Chapter 1

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Taehyung looked around himself, he knew his life was over the moment the judge in court told him he would be sent off to prison for killing his brother. One day he was following his lectures to become a nurse and the next he was in this small police van with six other people who were going to jail. He had no idea who they were or what they did, he only knew that they looked a lot scarier than he himself did. Taehyung was a blonde haired boy with pure brown eyes that held nothing bad in them. His clothes were always ironed and his homework was always done. His grades were good and he never caused any trouble. At least that's what everyone always taught. It was a big shocker for everyone that the always so perfect boy was capable of a crime that gruesome. He had killed his brother and now he would face a life in prison.

Taehyung looked around himself again, the handcuffs that were put around his wrist digging painfully in his skin. His wrists were red and swollen form the heavy metal that was way too tight around them and his fingers slowly started to feel numb. His eyes scanned the six people around him. Six man, all of them looking like they came straight out of some action movie. Tattoos lingered their arms and neck, heavy scowls plastered their faces and scars lingered their bodies. Taehyung was nothing like these people, he didn't have tattoos or scars lingering his body. He definitely didn't have the scowl on his face they had, quite the opposite was true. His face was filled with sadness, tears heavy in his eyes while his lower lip softly trembled. His life was over and he was more than aware of it. He would never see his friends or family again outside of the prison. He would never get married to a cute boy and be able to adopt some beautiful children and two dogs. He wouldn't be able to do any of that and he was more than aware of it.

The whole ride nobody said anything, the silence was a depressing one. Everything about the whole ride almost literally screamed; jump out of the car and kill yourself, your life is over. The only problem with that was that Taehyung could never do that, he knew his life was over but he could never take that final step so that it was really over. Of course the fact that there were two officers next to him and his hands and feet were cuffed together also made that whole plan quite impossible.

"5 minutes, get ready everybody. Welcome to your new home!" The man behind the wheel suddenly screamed. Taehyung's heart started to beat heavy in his chest and his throat suddenly felt a lot dryer than a few seconds ago. He wasn't ready for this, he didn't want this. He just wanted to go home and cuddle up in his comfortable bed. He wanted to study and become the nurse he always wanted to be. He wanted to be everywhere except this place.....

The van kept driving for a good five minutes until it came to an abrupt stop. The doors swung open and all them were forcefully pulled out of the car. Taehyung immediately closed his eyes due to the bright sunlight. The long car ride in the dark van hadn't done his eyes any good and the sunlight hit him with full force. All seven of them got pushed in a tight line behind each other, their handcuffs got tied together and they were forced to walk inside the big iron gate that was in front of them. Taehyung could already hear the screams and whistles of the other inmates inside the gates. Fresh meat would be served to them and as it sounded they were more than ready for it.

"Come on, walk!" The officer on the back of the row screamed while he pushed the latest prisoner. The man stumbled a little 'causing the whole line to get out of balance and Taehyung to almost trip over. The man in the back of the row started to scream against the officer who pushed him and before Taehyung could register it the man was getting loosened of the row and not even a minute later he was laying on the ground holding his chest in pain. Blood dripped from his nose and a big blue bruise was starting to form on his cheek. Taehyung's heart started to beat even heavier in his chest and his eyes grew as big as saucers. To say he was scared was a big understatement, he wasn't scared....he was terrified.

"Listen you idiots! Take this as an example! While you are in this prison you do as you get told, this is what happens if you step out of your line." The man screamed again at them and he forced the row to walk again, leaving the bleeding man for his colleagues to take care of. Quietly all of them did as the man told them and they walked up to the big iron gate. The gate opened and what Taehyung feared most was becoming reality right before his eyes. Hundreds of inmates lined the two big fences that separated them from the path Taehyung was on. Hundreds of inmates screamed and whistled at them, all of them being guys that were bigger and tougher than Taehyung. He was indeed fresh meat for these people. The way they looked at him said it all, they saw him as an easy target. He would become a prey in this prison, he wouldn't last two days.

"Keep walking! Once you're inside you will change inside your new fashionable outfits and you will be brought to you cell." The man in front of them shouted while he opened a door. All of them kept walking while the screams and whistles from the other inmates kept going. It sounded like a straight up mental asylum combined with a metal concert, it was total madness.

The six of them walked inside the building, Taehyung now feeling like he could throw up at any moment. Within ten minutes he was stripped of all his clothing, checked for anything illegal and put on a prison suit. It was the most humiliating thing he ever had to do and the tears were now even more permanent in his eyes. He didn't know how much longer he could keep them in, everything was becoming way too much.

"Good, now that you all are changed I'm gonna tell you your ward and cell number and the name of your roommate. After that all of you will be taken to your cell and you will stay there until we come and get you again. Do you all get that?!" The same officer as before shouted out again and all of them gave him a soft nod. Taehyung didn't wanna know what his number would be, he didn't wanna know who his cellmate was....he didn't wanna be here. The man started to shout out the names one by one, Taehyung's heart leaping once his name was called.

"Kim Taehyung, ward B cell 173, your cellmate is Jeon Jungkook!" The man blared out.

Before he even could register it Taehyung was grabbed hardly by his arm and he was being dragged off to another part of the prison. The long brown haired man dragged Taehyung behind him through multiple hallways and up two sets of stairs. In front of them where two big rows filled with prison cells. Both walls were covered in them and even more inmates started to scream at Taehyung once they got a sight of him.

"Fresh meat guys!"

"This one is a lot prettier than the last one..."

"I bet he's still a virgin."

Heavy laughs filled the hallway and Taehyung was being dragged inside the hallway again. The officer stopped in front of a cell, took out his keys and opened the cell for him. Without any warning he pushed Taehyung behind the bars, closing them the second Taehyung was inside the cell.

"Fresh meat Jeon, try to keep this one alive this time." The officer laughed heavenly and he walked away, leaving a panicked Taehyung behind. Taehyung hated the screams and whistles the other inmates gave him, but that statement freaked him out even more. They made him share a cell with someone who killed his last cellmate. They made him share a cell with a murderer.

Slowly Taehyung turned around and his eyes immediately crossed with the dark brown ones of his cellmate. The guy was around Taehyung's age, he had dark brown hair and his body was covered in heavy muscles. This wasn't a guy you would want to fight with, this was a guy you would run away from.

Taehyung swallowed heavy and he took a slow step back, his back hitting the bars of his cell. The guy on the other side of the cell gave him a sly smirk and Taehyung pressed himself even further in the bars.

He was sure of it now, his life was over.

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