Chapter 19

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When you think that things are finally going the way you like it there will always be something to crash down on you and ruin everything..........Taehyung learned that the hard way.

Three weeks had slowly passed by. Three weeks in which Jungkook and Taehyung grew closer, but never were as close as that one particular day on the sport fields. Jungkook's arm was never on Taehyung's waist again, there were no small touches and there was no tending to wounds anymore.

Something else that had changed was the way the other inmates looked at Taehyung. Taehyung had always been somewhat of a prey for the other inmates 'cause of his pretty face, but now that Jungkook showed more and more interest in the blonde boy the interest of the other inmates had grown too. The closeness Jungkook had with Taehyung was something the other men wanted too, but for completely different and wrong reasons. Reasons both boys hated to know and both of them weren't willing to find out what they exactly were.

Jungkook's possessive and protective side started to show more and more each day other inmates made moves on the blonde boy. Taehyung was his cellmate and his only and he wasn't planning on sharing the boy who had become so close to him. Sure he had despised Taehyung at first arrival, but not anymore. Taehyung had proven to be somewhat of a friend to him. Jungkook didn't know why but the blonde boy had found a way into his overprotective heart and besides that the boy was in no way able to protect himself against those assholes so Jungkook felt the need to do it for him.

Last week alone Jungkook had to rescue Taehyung at least four times out of the hands of way too touchy inmates. Taehyung had become a prey to them and they wouldn't stop until they got what they wanted. Jungkook couldn't leave Taehyung alone for ten seconds without other prisoners getting all over the blonde boy and he was getting more than tired from it. Jungkook had never planned to stay long inside the prison and with everything that was happening to Taehyung the younger was even more sure of that fact. It was time for him to finally set his plans in action and that was exactly what he had been doing the last couple of weeks. With the help of some of his friends from outside the prison preparations had been made and the only thing the younger now needed was a good moment to set the last stage of his plan into action. The only problem being that he had no idea when that moment would come. Everytime he finally thought that he had found a good moment something else came up and ruined his plan once again. Most of the times it was Taehyung who was getting harassed by other inmates and Jungkook needing to come to his rescue that blocked him from setting his plan to action, but strangely it didn't bother him as much as he would have thought at first.

Today wasn't any different than the other days. Taehyung was once again being harassed by five other inmates while Jungkook was getting their food at lunchtime. Normally they would only speak to him in a gross and foul way and Taehyung was able to block them out, but the last few days they had began touching him too. Taehyung's whole body felt dirty from all the unwanting touches the inmates had laid upon him the last few weeks and he could only wish that Jungkook would come to his rescue like all the other times.

The inmates kept touching Taehyung despite his pleas of letting him go. Tears began to well up in Taehyung's eyes while his body started shaking. All colour drained from his face and a cold feeling started to spread from his spine.

"Wanna come to my cell with me princess?"

"I'm sure loverboy wouldn't mind sharing you a little."

"I can make you feel really good princess." 

A hand slowly traveled up towards Taehyung's inner thigh. Please Jungkook, help me. Tears started to make their way out of Taehyung's eyes and soft sobs leave his mouth. He couldn't deal with it anymore, the harassment was getting too much for him to handle. Taehyung couldn't protect himself against it and both him and the other inmates were completely aware of that fact.

"We can leave and I could help you remove those tears from your face."

"I'm sure that you would look really pretty on my bed princess."

Soft sobs kept leaving Taehyung's mouth and he slowly closed his eyes to block the vision of the inmates around him. It didn't help though, he could feel every movement the men made on his body, the breaths that touched his face and the lips that touched his neck. He could feel and hear all of it and there was no way to stop them.

"I could give you something to calm down a little."

"I wanna hear what sounds you can make, pretty boy."

"Help me out a little princess."

"I can make your dreams become reality if you come with me pretty face."

Another sob left Taehyung's mouth, followed by the smashing of a plate on their table. Taehyung opened his eyes widely and a sigh of relief immediately left his mouth. In front of him stood a very angry Jungkook who had his fists bawled and his nostrils spread.

"LEAVE!" Jungkook's voice boomed through the canteen. Normally that would have been enough for the other inmates to let Taehyung go and leave him and Jungkook alone. This time it did nothing. The other inmates only lifted their eyebrows or started to smirk a little, but they didn't let go of Taehyung at all.

"I SAID LEAVE!" Jungkook yelled again, making one of them scramble back a little. "NOW!" The inmate who had scrambled back a little ran away like his life depended on it but the other four men weren't faced at all by the action of the brown haired boy. They all kept sitting on their places like nothing was happening in front of them, locking eyes with the angry younger that stood before them and continuing their actions.

"Never learned how to share Jeon?" The man whose hand was still on Taehyung's thigh laughed evilly while he placed his lips on Taehyung's cheek.

Before Taehyung could fully register what was happening shit had already hit the fan. Jungkook had launched himself at the man next to Taehyung, colliding his fist against the man's jaw. The man had already hit Jungkook back in the face, the other three inmates had started to help their friend and fists landed everywhere on everyone. Blood coming from different people dripped on the ground and spit flew everywhere. It was a complete chaos of fighting people and Taehyung could only look at it with wide eyes. Another fist collided with Jungkook's face and blood flew from his mouth on the table in front of Taehyung. Taehyung's eyes slowly looked from the blood on the table to Jungkook. There was no way the younger was gonna win a fight against four people. Panic started to take over Taehyung's body and his eyes darted between the five men. Another blow hit Jungkook and the younger boy stumbled back a little. Taehyung saw how one of the man readied his fist to hit Jungkook another time and without thinking the blonde sprung into action, throwing himself between Jungkook and the four men.

"Taehyung, what the fuck are you doing!?" Jungkook screamed in full panic, but before Taehyung could answer him the man's fist had already collided with his head. The blonde boy's vision started to blur, his head started to spin and his body started to feel heavy. Taehyung blinked his eyes rapidly to get rid of the horrible feeling that had started to take over his body. He saw how another hand made his way towards his face and before he could react to the action a second wave of pain spreaded through his head, making him even more dizzy. The blur in his vision slowly started to become a dark mess and within a few seconds darkness had completely taken over him. He couldn't feel his body nor his mind anymore. Darkness had taken over and there was nothing Taehyung could do about that.

Taehyung could only hope that Jungkook did better than he did.

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