Chapter 55

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It didn't take long for Hoseok to get to Taemin, Taehyung short on the redhead's heels. According to Jin the unconscious boy wouldn't take much longer to wake up if everything went right. His vitals were really good and he reacted to all the tests Jin did on him. The only thing left was for the boy to open his eyes so he could be greeted by his long lost lover.

Hoseok didn't even have to think about it when Jin told him he could sit with Taemin on the boy's bed and be the first one he would see after all this time. Who wouldn't want to join their loved one when they were going to wake up from a months long coma. The prison and this whole coma had separated them long enough and now was the time to end that.

Taehyung couldn't even imagine how miserable he would feel if something similar happened to Jungkook, sure he had almost lost him a while back but he had never been forced apart from the younger like Hoseok had been from Taemin. To be honest Taehyung didn't even know if he was capable of the things Hoseok had went through. Being separated must have been really terrible but finally having your loved one back and not even ten minutes later being ripped away from you again wasn't something Taehyung would want to experience. Jungkook meant the world to him, to be fair Jungkook was his whole world right now and losing him would quite literally mean the end of Taehyung's world. His brother was dead, his parents didn't want to speak with him anymore and the friends he had created within the gang were Jungkook's friends in the first place. He didn't even know if he could stay in this place if it wasn't for Jungkook, after all the younger's dad had made it quite well known that he wasn't fond of Taehyung in any way.

With a small smile Taehyung looked over at Hoseok and Taemin, gaining much more respect for their relationship than he already had. Sure he and Hoseok hadn't been on the same page all the time but they both knew how it felt to almost lose your lover and that had done something to their bond. Both of them gaining some form of respect for the other without holding any grudges about what had happened in the past.

"Taehyung, can you help me here for a few seconds?" Jin's voice suddenly sounded through the room. The blonde's eyes instantly wandered over to the young surgeon, seeing him at the other side of Taemin's bed.

With a soft nod he walked over towards Jin, getting a quick look at the fragile boy that lay between the white sheets. Taemin's colour had returned to his face, his breathing was normal and he looked like he was sleeping. On the other hand Taemin looked in some kind of way worse than what Taehyung had seen of him the last couple of weeks. The boy sure needed some more meat on his bones and a little bit of sunlight on his pale skin also wouldn't hurt but Taehyung was pretty sure Hoseok would take care of all of that once his lover would wake up.

"Can you hold his arm straight? I'm gonna give him a little bit of this medicine, hopefully it helps him to wake up quicker and easier." Jin asked with a small smile on his face while he uncapped the needle. Taehyung slowly took a hold of Taemin's arm, turning it so that Jin would be able to inject the medicine easily. Not even twenty seconds later Jin had injected the medicine making them all curious if it would help or not. "He should be able to wake up within the next few minutes."

Hoseok grabbed Taemin's hand a little tighter, giving his lover a hopeful look while whispering something like 'come on babe, you can do it.' in the boy's ear.

A minute passed without much happening, Taehyung slowly getting concerned that Jin's medicine wouldn't have worked like they all had hoped. Only to be ripped away from his own thoughts the moment a soft grumble left Taemin's mouth. Taehyung's attention was instantly on the boy within the white sheets, the hopeful feeling within his body returning like it hadn't been away at all.

Taemin's eyes squinted together while another grumble left his mouth, a loud sob leaving Hoseok's mouth from seeing the first signs of waking up from his lover.

"Come on babe, open your eyes. You're almost there." Hoseok whispered against Taemin's forehead while he gave him soft kisses against it. "I love you so much, please open your eyes."

As if Hoseok's prayers had been heard Taemin did indeed open his eyes, slowly and almost not visible but they were open. Another deep grumble left Taemin's mouth while his eyes opened a little further, instantly locking his eyes with Hoseok's.

"H..hey." Nothing more than a soft whisper left Taemin's mouth.

The word being more than enough to break Hoseok down completely, covering Taemin in sweet little kisses while mumbling I love you's over and over again. Taehyung could only look at the boys with fondness. The sight was amazing to see and it even brought some tears to his own eyes. Hoseok had Taemin wrapped completely in his arms by now, giving him all the love and affection he had missed out on the last few months.

A few minutes passed, Taehyung and Jin both patiently waiting until Hoseok and Taemin had had their moment and Hoseok would let go of his lover for a little while. A minute or so later Hoseok did indeed let go of Taemin's body, instead grabbing his hand while looking at him lovingly.

"W..where am I?" Taemin's voice nothing more than a soft hoarse whisper.

Hoseok softly reached out towards Taemin's head, stroking some hairs out of his face. "'re finally home."

A small smile fell on Taemin's face while his eyes started to roam through the room, halting on Jin the moment his eyes came in contact with the elder's face.

Jin face instantly lighted up with a huge smile. "It's good to have you back, we've missed you. How are you feeling?"

A few coughs left Taemin's mouth before he was able to answer the eldest boy. "Okay, I guess. My head hurts and I feel sleepy but my body feels fine." Jin gave the younger a short nod before Taemin's eyes wandered towards Taehyung. Hoseok instantly telling his boyfriend who the blonde haired boy was and that he together with Jin had saved Taemin's life, leaving the fact that Taehyung had been the one that got Taemin shot in the first place completely away. Taehyung was glad Hoseok decided to leave that part for now, he didn't want his first impression to be a bad one and Hoseok had given him that chance. Taehyung and Hoseok crossed eyes for a moment, a look of understanding between the two.

Even though Taehyung and Taemin didn't change any words in that moment it had been enough for the both of them. They would get to know each other later, this was Hoseok and Taemin's moment.

"I will get you something to drink, if your stomach can handle it we can try eating later on. Keep an eye on him for me will you, Hoseok?" Jin suddenly spoke, signing for Taehyung to follow him and leave the two boys alone.

Without any doubt Taehyung followed the young surgeon out of the room, giving the boys their well deserved alone time. Jin obviously didn't need Taehyung's help by getting the drinks, thanking the boy for his help while letting him know that he would call Taehyung if something else occurred. All while pestering the younger to go back to Jungkook, assuming that he would have woken up by now and could use a little love to get over his hangover.

With a big smile Taehyung and Jin said their goodbyes, both of them going their own way. Jin back to the two lovebirds and Taehyung back to his own lovebird.

A lovebird with probably a huge hangover.



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