Chapter 9

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Before you read this chapter, keep in mind that none of it is real life and none of the boys have anything against any religion. Keep also in mind that what you are gonna read isn't my opinion either. Everything that's being said fits with the characters and their life in this work of fiction. None of it has anything to do with my opinion or the boys opinion on religion.

On another note, please let me know what you guys think of this story. I would love to hear your opinions. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

That's all for now my dear readers, on with the story.......


That morning Taehyung had woken up in an cold and empty bed. The warmth Jungkook had provided during the night had left hem way too early and the blonde boy was now shivering under the small blanket. A small jawn left Taehyung's mouth and he slowly opened his eyes with slight hesitation. It was still dark outside but he could see the outline of Jungkook sitting at the small desk that stood in their shared cell. It looked like the younger was drawing something in one of the bibles that were provided to every prisoner upon entering the prison.

Taehyung could still remember the day he received his bible on his second day at the prison. Jungkook had looked at it with great disgust while scolding Taehyung about the fact he even considered reading it. Jungkook had mumbled something about the book being a book full of lies and that he had stopped believing in it after someone had died or something. The blonde boy had been too scared of Jungkook at that point to ask him what he had meant with the statement so he never found out why Jungkook was so disgusted by the book.

Taehyung himself didn't believe all the stuff that was in there but when he first got a hold of it he saw the book as a good way to distract himself from everything that was happening at that moment. The book had more than enough pages to keep him occupied for at least a few days but after his cellmates little outburst about it he hadn't dared to touch it anymore. It had been laying on the corner of their shared desk for a few days now and by the looks of it it would be ruined in the next couple of moments. That was if the book wasn't ruined by Jungkook already. Taehyung didn't know how much was true about the whole heaven and hell thing but he knew for sure that ruining a perfectly looking brand new bible wasn't gonna work in Jungkook's favour if only a little bit of it was true.

With a heavy sigh Taehyung sat up in Jungkook's bed, the small blanket now only covering his lap. "J..Jungkook, what are you doing?" Taehyung stuttered, still a little afraid of the younger. He could see how Jungkook stiffened and with the speed of light the younger had closed the book and put it back on its original place on the desk.

"Nothing, go back to sleep it's too early to be up." Jungkook grumbled back lowly while he slowly turned around.

"B..but you are up as well." Taehyung mumbled softly, not really daring to go against the boy in full force. "It's cold without you." Taehyung mumbled again but so softly that the other couldn't hear it.

"Just get back to sleep, don't be stupid Taehyung. We all know that the princess needs his beauty sleep. Besides it's phonecall day today and I'm pretty sure that your mother wouldn't appreciate it if her precious little boy would fall asleep while being on the phone with her." Jungkook whispered sarcastically with a slight grin on his face.

Taehyung had raised his eyebrow at the remark but decided to ignore it for the greater good. With a soft sigh Taehyung had followed Jungkook's almost command, knowing that there was no way that he could win from the other boy. It had taken Taehyung a good twenty minutes to fall back asleep, twenty minutes in which Jungkook never joined him back under the blankets.

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