Chapter 24

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Taehyung had no idea for how long they drove in the car, but it felt like an eternity to him. The whole ride everybody spoke about stuff he didn't understand and all of them ignored him completely. Jungkook was the only person who said something once in a while, but even he had almost no attention for the blonde haired boy. The only thing that made Taehyung smile a little that whole ride was the fact that Jimin had looked at him once while giving him a small smile. Just the fact that someone had actually noticed him had been enough for him to smile, even if it was just for two seconds. Taehyung wasn't part of this group and that feeling took him over more and more. He was a burden to them and they didn't want him here. Jungkook had taken him out of spite but not because he wanted to. Taehyung was alone in this and he hated every last bit of it.

The car finally came to a hold and within an instant everybody except from Taehyung had jumped out of the car. Taehyung looked with big eyes at the exit of the car, not sure if wanted to get out or not. Once he got out there was no way back and he was more than aware of that fact.

Jungkook popped his head back in the car and he reached out towards Taehyung.

"You coming? I promise you that nobody is gonna hurt you. There's nothing to be afraid of."

With some hesitation Taehyung reached out towards Jungkook's hand, knowing that staying in the car by himself was also not an option. Taehyung's whole body felt stiff and cold, he was shaking and the colour had drained from his face. He didn't like this one bit. With some difficulty Taehyung got out of the car, still holding on to Jungkook's hand like his life depended on it.

"Welcome to our humble home." Jungkook whispered and slowly Taehyung looked up at the building before him. To say he was shocked was an understatement. He had expected a lot, but this wasn't on his list of options. An abandoned warehouse that looked like it was going to collapse in the middle of nowhere was definitely not on his list of options. The building looked terrible. Twigs of ivy surrounded one side of the building, huge patches of rust affected the metal windows and walls and the rooftop had multiple holes it in. The whole building looked unsteady and ready to break down at any moment. If Taehyung had come across this building any other day he would for sure have marked it as one of those abandoned haunted houses you see in horror movies, it looked that bad.

Taehyung kept shaking like a leaf, the sight in front of him making it even worse than it already was. The other boys didn't seem faced at all though. Jimin and Yoongi walked a little bit in front of them. Yoongi's arm thrown over Jimin's shoulder, while Hoseok walked next to them and kept chatting about something random Taehyung didn't understand. Namjoon and Jin were a bit closer to Taehyung. The two boys stood a little to Taehyung's left, still bickering about the car ride. Namjoon still not happy with the fact that Jin almost crashed into a tree while Jin kept going about the fact that Namjoon didn't need to treat him like a child and that he knew what he was doing.

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's hand and he slowly made his way over to the bickering couple, grabbing their attention immediately. Jungkook rubbed his thumb a little over Taehyung's hand to calm him down, giving him a soft smile in the meantime.
"Seokjin?" Jungkook started. "Could you show Taehyung around while I fix some business with Namjoon?" Taehyung's anxiety grew even more with that statement. The only person he somewhat trusted in here was going to leave him too and he didn't like that thought at all.

"WIll you be okay with that Tae?" Jungkook spoke again, but before Taehyung could shake his head no and disagree with the idea Seokjin had already grabbed his hand and started to drag him to the building.

"MAKE SURE TO KEEP AN EYE ON HIM THE WHOLE TIME, JIN! BRING HIM TO YOUR CHAMBERS WHEN YOU'RE DONE WITH THE TOUR. I WILL PICK HIM UP THERE AFTER I'M DONE!" Jungkook yelled after them before the both of them would be out of sight. Taehyung looked a little panicked at the boy next to him, not trusting the situation at all. With a huge smile on his face the elder dragged Taehyung inside the building, following the other three boys with a little skip in his step.

"First things first, lets get some food before we start with this tour. I'm sure you're hungry, right?" The elder gave Taehyung another smile and he tightened his grip on Taehyung's hand. "I'm Seokjin by the way, but I guess you've figured that out by now. Everyone around here calls me Jin though. I don't know why Kookie brought you here, but I'm happy that he did. I could use some help in the hospital wing." Taehyung's anxiety reduced a little at that statement. Jin didn't seem that scary on second thought, he had a very motherly vibe around himself and he didn't look like someone who would bring any harm to Taehyung. To say Taehyung trusted him was a bridge too far, but he wasn't as frightened anymore. Jin looked like a happy and caring guy, a vibe Taehyung could connect with easily.

The inside of the building looked somewhat better that the outside, it didn't feel like a home or something but it didn't look that bad either. It was cold and empty looking, but contrary to the outside it didn't look like it was gonna fall apart at any moment. The boys walked through three long hallways before they reached two big double doors with a lot of noise coming from behind them.

"This is the canteen, the food isn't that good to be honest, but it keeps us up and about." Jin opened the doors and the sight before Taehyung frightened him completely. There were about two hundred people sitting in groups on long straight tables. It looked like the prison all over again and that fact alone made him hate it completely. "It gets a little crowded over here every once in a while, feel free the come by our apartment if you ever want to eat something more delicate and in peace. We usually eat apart from the crowds and you're welcome to join us anytime, okay?" Taehyung nods softly at the boy beside him, still in shock about the sight in front of him.

"Does everybody have a apartment?" Taehyung asked, still eyeing the room before him.

Jin started to chuckle, closing the doors and walking further into the hallway. "I bet they wished they had, but no. Only the people who are close to Jungkook have their own, the others share rooms in little groups on the opposite side of the building." Taehyung jogged after Jin to catch back up with him. If there was one thing he didn't want right now it would be losing Jin and getting lost in here. The elder kept walking while giving Taehyung little bits of information about the building and the rooms they passed on their way. Information Taehyung tried to memorise as best as he could. Jin took a left before he opened another door, motioning Taehyung to walk inside before him.

"Welcome to my ward." Jin's voice sounded from behind Taehyung.

A soft smile fell on Taehyung's face. In front of him was a small hospital wing filled with stuff he knew from his days a nursing student. On the left side were around twenty beds, none of them occupied at the moment. White blankets neatly thrown over them and small nightstands between every two beds. Compared to the rest of the building the room looked neat and clean, almost too clean. Without knowing there was no way you would guess that the building would hold such a nice room inside of it.

Jin walked a little inside the room, pushing away some curtains to show Taehyung the whole room properly. Jin's action revealed a small desk in the middle of the room with two huge metal lockers behind it. "This is where I work if I'm not busy with the patients. One of the lockers holds all my paperwork while the other holds everything you could possibly need around here. Medicins, operation tools, you name it and it's probably there."

Jin removed another curtain, revealing a white wall with a small window in it and a door. "May I introduce you to my operation room?" Jin opened the door and motioned Taehyung to follow him inside. With small steps Taehyung made his way over to Jin, stepping through the door while Jin turned on the lights. Taehyung's eyes widened immediately at the sight, in front of him was in fact a small operation room. Just big enough to do any kind of operation that didn't need too much people.

"I'm glad Kookie took you with him, you know. I was dying to finally get some help around here." Jin put his hand on Taehyung's shoulder and walked back inside the bigger room. "It gets a little lonely in here sometimes, but I'm sure that won't be much of a problem anymore now that there are two of us." A small smile fell on both of their faces. Jin closed all the curtains back up and with another motioned of his hand he took Taehyung back into the hallway.

Seokjin showed him everything they came across on their path, telling little stories on the way about funny things that happened in certain places. It didn't take them long to reach the hallway filled with private rooms, as Jin called them while he lead Taehyung to his own. The elder opened the door for the blonde haired boy and a soft gasp left Taehyung's mouth.

"Welcome to our apartment, hope you like it."

Taehyung could only look around himself, taking in the beauty before him. Completely agreeing with the fact that he indeed liked it.

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