Chapter 7

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Taehyung and Jungkook were back in the laundry room once again. Their morning had gone by pretty easy and after the regular stuff they had to do everyday both boys had been sent to the laundry room once again to get to their task of folding laundry and putting it away once they were done. Taehyung the well behaved and soft young man he was did of course as he was told while Jungkook did the complete opposite. While Taehyung had already folded two complete baskets Jungkook had just been looking at him the whole time from his spot behind the counter. His back sloughed against it and his arms crossed in front of him. Jungkook didn't look like he was gonna do anything and so Taehyung had himself already mentally prepared for the 5 more baskets he had to do to avoid commotion at his station. He didn't mind it though, it kept his mind of the fact that he had to stay inside this hell hole and it kept him busy.

"Hey Cinderella, did you have fun with your mom last night? It looked like both of you were crying an awful lot." Jungkook had suddenly asked, but Taehyung decided to ignore the comment once again. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" Jungkook teased the elder, while he raised one of his eyebrows.

"I..I..just missed her okay, we were always very close. You might be used to being in here but I am not." Taehyung whispered back almost inaudible.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock." Jungkook laughs at the blonde haired boy. Taehyung still kept on his task of folding the laundry when a question popped inside his head. He had no idea if he even had the guts to ask the younger about it though. He still feared Jungkook in a way, sure he had his somewhat friendly moments but he was still the guy who had killed his last cellmate.

After fighting with himself for more than five minutes Taehyung decided to take the risk and ask the question, curiosity getting the better of him.

"W..who was you visitor?" Taehyung stuttered almost inaudible without looking at Jungkook once. A short silence falls between them and the scary cat Taehyung is he immediately started to think that he had fucked up big time.

"Just a friend, nothing else." Jungkook suddenly answers and a sigh of relief released Taehyung's body, he hadn't fucked up. He didn't believe Jungkook answer though. He had no idea who his visitor was but he wasn't just a friend. You don't argue with a friend like that and friends don't give you things in secret under a table.

Taehyung didn't dare to ask any further, he knew Jungkook was lying to him but he also knew that he would probably end up dead if the younger found out that Taehyung had seen it all in the visiting room. The blonde gave Jungkook a short nod and went on with his task without any help from Jungkook, a soft smirk plastered on the dark brown haired boys face the whole time.

After two hours all of them were released for lunch break and after completing their routine all of them walked inside the small canteen. Taehyung was once again presented with food that looked somewhat edible but nearly not as good as Jungkook's. To Taehyung's surprise Jungkook had joined him on his table just like yesterday. The boy had seated himself across from Taehyung, his plate once again filled with bread with fried eggs and a cup of fresh orange juice.

Without any hint Jungkook threw one of his slices with egg on Taehyung's plate again and just like yesterday he got rid of the old milk in Taehyung's cup and replaced it with half of his orange juice. With a soft thanks Taehyung had eaten and drunk all of it in a heartbeat, thanking the gods for their help. He had no idea what he had done to get food for the second time from Jungkook but he was glad he had done it. Jungkook's food was a million times better than his own and he loved every bite of it. After both of them had finished their food they had made their way outside once again. Both of them took a seat at the wall beside each other while Jungkook lighted one of his cigarettes, taking deep heaves of it.

" know that they are bad for you, right?" Taehyung whispered almost inaudible at his cellmate. He had no idea where his confidence suddenly came from but before he knew it he had already said the words to the man beside him and he hated himself for it.

Jungkook started to laugh pretty loudly at Taehyung's comment. "Damn kid, you are too pure to be in here. Of course I know that they are bad, that's why I started to smoke them in the first place."

Taehyung kept his head low, not daring to react to the comment. The short moment of bravery that had flooded over him not even two minutes ago had left him as soon as it had arrived.

"Why are you even in here? There is literally nothing I can picture you doing to end up in here." Jungkook suddenly asked while he took another heave of his cigarette. A deep sigh left Taehyung's mouth, there was no point in hiding the fact from his cellmate. He was pretty sure Jungkook would find out about it if he wanted anyway, besides maybe it gave him an advantage and would it learn Jungkook that he shouldn't mess with Taehyung.

"T..The judge sent me here 'cause I killed my brother." Taehyung whispered back at Jungkook, causing the younger to fall into a huge laughing fit.

"You're joking right? You..killed somebody? That's the best joke I've heard in a while." Jungkook laughed at Taehyung, completely not believing the fact Taehyung just told him.

"It's true though." Taehyung whispered back, already being pretty sure that this was surely not something he could use in his advantage on Jungkook.

"Were they blind or something? You are way too innocent to have killed someone. What did you do to him, tickle him to death?" Jungkook still laughed at the older boy next to him.

"No.....why are you even in here if you know this stuff so well?" Taehyung suddenly asked back, another wave of bravery washed over him and he was making use of it again. Jungkook slowly came back down from his laughing fit and looked with his eyebrows raised at Taehyung.

"You really have no idea who I am, have you? I'm in here for the usual stuff Cinderella. Armed robbery, murder, hostage, name it and I've probably done it. Don't worry though I won't be in here for much longer." Jungkook answered in a calm and collected tone, once again taking a heave from his cigarette.

Taehyung's eyes grew big at the things Jungkook just listed. His heart started to beat faster once again and anxiety started to fill up his body. Who in the hell was his cellmate and what did he mean by the fact that he would be out of here soon?

They surely wouldn't let somebody go who did all the things Jungkook did right?!

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