Chapter 23

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Taehyung's breathing had become uneven and he looked with big eyes at the guys before him. He saw how everybody started to high five each other, celebrating their victory while still not noticing the blonde haired boy who sat in the back of the car.

"That was fucking awesome, well done Chim!" Namjoon yelled again while he sat back in his seat, throwing his head back and placing his feet on the dashboard in front of him. Yoongi and Jungkook both hung against the sides of the car, cleaning out their weapons to get rid of any form of dust or gunpowder. Jimin closed his laptop and placed his head in his hands after, clearly stressed about the whole thing. Seokjin slowed the pace of the car down and with somewhat of a more normal speed he drove away from the whole scene that happened behind them. Hoseok was a whole different story though. Hoseok didn't seem bothered by the whole ordeal that just happened....Hoseok could only look at Taehyung with those soul piercing eyes of him. Eyes that freaked Taehyung out the longer they were on him and made him push himself even further in the seat he was currently occupying.

A short silence fell over the car before Jungkook was the first to speak again. "Joon, update me."

A smirk fell over Namjoon's face and he slightly turned around so he could look at Jungkook. "With pleasure." All eyes were immediately on Namjoon. "The business has been quite the same, still the same people and still the same problems. There were some changes though...." Namjoon shortly fell silent.

" Uh guys-....." Hoseok started but got cut of immediately by Yoongi.

"We arranged a huge deal with a weapon dealer, if everything has gone according to plan the weapons should have arrived by now." Jungkook gave both boys a nod.

"Guys-...." Hoseok tried again, but again got cut of by one of the members.

"Thanks to Jimin we intercepted a huge cargo of cocaine that we used as trade for the weapon deal." Jin amplified, creating a small smile on Jimin's face thanks to the compliment.

"Guys, who is-...." Hoseok tried for a third time, but nobody seemed to listen to him.

"Nobody got badly wounded, some small cuts and stuff but Jin took care of it right after." Namjoon spoke again. "We've already planned out our next mission-......" but before he could finish his next sentence Hoseok suddenly yelled to get everybody's attention.


The five boys all turned their heads towards Hoseok, an irritated look on their faces. "What do you want? This isn't the time for stupid questions Hobi." Yoongi blurred at the younger, his eyes squinted together and his lips in a fine line.

"I....I know that, but....." Hoseok stammered softly, clearly intimidated by the other five.

"For fucks sake get on with it!" Yoongi now full on yelled and within an instant Hoseok had grabbed Taehyung by his arm, pushing him towards the middle of the car. "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS!?"

The whole car fell silent, all eyes on the blonde boy that stood between them all. His eyes big, his skin pale and his body shaking like a leaf. Taehyung felt like dying right at that moment, he had seen how dangerous these people were and he felt everything except from safe now that he stood in between them all. These people were gonna murder him and he was sure of it. There was no way he was getting out of this alive. There was-......

Before Taehyung could finish his thoughts complete chaos erupted in the car. He heard how Namjoon started to yell at Jin to watch out for a tree they were going to crash into due to Jin sitting backwards and looking at Taehyung. The car made a sharp turn to avoid the tree, Jin started to yell back that Namjoon had to leave him alone and that he knew what he was doing. Namjoon defended himself and Jin yelled back. The two kept going back and forward like an old married couple, completely ignoring what was happening in the back.

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