Chapter 56

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Taehyung slowly closed the door to his and Jungkook's shared apartment as softly as he could. The younger of the two was still sleeping, and the blonde boy wanted to make sure he didn't wake the raven haired boy up. A small smile started to appear on the nurse's face once he thought of Jungkook, every time Taehyung saw him a smile spontaneously appeared on his face, that boy really did make him happy.

Once the door was closed Taehyung quickly made his way through the dull black and white halls of the building he had been living in for the past couple of months towards the hospital wing. It was going to be a very busy day for the blonde haired boy, and the young nurse couldn't be more excited. Yesterday Jin had asked the blonde haired boy if he would like it to help Taemin walk again, and Taehyung had instantly said yes. The boy had lost a big part of his walking ability because he had been in A coma for a few weeks, but with a little help Jin had reassured everyone that their friend would be back to his old self in no time.

Soon the blonde boy reached the big glass doors of the hospital wing and with a smile on his face Taehyung went inside. When the young nurse had still been in school it had always been his dream job to work in a hospital one day and while this wasn't what he had had in mind back then, this was the closest he would get to the real deal. Jin was an amazing surgeon and the blonde boy couldn't be more proud to be called his assistant. One day Taehyung hoped to be able to be just as skilled as the head surgeon himself.

"Taehyung thank god you're here" Jin exclaimed once he saw the blonde haired boy walk through the big glass doors of the hospital wing. The oldest of the two immediately picked up some papers and got up from behind his desk before he made his way over to were Taehyung was standing. Once Jin reached the younger of the two he immediately shoved some papers in the boy's hands and went back towards his desk, all while a stressed look was clearly visible on his face.

"Please read the papers carefully, it's very important." The raven haired boy said while a serious face look crossed his face, and the blonde nodded quickly. Whenever Jin was in a chaotic mood like this it would just be best if Taehyung did exactly as the older boy asked of him. Quickly the young nurse started to scan the papers Jin had given to him and a small smile made it's way onto the blonde boy's face, immediately understanding why the papers where so important according to Jin. It was Taemin's rehabilitation schedule, and knowing Jin, the boy would only want the best of the best for his friend.

Once Taehyung had carefully read all the words Jin had written on the paper he slowly walked towards the big wooden desk the older boy was sitting behind and put the papers back on it. Quickly the raven haired surgeon looked up from the papers he was reading and stood up again. "Do you understand everything I've written down?" Jin asked, a friendly tone lacing his voice.

A small smile started to appear on the blonde boy's face and he quickly nodded. A soft sigh left Jin's mouth and the older one of the two immediately looked less stressed than he had looked a minute ago. "Ohh good, then we can start right away!" The raven haired boy spoke in an enthousiastic tone, while a smile immediately was visible on his face.

Taehyung smiled back and quickly followed the surgeon as he began to walk towards the room where Taemin was laying in a quick pace. Jin was walking in a very quick pace and the blonde boy almost had to run in order to keep up with him. Soon both boys were standing in front of a wooden door with a small window in it.

Quickly Jin grabbed the handle of the door and he slowly pushed the metal colored handle down in order to open the door. As soon as the door opened Taemin immediately looked up and a friendly smile covered his face once the brown haired boy noticed the two boys coming into his room.

Even though Taehyung didn't knew Taemin like the rest of the boys did, he felt some sort of connection between the two of them. Ever since the brown haired boy had woken up from his coma Taehyung had been the one assigned to take care of Taemin and the two boys had quickly bonded over the many hours they had spent together because of that fact.

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