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"I broke up with Jisoo" Seokjin sighs thru the phone. "What, hyung? For real?! What happened?" Jungkook asked as he received a call from Seokjin. "I don't know, I—i, it's my fault" as Seokjin heavily sigh this time. "What? Wait- your fault?" Jungkook asked in confusion. "Yeah, it's unexpected thing happened" Seokjin said with his slow volume voice. "Spill, the, tea, then" Jungkook said it that make him excited to listen.

"Me and Irene-" Seokjin was cut off by Jungkook. "Which Irene? Don't tell me that Irene!" Jungkook turn up his voice little bit. "Yeah, that Irene" Seokjin said in upset. "Jesus christ" Jungkook said in shock. "What's wrong?" Seokjin asked in confusion this time. "Are you kidding me? She's that bad ass woman. Ugh. Nevermind, mind to continue your story?" Jungkook said in frustration. "She is? I didn't knew about that. This thing happened when me and Irene are accidentally met. We met at Y restaurant and I paid for her bills" Seokjin said. Jungkook just humming on his words.

"And we get some drinks and end up drunk. And.." Seokjin stop at the moment. "Hyung? Don't tell me" Jungkook doesn't want to think about what he shouldn't think. "Yes, we end up on the bed" Seokjin said thru the phone. Jungkook can heard a sobs from the other line knowing that he was crying. Jungkook knew that Seokjin loves Jisoo so much and she's an amazing world to him. "Oh my, how about Irene?" Jungkook asked in concern. This time Jungkook's voice turned into a serious tone. "She left me in that morning and disappeared. And, two days later someone send Jisoo a picture of us together on the bed. You know what, I wanted to explain myself about this to Jisoo but it turn up like this" Seokjin crying thru the phone. "Hyung, I think she's putting a joke on you. I mean, who do you think did that other than her? I think she's following you at that night and did her plans" Jungkook explained. "What? No. It's just both of us. There's no one other than us. It's impossib—" Seokjin was cut off by Jungkook.

"Open your eyes, look up at the sky and see! It was a prank! Little did you know she had a feeling for you back then? Nah, this time around she's making a comeback!" Jungkook said. "Nonsense. But, everything was over. Between me and Jisoo. Jungkook, you right I loves her so much. I need a space to calm myself down. Talk to you later. Thank you for listening to my sad story." Seokjin said. "Nah, it's okay hyung. I'll be there for you if you're in need. By the way, can I ask you something before that?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, sure" Seokjin replied. "What happened to Namjoon hyung lately? Did he tell anything to you?" Jungkook finally said it. "I don't know what happen to Namjoon but I feel something is wrong with him. But, I didn't dare to ask because I don't want to offend him. So, give him some space, so he will tell us soon. Okay? Anything else?" Seokjin said. "No, thats all. Hyung, cheer up. Everything will be okay. Don't cry too much. You will turn into a donuts" Jungkook said while giggling. "Worldwide handsome will be stay handsome no matter what you do" Seokjin said it confidently. "I forgot you are that Mr Worldwide Handsome. Talk to you later?" Jungkook said while laughing. "Bye" Seokjin said and hang up the call. Jungkook just shaking his head in disbelief.

J Hospital

Rosie open her eyes slowly. There was no one around and she sighs. She took off the needle at her hand and she hold her arm from bleeding too much because of the needle that she took off it. She slowly make her way to the door and looking around so there will be no one will notice her. She's exiting the hospital and try run away from there. The weather was too cold for that day and she's been wearing a hospital pajamas. She have been far away from the hospital and took a seat near her. She look at her arm. It's bleeding too much and she's crying silently.

"Mom, I need you" she said it while crying. "I need to go home. My mom would worried about me. I should go home now" she said while wiping her tears. She continues her step to where she should go.


"Such a nice weather! I made a good decision to work out!" Junhoe said while exhales his breath. He look at the person, — a girl to be specific that wearing a patient cloth walking slowly for a far. "Did she running away from the hospital?" Junhoe said to himself. "Should I help her? Or should I ignore her?" He said again. Junhoe slowly follow her behind. He heard she was sobbing and he didn't dare to approach. But, he bravely himself to ignore all the thoughts and he approach her slowly.

"Hello? Are you okay, Miss?" He said. But the girl ignore his question. "Em, hye? Are you need a help?" He asked again. Then the girl turn her back and both leave in shock. "Rosie!?" Junhoe said in disbelief. "Junhoe?" Rosie was confused. "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. "Nah, I'm okay. I'm-" she was cut off by Junhoe. "Let me send you home" he said. "Hey. It's okay. I can go home by myself" she said trying to avoid him. "No. You're not okay. Are you running away from the hospital?" Junhoe asked in serious face. "What? No. I don't have any clothes to change. So I wear this odd shirt, and bringing myself to home, like this" she awkwardly laughs.

"Let me accompany you. It's dangerous to walk by yourself wearing that odd shirt. Don't reject my offer. You'll regret it later. Come on" Junhoe said while pushing Rosie in front. "Show me the way, Maps" Junhoe said while laughing. "Asshole" Rosie said, laughing too. While they're walking, Junhoe asked Rosie a question. "Why are you in the hospital? Are you okay?" he asked in concern. "I'm erm—i'm just caught a cold. The weather is not okay these days as you know" she said. "Feel better now?" he asked her again. Rosie just nodded and smile to him. "It's relief to know. Should we go eat or something? Are you hungry?" he asked. Rosie just make her puppy eyes and nodded, which make Junhoe beats for no reason. "I guess we should grab something before sending you home" Junhoe said while smiling. Both of them heading to a mart to find something to eat.


Hi! Short updates from me. Sorry for not updating for a long time, because I'm in my final weeks right now. But I'll try to make Jungkook and Rosie meet up. Sorry for not having a Rosekook moment for a while in my chapter. Anyway, pls vote in this chapter. Lots of love!! 💜💜🌹🌹

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