Chapter 63

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Anxious, that was the best word to describe the feeling inside of Taehyung's body right now. The blonde boy had driven Jungkook's car towards the place Jimin's kidnappers had mentioned in the text and he slowly started to think if this had been the right thing to do. Maybe Yoongi would have had a better chance at succeeding than he did.

The nurse had left in such a hurry that he had forgotten to take anything with him. He had no phone, no gun and no back up. Taehyung was completely on his own and there would be no one to save Jimin once the kidnappers had shot a bullet through his head. I mean, that's what those people wanted to happen right? Yoongi had said so himself, it's Taehyung they're after, not Jimin. Which is exactly the reason why the grey haired boy had to get out of here as soon as possible, he had done nothing wrong.

Slowly the blonde boy began to open the car door of the big black Mercedes he had driven here. His heart was rapidly beating in his chest and his breathing had become irregular. This was it. Within less than an hour he would be nothing more than a memory. A lifeless piece of meat who had once been a happy nurse full of dreams and things he still wanted to do. In less than an hour he would meet the same fate that his brother had met. In less than an hour both Kim brothers would be gone forever.

Taehyung slowly took a deep breath of air before getting out of the car and noticing his surroundings. The blonde boy was currently standing in the middle of nowhere in front of a huge old factory. A lot of ivy was covering the sides of the building and some holes could be spotted in the walls. The old factory looked like it could collapse any minute and slowly the nurse began to wonder if this was truly the place Jimin was being held captive. No way anyone would willingly enter this dangerous place right? What if the roof would cave in? Who would willingly risk their live by entering this building?

However as soon as the blonde boy had gotten out of the car two men dressed in black suits came rushing out of the old building, both of them wearing sly smirks on their faces. "No fucking way, it's actually him." One of the men in black said as the two of them got closer to Taehyung, amusement clearly lacing his voice. Both men increased the speed they were walking in and within a few seconds they were standing directly in front of Taehyung.

The ex-prisoner swallowed thickly and the nervousness he was feeling inside his chest increased tenfold. One of these men would most likely be the one responsible for his death. One of these men would surely be hunted down by Jungkook, who would want nothing more but revenge for the death of his boyfriend. It didn't matter to Taehyung however, he had come here with one goal only. Save Jimin, the rest didn't matter.

"Yeah boss we've got him." One of the men in black said while pressing a button on the earpiece he was wearing. Slowly Taehyung looked up and carefully took in both men's faces. A sting of shock shot through his body once he looked at the person on the right. He knew that man's face. He had no idea from where but the blonde was pretty sure he had seen his face before. If only he could remember he would be prepared about what was yet to come. He wasn't dumb, these two men were just tools to the real big bad boss who was currently still hiding somewhere. These two were nothing more but some pions while their boss was the gameleader.

"Search him for any weapons." The man on the left commanded the other one and the familiar man immediately started to pat every spot on Taehyung's body. Slowly the blonde boy closed his eyes and let the man feel every part of his body while he was looking for any kind of things the blonde had brought here. A small smile began to form on the nurse's face upon realising the irony of the whole situation. These people really thought he had actually been smart enough to take something with him which would help him defend himself. Ohh how the blonde boy wished he had been that smart.

A few tears immediately began to form into Taehyung's eyes once the man began to search him in the kind of places the blonde had never allowed anyone to touch except for his boyfriend. That man surely must know he couldn't possibly hide something down there right? Slowly the nurse looked at the man who was searching him only to notice a devilish smirk proudly decorating his face.

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