Chapter 41

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Two cars, seven boys and one plan. That was everything Taehyung could be sure of in this moment. Together with Jimin he was seated in the back of one the cars. Hoseok and Namjoon in the front, Namjoon behind the wheel while Hoseok gave him instructions about where to go and what they could expect. Jimin sat next to Taehyung with his laptop before him and a nervous look on his face. Jimin would be the one who would guide them to the exact locations he had figured out and it was more than clear that the big task made the boy pretty nervous. A lot was expected from him and he knew that if he got the location wrong the whole plan would go to waste.

Taehyung's heart kept beating like crazy in his chest. Ever since he had woken up this morning a slight feeling of anxiety had crept inside his body. A feeling that kept him on edge for a few hours now while he at the same time tried to remain calm and not freak out about everything that was going to happen. Jungkook had kept an eye on Taehyung the whole morning, only parting with the elder when he really had to. Sure the boy didn't like it and he would loved to have Taehyung in his own car but at the same time he knew that that wasn't an option. Jungkook's car would be first in the line of fire and he wasn't willing to put Taehyung in any more danger than he had to, so the blonde boy had to ride with Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon. Jungkook telling the three boys multiple times that they had to keep an eye on Taehyung and had to make sure the boy was safe, making them all promise to bring Taehyung in safety if Jungkook himself wouldn't be able to it.

"Chim? How much longer?" Namjoon's voice sounded from the front, making everybody look up and put their attention on Jimin.

Jimin pushed a few buttons on his laptop, his eyes scanning the screen constantly. "Ten minutes, we're almost there."

Namjoon pushed the gas a little more to speed things up while Hoseok phoned the three boys in the other car to give them an update about the location and the time, a soft sigh leaving his lips at something the other boys said through the phone. "Yes Kook, I will tell them."

Hoseok pushed the end call button, turning in his seat to face both Jimin and Taehyung. "You guys know what to do right?"

Both of them gave a short nod, Taehyung mumbling a soft 'stay in the car and only come out if you are in danger.'

Hoseok nodded softly, a stern look on his face before he passed two guns to the back. "Only use these if you really need them.....Please stay out of trouble, Yoongi and Jungkook will kill us if something happens to you two"

Both Taehyung and Jimin gave the older boy a soft nod, grabbing the guns from his hands. Jimin being way more comfortable with the weapon than Taehyung would ever be. The blonde wasn't even sure if he still knew how to use one or if he even wanted to use one if he needed it.

Namjoon's voice suddenly sounded through the car, clearly getting pissed off by Hoseok's statement."For real, I will kill them if something happens to Jin." A soft sigh left Hoseok's mouth while he placed his hand on Namjoon's arm to calm him down. "Jin will be okay, he's a great fighter when he needs to be one."

A low grumble left Namjoon's mouth, clearly still annoyed with the whole situation. His hands grabbed the wheel a little harder and a harsh look formed on his face. "I know he is, he's always been. I just want them to protect him, they made us promise to protect Jimin and Taehyung but nobody promised me to protect Jin."

Another sigh left Hoseok's mouth, rubbing Namjoon's arm a little while he diverted his look on the road before them.

Taehyung's eyes switched between the boys in front of him. He didn't know Namjoon too well, but he could clearly see the worry for Jin in the elder's eyes when he spoke of him. Taehyung could see that Jin meant the world to Namjoon and he hated the fact that it was because of Taehyung himself that the boys had to be separated. Normally Jin would be under the care of Namjoon and Jimin would be under the care of Yoongi whenever they went on mission, but due to Taehyung suddenly joining the group everything had been switched and it was more than obvious that it caused a lot of distress by the boys. Not being able to protect the one you loved wasn't something that they liked at all and it showed.

Hoseok let got of Namjoon's arm, putting his legs up on his seat and wrapping his arms around them. "I really want to see him Joon."

Namjoon quickly looked over at the red haired boy beside him, a small comforting smile falling over his face. "Don't worry, you will. We will do everything in our power to get him back to you."

Hoseok softly nodded, a small smile falling over his own face. He missed his boyfriend and the fact that he was so close to him made him happy and anxious at the same time. "Do you think he will be alright?"

"I don't know to be honest, he couldn't get the same treatment as Kook had in the prison. There's big chance that he would have lost some weight and be in a worse condition than when he was with us, but I'm sure he will recover under your own and Jin's care. Taemin is a though one." Namjoon smiled at the elder, making him smile almost immediately back.

Silence fell over the car, Taehyung's heart still beating like crazy. His hands became clammy and the colour had slowly drained from is face. Within a few minutes he would be a witness of a huge battlefield and he knew for sure that he wasn't prepared for whatever there was to come. Taehyung was scared, scared for himself, scared for Jungkook and scared for the others. Taehyung had always hated commotion, he didn't like it in the prison and he didn't like it now. Problem was that this was not just commotion, this would be one hell of a battlefield where nobody was sure of their lives.

"Chim, location!?" Namjoon suddenly yelled, waking Taehyung up from his own thoughts, the blonde becoming fully aware of his surroundings. Meadows started to surround them and it couldn't be long before they would come across the small convoi that would hold the boy Taehyung now knew as Taemin.

Jimin clicked some things on his laptop before answering with a small voice. "In front of you, one minute drive."

Hoseok called the boys in the other car again and Namjoon pushed the gas again a little harder, getting ready to get close to the convoi and free Taemin.

Taehyung's eyes switched from the front window to the side windows, trying to get a glimpse of the police cars that would soon come in sight and indicate the beginning of the battle to free Taemin.

A battle Taehyung wasn't prepared for at all.



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