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"Ouch" Rosie bumped into someone. "Sorry!" the guy said. "I'm sorry too. I didn't walk well" She said while bowing. "Rosie?" as the guy turn to Rosie. "June? Oh my god. I'm so freaking nervous you know" she laughs, feel a little bit relieved. "It's been a while!" as June scan her face. "Are you okay? You look pale.." He stated worriedly. "Nah, I'm okay.. By the way, where are you heading to?" she replied, trying to change the topic. "Um, I'm heading to my friend's place.. But since you were here, we can grab some drinks?" June trying to take his step. He's been interested on Rosie since the first day they met. "Drinks?" as she look at her watch. (Still got a lot of time) "Sure" she smiled. June smile back at her and they took their step to the nearest cafe.

"Hyung! Did you remember where did I left my books here?" Jungkook asked, looking around. "Oh yeah! Your books! I place it in the store" Namjoon replied while take a sip of his coffee. "Are you renovating this room?" Jimin asked Namjoon. "Yes. My old design such a boring.." Namjoon laughs. "Are guys doesn't have things to do huh?" Namjoon asked Jungkook and Jimin with his eyebrows frown. "No" Jungkook said smilingly. "Or you guys are waiting for my dresser to come?" Namjoon asked, still his eyebrows frown. Both of them just grin. "She will arrive at 2 I think. She's little bit late today.." Namjoon said back to his eyes focus on the laptop. Jungkook look at his watch, 11:37am. "Still early.." Jimin said and stood up. "Where were you going?" Namjoon asked. "Going to your kitchen, looking for some foods or drinks" Jimin said. "My maid on her way here. No need. Just sit there silently" Namjoon replied , still his eyes on the laptop. "Okay.." Jimin said boringly. "I'm going. Will be right back.." Jungkook said and took his step towards the door. "Where you are going, little boy?" Jimin asked him. "Some fresh air" Jungkook stated. "Okay.." Jimin replied and playing with his phone.


They sat there silently for 5 minutes. Looking down and doesn't know what to talk. June broke the awkwardness, trying to started the conversation. "Where do you live, Rosie?" he asked. "Around here.." she replied. "How about you?" She asked. "Ah, I live at Gangnam with my mom. Previously, I live at Japan but moved since my dad and I having a crisis so I decided to live with my mom here.." he said, stare to Rosie's eyes. "Really? Did your mom an-" she was cut off by June. "They divorced last two years.." he said. "I'm so sorry to hear that.. Didn't mean to—", "It's okay, it's not a big deal tho" he said smilingly. "You are working?" Rosie asked again this time. "Yeah, with my uncle. How long has you been working at the cafe by the way?" he asked and take a sip on his drink. "Um, 3 months I think.. I need some money.. My mom need a treatment. So I guess I need to work right?" she just laughs and her smile suddenly faded away. "You are a good daughter to your mom. Your dad?" June asked her but her face expression suddenly change. "He, he left my mom and I a long time ago. It's a long story.." she laughs and lied. "I'm sorry. Rosie" he said, feeling guilty. "Nah, it's okay. We already forgot about him" she faking her laughs.

Rosie looked at her watch, 1:36pm. "Oh my god. I need to leave." she took out her phone checking if there any messages that Namjoon send to her. "Where are you going?" he asked in concern. "I have some things to do. Talk to you later?" Rosie was packing her stuff on the table. "Hey, can I get your number?" June bravely asked. "M-my number?" Rosie froze. "Yeah" June smiled. "Um, sure" she smiled too. "Give me your number" June said. "It's 010 564 xxx" she said shyly. "Already. I'll text you later.." June said with a smile plastered on his face. "Okay" she laughs. "I need to go. Bye" she continued and left. "Bye" June just grin and feel a butterflies in his stomach. He looked at his phone. (My Rosie🌹) Saved! He just shaking his head disbelief on what he got today. Rosie, he said.


There was a knock on the door. "Come in" Namjoon said. "Hi oppa" Rosie greeted him. "Hey Rosie" Namjoon suddenly smiled while looking at her. "Am I late?" She asked. "No, you are always on time" Namjoon said chuckling. Rosie just laughs. "Hi Rosie" As Jimin stood up heard of woman's voice. Rosie looked at Namjoon giving him a signal who-is-he. "Oh, he's my friend. We are like brother" Namjoon introduce Jimin to Rosie. "Hi, I'm Park Jimin" Jimin took out his hand for a hand shake. "Hi, I'm Rosie" she accept his handshake and smiled. "You are really really pretty" Jimin smiled and looking at Namjoon. "Thanks" Rosie replied with a smile. And he whispered to Namjoon "You are so lucky" as he winked to Namjoon. "Take a seat first Rosie. Don't mind him" Namjoon offers her. "Okay. You got a meeting at 5 right today?" Rosie asked. "Yeah, but I need to get a little early like 4 something? I need to get stuffs on my office first" Namjoon said and go back to his work table placing back his spect. "Yeah, I'm going to your wardrobe first? What kind of outfit do you want to wear today?" She asked Namjoon. "Smart and comfortable" Namjoon said. "Okay. I'll go to upstairs first. I'm going, Mr Park. Nice to meet you" she smile and left. Jimin just look at her back until she's disappeared. "HYUNG! Why you didn't say that SHE'S FUCKING HOT!?"Jimin said in disbelief, walking back and forth. " I did right?" Namjoon said in confusion. "Ughhh" Jimin said in frustration. Jimin took out his phone.

<1worldwide handsome & his 6ugly chicks Chatroom>

JM : Fuck!
KTH : what again this time, Christian?

Namjoon looked at his phone notifications and stared at Jimin. Jimin just laughs and continue on what he was doing right now.

JM : Namjoon hyung never mentioned that her dresser is fucking hot!
KTH : You there? At Namjoon's place?!
JM : Yeah. She's really pretty. More pretty than other girls that I've been slept with😏😉
JIN : Send us her picture
JM : Ugh. The wasn't right time. I'll try my best. Where are you dude? @JK
JM : He's busy

RM : You little shit @JMYGM : Namjoon look hot here

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RM : You little shit @JM
YGM : Namjoon look hot here. What's that girl name again?
JM : It's Rosie hyung!
JK : I've got something to do suddenly. TAKE A PICTURE OF HER
JK : Oh- wait. Rosie?
JK : I'm on my way
KTH : You are kidding me, JK?
JM : 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
YGM : a fuck boi on his way
JK : stfu
HOPE : 🤣🤣👍🏻👍🏻
JIN : international playboy might making a scene. You, @JM took a picture of Jungkook. I want to see his reaction🤣
KTH : Me too🤣🤣
JM : don't worry🤣

O my. Jungkook on his way to meet Rosie this time. Will they meet? Hi~!

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