Chapter 18

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Taehyung slowly opened his eyes. Both boys had once again slept in the same bed after Taehyung tended to Jungkook's bruises last night. A small smile formed on Taehyung's face as soon as his eyes fell on the younger boy in front of him. Jungkook, who was still sleeping, looked like he was in peace. His eyes were lightly shut, his mouth hung open and soft mumbles left his lips once in a while. Despite the bruise on his eye he looked amazing to the blonde boy. His honey tinted skin stood out beautiful against the white pillow, a few small scars were visible on his skin but they made him even more beautiful in Taehyung's opinion. Jungkook's scars displayed the brown haired boy's personality perfect; rough but smooth at the same time. Taehyung had the urge to reach out and stroke Jungkook's cheek softly, but something in him told him to fight that urge away and keep still. He didn't know if the younger would appreciate the gesture and Taehyung wasn't willing to take the risk and find out.

A soft grumble left Jungkook's mouth and a sudden tightening on Taehyung's waist made the elder look down. Taehyung's eyes widened at the sight and his breath stuck in his throat. Holy shit. Jungkook's arm lay securely over Taehyung's waist, making the two almost cuddle into each other. Jungkook's hand hung loosely against Taehyung's back and their legs lay against each other. The only parts that weren't attached were their hips, chests and heads, but those weren't far from being attached too. Now that Taehyung came to think about it the younger had indeed been a lot closer to his face than he normally was. The elder had always been able to see Jungkook's smooth skin but he had never been able to see the small scars that were also on there. Taehyung's heartbeat picked up rapidly and his face slowly started to turn a bright red colour. He didn't know why but he liked the closeness they were having right now.......... ...........a closeness he was sure Jungkook would immediately regret when the younger was going to wake up.

With a soft nudge Taehyung pushed Jungkook's arms from his own body and left their shared bed to prepare for their upcoming morning routine. Today was a little different than their normal day routine though. Every prisoner was permitted one free day each month with the possibility to increase that number if your behaviour was right. Since both Jungkook and Taehyung had gotten in trouble multiple times last month both of them only had one day. Without much thinking they had decided to use it on the same day so they were able to spend it together and none of them needed to be in the laundry room by themselves.

An hour later both of them had indeed completed their usual morning routine, followed by some breakfast and the decision to spend their day outside. Taehyung never mentioned the event of that morning to Jungkook and he felt at peace with that choice, he wasn't willing to ruin the friendship he had created with Jungkook over such a small thing.

Both of the boys walked to the courtyard and Jungkook immediately started to make a beeline for the sports fields. Taehyung wasn't surprised that the younger wanted to play sports at all. Jungkook was able to withstand all those beating so his body must be pretty strong and healthy, making it perfect for playing sports.

Taehyung looked towards the basketball field Jungkook had walked on and instantly decided to not join the game at all. The guys that stood on the field all looked like they were ready to murder Taehyung on the spot. All of them had more muscles than Taehyung would ever have, huge tattoos were painted on their bodies and multiple piercings hung from different body parts. Taehyung wouldn't stand a chance at all against these people and he was perfectly aware of that fact.

"Tae, you want to join?" Jungkook yelled from a little away and Taehyung immediately shook his head. "You sure?" Taehyung nodded at the younger and sat down on one of the benches that stood around the field.

Jungkook and all the other men divided the group in two teams and not much later all of them were engaged in a somewhat friendly game of basketball. Taehyung loved the sight in front of him. Everybody was at peace with each other and it made him feel like he was back in school for a short moment instead of the hell hole he liked to call the prison.

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