Jin. "Who the fuck is her secret admirer?!" He asked. "You know my friend from Japan, Goo Junhoe? He's the one. Both of them always hang out together" Jin said while drinking. "Oh, that guy huh?" Jungkook smirk. "You know him?" Jimin asked this time. "We had met several times" Jungkook said boringly. "Where?" Jin asked in shocked. "Somewhere.." Jungkook stood up and took his things. "Yah! We haven't finish! This kid—" Jin yelled. "Bye!" Jungkook close the door and left. Jin was left speechless and Jimin was laughing at his reaction.


G Hospital

Rosie open her eyes slowly. "Where am I?" she said in her husky voice. She look at her hand, all of them had a wires on it. "Am I at the hospital?!" she wake up from the bed slowly. She look around and found out there was a guy sleep on the couch. "Oppa?" she call out for Namjoon. "Namjoon oppa?" she call again. Namjoon slowly move and open his eyes. "Oh, Rosie. You're awake. How's your feeling today? Better?" as he wipe his eyes slowly and look at Rosie at the bed. "Hey, you should lied down." as he stood up and push Rosie slowly to lean down. "Oppa, how many days I've been here?" she said. "For about three days?" he said. "What?! I should go home!" she shocked.

"No, you should rest, Rosie" Namjoon said. "My mom would worry about me!" she said nervously. "Your health is more important" he replied. "No, i'm okay. I feel better now. Can I go back?" she said it with her puppy eyes. "No, you can't" Namjoon voice change into soft and sit beside her. Rosie can feel a heat in her eyes that she bet it will flows anytime. "Are you know about me?" as she looking down and slowly look at Namjoon. Namjoon just stay silent. He didn't say anything to her just sighs. He just nodded slowly, frustrated. "Did you tell your mom about this?" he asked. "No" she said slowly.

"Rosie, this is serious" as Namjoon stand up and make his way to the window. "Can you just, mind your own business? I'm quit" Rosie said coldly and took her blanket and turn her back. "Rosie, no. You can't just quit like that" Namjoon said it nervously. Rosie push the emergency button and all the nurses gathered at her room. "What's wrong?" one of the nurses asked. Namjoon shock for a moment. "Please ask him to get out. I can't rest by my own. Thank you" she said coldly. "Mr, our patient need a rest. Can you leave and visit for another time?" one of the nurses asked and Namjoon took his things and left.

Rosie wiping her tears that falling hardly. She doesn't know what to do next. All she think was her mom. She need to take care of her mom, no matter what. Until that, she fall asleep.


Only BTS

"Hyung? How are you? You didn't look great. At all" Jimin asked Namjoon that stay quietly from the first time. "Are you okay, Joon?" Yoongi asked him but Namjoon just sighs. "Did you have any problem at work or personal issues?" Jin asked worriedly. "Nothing. I feel like want to drink" as Namjoon take a few sips of champagne. "Can you guys give me some space? I need to relax" as he untied his necktie. All of them leave the living room and sit outside at the balcony.

"What's wrong with him?" Jin asked. "I don't know man. Don't ask me, you asshole" Yoongi said while closing the sliding door. "I bet something is fishy" Jimin said while make his face. "Me too" Taehyung said while look at Namjoon from the balcony. "What was that about you think?" Jin asked. "Did Rosie rejected him?" Jimin said. "Yah! Jimin Park! You would die if Jungkook heard you" Jin said while patting on Jimin arms. "Ouch, geez. I'm kidding!" Jimin laughs. "Give him space" Yoongi said while enjoying the view from the balcony. All of them nodded.


Hi. Short updates. Sorry I cannot update more often because I'm having a hell week now. I'm my final exam right now, so I can't do anything about that, so I'll try my best to look my time to write this book okay! Love you guys. Lots of love! Don't forget to vote!

(I'm not editing any part in this chapter, so if there's any error, I'm so sorry)

Btw, yesterday was my birthday! Hehe HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I'm growing up too fast :') ehe

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