Chapter 38

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That morning Taehyung woke up with an arm around his middle and a head against his back. Soft snores came from behind him while a small smile fell over the elder's face. Jungkook's body provided Taehyung's body with a pleasurable heat, giving him a feeling of safeness. A feeling he had been feeling more and more in the last few weeks. It had been mostly Jungkook that provided Taehyung with the feeling of safeness but the other boys had slowly started to win his trust too, especially Jimin. The smallest of them all had proven to be a really great friend towards Taehyung, never judging him and always being there whenever Taehyung needed someone that wasn't Jungkook. Seokjin and Hoseok were also people he trusted with his life, both of them having way more positive attitude than Taehyung could ever have, something he admired in both of them. Yoongi and Namjoon were two people Taehyung couldn't really call friends but he still trusted them 'cause Jungkook did. Both boys scared him to the bone, Yoongi 'cause he was just scary as hell and he always looked angry. Namjoon 'cause he didn't know the boy good enough. The only thing he did know was that the elder was really smart and came up with all the plans, meaning he could set up a plan to remove Taehyung from the gang within a second and that thought alone made Taehyung scared of the older's capabilities. Still he trusted them since Jungkook found them worthy enough to be his second and third in command.

A soft sigh left Taehyung's mouth, focussing back on the younger behind him. Jungkook was still fast asleep, giving Taehyung the perfect opportunity to observe him from up close.....if he managed to turn around without waking the younger up.

With great caution Taehyung slowly tried to turn around, moving his body little by little to not startle the sleeping younger behind him and find himself in a completely awkward situation. Slowly Taehyung turned himself on his back, staying completely still for a few seconds before he turned himself on his side while coming face to face with Jungkook. To say he liked the view before him would be an understatement, Taehyung loved the view. Jungkook looked really peaceful and soft, his eyelids were completely shut and his mouth was slightly open. Soft puffs of air left Jungkook's mouth, hitting Taehyung's cheek and leaving a tingling feeling behind every time. The younger's hair was completely disheveled, giving Jungkook a fluffy and almost childish but beautiful look.

Taehyung softly reached his hand out, stroking Jungkook's cheek with the tips of his fingers. A small smile started to form on the younger's face while Taehyung slowly reached over, not thinking about his next action at all. Without giving it a second thought, Taehyung moved his head forward while he closed his eyes. He placed his lips against Jungkook's forehead, softly placing a small but sweet peck against the smooth skin. He kept his lips on Jungkook's forehead for a few seconds before he slowly removed himself from the younger while he opened his eyes.

Taehyung's heart beated like crazy in his chest and a cherry red colour formed on his cheeks.

He had just kissed Jungkook's head......

He had just-



Taehyung jolted away from Jungkook, turning his head around towards the bedroom door.


Another round of harsh knocks sounded through the apartment, this time waking Jungkook up who softly grunted out of discomfort. "What the fuck."

Jungkook slowly made his way out of their shared bed, walking towards the bedroom door and opening it. The action immediately being followed by a 'JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK!' that was yelled through the front door. The voice sounding an awful lot like a completely pissed off Yoongi.

With a frown on his face Jungkook walked downstairs, being followed by Taehyung who had also started to get out of bed and see where all the commotion was coming from. The younger opened the door, only to be met with Yoongi's fist almost colliding with Jungkook's nose. With a swift move Jungkook dodged the fist, not understanding the situation at all. "What the fuck!?"

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