Chapter 49

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Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, closing them back within a second. The light from the room being too bright for his eyes while a heavy pounding started to happen in his head. Having a hangover felt bad, but it was nothing compared to this. His whole head felt heavy, the pounding in his head was terrible and the side of his face felt like it was on fire.

The blonde slowly reached up to touch his cheek, regretting his decision instantly. His cheek felt warm and swollen, he could barely touch it with his hands without hurting himself too much. Images from before flooded his mind and he immediately remembered where his pain was coming from. Taehyung had been hit and he had passed out not much later. What he also remembered was that someone had come to his rescue, someone he couldn't place. Someone that sounded unfamiliar to him at that time and that that someone had wanted to take him to Jungkook. The raven haired being the one who Taehyung had wanted to pick up so badly before shit happened. He had wanted a nice evening with the younger. Walking home together, eating dinner and probably watch a movie after that but the opposite had happened. He never managed to pick Jungkook up, instead of that Taehyung decided to get hit and pass out. The boy having to be rescued by the still unknown person.

Taehyung slowly tried to open his eyes again, this time doing it much slower to avoid another headache. Bit by bit the light from the room fell on his eyes, the blonde bringing his hand up above them to shield some of the bright light away. He still had no idea where he was due to his blurry sight, but what he did know was that it was quiet around him. He definitely wasn't in the canteen anymore and just that fact alone calmed him somewhat down.

The blonde blinked his eyes a few times, trying to sharpen his sight to make him more aware of where he was exactly and who had come to his rescue. Blinking his eyes a few more times he slowly became aware of the stuff that was surrounding him. Soft cushions with small flowers on them lay beside him on the couch while the smell of fresh roses flooded in his nose. Instantly he knew where he was a deep sigh leaving his mouth. He didn't know if Jin or Namjoon had come to his rescue but he knew it was their apartment he currently was in.

With another sigh Taehyung slowly tried to sit up, feeling the energy slowly return to his body. Sure his head felt like hell but the rest of his body slowly came back to functioning like it did before. The blonde slowly turned a little, making it possible for him to sit upright on the soft couch. Taehyung heard how a door on his left opened while soft footsteps made his way over to where he was sitting. "Thank god, you're awake."

The blonde slowly turned his head, coming face to face with a smiling Namjoon. "I was afraid Jungkook would kill me if you hadn't woken up."

Namjoon slowly walked up towards Taehyung, stretching his arm out to give the younger something that looked like a towel filled with ice. "For your cheek, it might help with the pain."

Taehyung reached out for the towel, softly pressing it against his cheek. A soft hiss leaving his mouth at the sudden change of temperature.

"How do you feel?" Namjoon slowly sat himself down next to Taehyung, giving the younger a look filled with sympathy. "You got hit pretty hard back there if I'm honest."

Taehyung turned his head a little to get a better look at the elder, lowering the towel with ice a little. "You've been the one who saved me?"

Namjoon nodded a little, a small smile creeping up on his face. "I initially came there to quiet it all down but as soon as I saw you between them I knew you had to be my priority. You made it quite the challenge to find you though, you're pretty good at hiding yourself."

Taehyung looked down, the younger being almost sad at Namjoon's remark. "Thanks, I didn't have a choice though. Hiding is your only option when you're bad at everything else."

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