Chapter 52

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All seven boys had kept quiet for a few seconds before Namjoon had sprung into action, ordering them all around to do exactly as mister Jeon had asked. Namjoon had known the man for some time now and he knew exactly that things were going to go really wrong if they didn't do what the man had asked of them. So without giving it much thought Namjoon had ordered Jin and Taehyung to go check on Taemin while he ordered Jimin and Hoseok to go to their apartments, leaving only Jungkook, Yoongi and himself in the hallway. He had seen the slight hesitation in Taehyung's eyes to leave Jungkook behind in such a state but before the blonde had the chance to act on his feelings Namjoon had already dragged Jungkook behind himself to the meeting room, leaving Taehyung in the care of Jin with the knowledge that his boyfriend would be able to explain Taehyung exactly what was happening.

Jungkook could feel his blood boiling in his body while Namjoon dragged him into the meeting room. It hadn't been the first time his father had laid a hand on Jungkook but this time felt different than all the others and it had sparked a fire in Jungkook's body, he wasn't afraid of the man anymore, he was angry....really angry. This time Jungkook had wanted to protect something that belonged to him and the fact that his father had made him look so vulnerable and weak before Taehyung and the others made his blood boil.

Jungkook never thought of himself as someone weak and he knew he was able to protect his friends whenever he needed to but his father's action had shown them the complete opposite, it showed them Jungkook just let it happen without fighting back, it showed them Jungkook's father had complete control over his son and that was exactly what Jungkook didn't want.

Sure back in the days Jungkook had indeed been too weak to stand up against his father, his upbringing had never been really easy and pretty harsh so whenever he actually did stand up to him he got punished just like the man had done a few minutes ago but Jungkook wasn't that weak kid anymore. He knew how to fight for himself, he knew how to have control over his own life, he knew how to protect those who he loved and he surely knew that letting himself getting hit by his old man wasn't what he wanted.

With his fists balled Jungkook walked into the room behind Namjoon and Yoongi, immediately coming face to face with the man he despised more and more everyday.

"Sit, all of you." The man started, a small smirk on his face while he looked at his raging son.

"Sir, I would-....." Namjoon began while he took place on one of the chairs around the table, instantly being shut up by a small wave from mister Jeon who still had his eyes on the raging Jungkook. The youngest of them all looked at his father with complete hatred, not sitting down and ignoring another command from his father. Namjoon's eyes switched between the two Jeon men, hoping the older man wouldn't lash out against his son again.

Mister Jeon slowly lifted one of eyebrows at Jungkook, looking the younger right in his eyes with a piercing look. "I came here to find out what had gone wrong on your mission, but now that I've seen that we're a homeless shelter I really want to hear your explanation for that that too. So tell me son, why did you bring that charity case over here?"

Jungkook's eyes closed a little further, his right eye having a small twitch in it due to all the anger that was going through his body. His hands balled even more into fists, his nails digging sharply in his skin. "I've already told you, he's innocent and I wanted to give him part of his freedom back." The younger spat, his voice laced with anger.

Within two seconds the old man had stood up from his chair smashing his fist against the table with a loud bang, making them all flinch back a little. "BULLSHIT, JUNGKOOK!"

With an incredible speed for a man his age he made his way around the table, stopping right before Jungkook. The two men's noses where almost touching each other, both of them giving the other looks filled with anger and hate without stepping back. "Just tell me he's your personal whore." mister Jeon whisper shouted dangerously low while some of his spit landed on Jungkook's face.

If Jungkook hadn't been on top of his anger by everything that had happened already he sure was now. He could accept a lot but Taehyung being called a whore was something he couldn't accept, he simply wouldn't allow it, Taehyung was so much more than that. "HE'S NOT A WHORE! I DON'T NEED WHORES TO FULFILL MY NEEDS YOU KNOW, I'M NOT LIKE YOU!"

Before anyone could come between the two men Jungkook's dad had pushed his son back harshly, walking the both of them towards the wall and making the younger's back collide with the hard surface while the older of the two kept him trapped against it. The older man hand wrapped tightly around Jungkook's chin while the other was pushed against his son's chest to keep him in place. "THEN WHY THE FUCK IS HE HERE JUNGKOOK!?"

Without giving it any thought Jungkook pushed his father away from him, creating some small space between the two men. Jungkook's father's vingers loosening their grip the younger. His father's nails scratching harshly on Jungkook's chin, the skin starting to bleed a little and making the surface slippery enough for Jungkook to be able to rip away from the man completely. "HE'S HERE BECAUSE I CARE FOR HIM! I FUCKING LOVE HIM, YOU KNOW! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SPEAK ABOUT HIM LIKE YOU DO AND I WON'T ALLOW IT!"

Jungkook's father slowly lifted one of his eyebrows, straightening his tie and clothes a little before he made eye contact with his raging son again, not feeling any regret for the cuts he had just made on the younger's face. "Get rid of him! You can't have someone you care for in our business, have I really taught you nothing? Having someone to care for means having a weak spot and I will not allow you to have one. You will not ruin my fucking business because you suddenly think you need to care for someone! I want you to get rid of him, you're a disgrace to me, your mother and this business. AM I CLEAR TO YOU JUNGKOOK!?"

Jungkook pushed himself away from the wall, his whole face slowly turning red from anger. His body started to shake violently and his teeth were clenched harshly together. "I don't fucking care what you think, he's staying if you like it or not and I don't care what mother would have thought about it either. She gave up her right to give her opinion about things when she decided to jump of this fucking building."

Without giving anyone time to react Jungkook stormed out of the room, smashing the door behind him with a loud bang while leaving Namjoon and Yoongi with his father. He had heard enough and he didn't wanna hear anymore of his father deciding how he should live his life. Taehyung was his world and nobody would come between that, not even his asshole of a father.




Jungkook never came home that night, making not only Taehyung but all the other people who had witnessed everything that had happened worried as hell.

Namjoon had come to Taehyung late at night, asking if he could speak with Jungkook to tell him his father had left the building when they found out Jungkook had never returned to his apartment. The two of them immediately started to search for the younger, Taehyung finding himself once again in an awkward situation with a half naked Yoongi opening his door and Jimin laying rather weird on their couch. Without looking to much at the two Yoongi had told Taehyung to look for the younger on the rooftop, something about him always going there whenever he was upset.

So said so done, Taehyung had continued his search towards to rooftop. Although being afraid of heights he had climbed up the stairs to get him to wherever Jungkook might be and like Yoongi had said Jungkook was indeed on the rooftop.

Only problem was that he wasn't alone, surrounding Jungkook lay multiple bottles of strong liquor.......empty bottles.



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