Chapter 43

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Chaos, that would be the best way to describe the current situation. Jimin and Taehyung had ripped open the doors that would lead to Taemin's freedom while Hoseok started shooting at someone inside the van.

In the meantime Jungkook and Yoongi had managed to kill the guards at the front of the van and to say they were angry at Taehyung and Jimin for leaving the car would be a complete understatement. Both of them were furious, the kind of furious that you would see steam coming from their ears if that was possible.

Within a second Jungkook had pushed Taehyung away from all the commotion, running towards Hoseok to help him with the guards inside the van. Yoongi who had probably done the same to Jimin made his way next to Hoseok and all three of them started to shoot at the guards inside the van, while dodging the bullets that came towards them.

Minutes passed until suddenly complete silence fell over the group. A silence Taehyung didn't like at all, he couldn't see what was happening and if his friends were okay. He didn't know where Jimin was and he didn't see Namjoon and the last guard anymore. With a heart that was almost beating out of his chest Taehyung started to make his way towards the back of the van again, hoping to catch a glimpse of the three boys. He slowly turned the corner, seeing only Jungkook and Yoongi at the back of the van. Both of them seemed okay, a little rough and worn out but okay.

A small smile fell on Taehyung's face and before he knew what was happening two more people jumped out of the van. Two people with enormous smiles on their faces. One of them Taehyung did know while he could only assume who the other boy was. Tears streamed down Hoseok's face while he undid the handcuffs from the other boy's hands and feet. The two immediately going in for a hug the moment he got rid of all of them. A hug that was soon followed by a passionate kiss, while heavy sobs and the soft words of 'I love you and I missed you' kept coming from Hoseok's mouth.

The boy, Taehyung assumed was Taemin, wasn't very big built or anything. He looked pretty ordinary in Taehyung's opinion. He wasn't very muscular like Jungkook and he didn't look very intimidating like Yoongi. To be fair he looked pretty nice and friendly, sure he was a bit underweight due to his stay in the prison but nothing to bad. Taehyung could see why Hoseok had chosen the boy as his boyfriend, they both gave off the same friendly vibe.

Taehyung slowly made his way over to the boys, not really paying attention to the whole scene around him anymore. With a small smile on his face Taehyung walked up to the boys, grabbing their attention the moment he came into sight. Jungkook immediately walked up to him, anger radiating from his body while Yoongi did the same to Jimin. "WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN!? WHY ARE YOU OUT OF THE CAR!?"

Taehyung's eyes widened at Jungkook's sudden outburst, not expecting it at all. Of course he knew Jungkook was angry but he had never expected that he was this kind of angry. Jungkook almost never screamed at him, but when he did it hurted and scared Taehyung more than anything. It had never been his intention to anger the younger, he just wanted to help Jimin.


"YOU COULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING KILLED!" Jungkook yelled, turning around in frustration. His hands in his hair, tugging at the strands harshly.

Tears made their way up in Taehyung's eyes, slowly stepping backwards to create some distance between them and give Jungkook some space. Of course he had been wrong, but he never intended to bring anyone any harm, he just wanted to help. A small sob made his way out of Taehyung's mouth, his eyes travelling over towards Jimin and Yoongi who stood a little away from him. Yoongi had Jimin wrapped up his arms, scolding him at the same time for his stupidity. A sight Taehyung wished to have between him and Jungkook right now, he didn't want them to fight he only wanted to protect Jimin.

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