Chapter 3

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Taehyung was very wrong though, the food was terrible. It was without a second thought the worst food he had ever had. The structure was non existent, it looked and tasted like baby food and the smell was even worse. If they told him that someone had vomited and they had served that to him he would have believed it, it was that bad. He didn't know how the people around him could eat it, he couldn't even look at it without having the urge to throw up. What surprised him even more was that there were inmates that did get good food, Jungkook being one of them. Taehyung sat on the left side of the canteen with some random inmates who kept whistling at him every now and then. Jungkook was on the right side of the canteen with four other inmates. The five of them had way different food than the other inmates. It looked decent and good, it looked eatable. Taehyung looked at it with hungry eyes, he wanted what they were having too.

"Hey princess, you gonna eat that?" One of the inmates that shared the table with him shook Taehyung out of his thoughts with his sudden tone of voice. Taehyung softly shook his head without looking at the other inmate.

"That's a shame princess, I like to fuck boys with a little meat on their bones." The inmate laughed and snatched Taehyung's plate away. Taehyung completely stilled at the remark, his heart started to beat faster and the colour drained from his face.

"What's up princess? Scared to get fucked by a guy like me." The man laughed again and Taehyung bowed his head even further. He tried to drown the sounds out but it was of no use. He heard everything the man said to him and he hated every second of him. They treated him like he was a pig ready to get fucked right before slaughter. The innocent boy Taehyung was, was everything but ready for that kind of behaviour. Tears started to form in his eyes, but lucky for Taehyung their dinner break was over and all of them were escorted back to their cells.

Taehyung made a straight line for his bed and without another word crawled in it. The way too small blanket covering his body again and his head on the hard pillow. Images of his brother's funeral started to flood his head and before he knew it his thoughts were flooded with everything that happened a few weeks prior.

Taehyung had been sitting in class like normal when two officers had stormed through the door and had handcuffed Taehyung. At that point he had no idea what was happening, but it all became pretty clear once they told him that his brother was stabbed to death and they had found the murder weapon and a set of Taehyung's clothes covered in his brother's blood inside his home. Even if he had wanted to prove his innocence it would have been of no use, everything pointed at Taehyung as the killer. He had spent a few weeks inside a small cell inside the local police station, until he was brought in front of the judge to hear his sentence. His mother had visited him everyday, telling him about his brothers funeral. She kept him updated about everything that was happening outside in the world, alle because she refused to believe that her dear Taehyung killed her other son. Taehyung was glad she did it though, it made him feel less alone at that time but as soon as his mother left him things started to go fucked up inside his head again. He had never been able to say properly goodbye to his brother, he wasn't allowed to go to the funeral and he already missed him more than anything. Taehyung could still remember the completely broken look on his parents faces once the judge told him that he would be sent off to prison for the rest of his life. A few hours later he had been in the police van on his way to the place he was currently staying at.

Without Taehyung noticing it tears had started to leave his eyes again and soft sobs had emerged from his throat once again. His whole life was a big mess and he the worst thing about it was that he knew that he would never be able to leave the mess. There was no chance that he would be released from prison, he was sentenced for life without possibility to be released earlier. He would be here forever without any chance of fixing the mess he was in. Soft sobs kept filling the small cell he was in and a hard heavy sigh sounded from below.

"For fucks sake, not this shit again! Listen kid if you wanna cry do it somewhere else. I just wanna sleep without your stupid sounds keeping me up!" Jungkook said with his voice filled with anger. Taehyung had immediately shut up at the sound of the other man in his cell. He had been so drowned in his own thoughts that he had completely forgotten about the other and the high possibility of ending up death if he kept annoying the brown haired male. So Taehyung did that night what was safest for him and pushed his head into his pillow again to muffle any future sobs that would leave his mouth.

To say that he had a good night was a completely wrong statement. His first night was hell, he didn't sleep at all. There were constantly sounds around him coming from the hallway. Sounds he didn't want to hear. People screaming, sobbing and the worst of them moaning. He heard all of it, resulting in the fact that he had at it's most two hours of sleep before one of the officers stood at their cell again to wake them up for the day, at 06:30 that is.

"Wake up! Get out of your cell, heads downs and hands in front of you." The man called and Taehyung sprinted out of his bed, practically running outside to complete the routine. With his head down and his hands in front of him he again witnessed how Jungkook got beaten up for disobeying the routine once again. He had no idea why his cellmate decided to disobey it once again, but he knew he hated the fact that he was close to the commotion again.

"Prisoner Kim, you are expected at the work office after breakfast. A guard will escort you there once you've finished your breakfast." The officer spoke directly at Taehyung. The morning routine that followed was simple but humiliating. All of them got exactly 15 minutes to shower after 15 minutes of exercise to start the day, brush their teeth, do their hair and change into different clothes. To make a long story short, showering happened in groups of ten, as for the rest of the routine. Taehyung couldn't feel more humiliated. PE class in high school was bad, but this was even worse. He got stared up and down the whole time and he swore that he felt a hand brushing against his skin when he rinsed the shampoo out of his hair. He at least hoped it was a hand and not something else. The comments about his body didn't stop either, the other inmates still saw him as fresh meat and still wanted to do things to him Taehyung didn't wanna think about.

After their cleaning up routine they were escorted to the canteen to eat their breakfast and once again Taehyung skipped his food. Breakfast looked even worse than dinner and he started to get concerned what lunch would look like. After breakfast he was escorted to the work office where he got a lecture about the rules of the prison. He learned that visitors were permitted to once a week for thirty minutes, he could make two phone calls a week and he would get a job at the laundry where he would start tomorrow. The rules were pretty simple; do what you are told and don't cause commotions. Taehyung had always been someone to follow the rules and almost never caused commotion, so those were pretty easy for him.

The rest of the day was filled with a tour around the prison by one of the guards, lunch, thirty minutes of going outside, dinner and retreating back to their cells. Lunch was slightly better than dinner and breakfast so Taehyung did manage to eat a little bit this time. He was sure that if he had some fat on his bones it would be gone within the week, there was no way that his body was getting enough food at the moment. Jungkook got two other beatings that Taehyung witnessed that day. The guy just refused to follow the routine and he always ended up getting beaten up for it. He didn't seem to be bothered by it at all though, making Taehyung wonder why he was even in here. The man must have been through some shit if three beatings a day didn't bother him at all. It made Taehyung only more afraid of the man though. So he again did the thing that was savest for the night, pushing his head into his pillow to muffle his sobs and not make a sound at all. He didn't wanna end up death by the morning.

Life was hell inside the prison and Taehyung wasn't made for it at all.

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