Chapter 15

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Taehyung kept looking out for Jungkook like his life depended on it. The younger grew more and more tired as the day passed on and by the end of it he was barely able to stand on his own feet. Taehyung almost dragged Jungkook inside their shared cell and carefully placed the younger on his matress. A deep sigh left Jungkook's mouth the moment he felt his back hit the mattress and heavy breaths immediately took over his body. Taehyung climbed a little up towards his own bed and grabbed his blanket and pillow from it in a forceful manner. Without a second thought he drenched the blanket into the toilet once again. With a dripping blanket in his left hand and a pillow in his right hand he made his way over to Jungkook. Taehyung softly placed his hand under Jungkook's head and lifted him up a little to place the second pillow under his head to make him sit up more.

"I'm gonna lift your shirt and try to cool the bruises a little. Please tell me if I hurt you too much Kook." Taehyung whispered and lifted up Jungkook's shirt. He softly placed his fingers on the biggest bruise on Jungkook's ribcage. The bruise had a nasty blue almost black colour and the skin around it had turned an angry red colour. The bruise was almost as big as the palm of his hand and everytime Taehyung added the slightest pressure on it Jungkook would flinch involuntarily.

Small tears started to form in Taehyung's eyes and his vision fell from Jungkook's bruised torso on his face that only displayed discomfort. Jungkook's eyes where tightly shut, heavy breaths left his mouth in little puffs, a deep frown was visible on his forehead and his skin had almost taken on the colour of white sugar. The boy looked terrible and the only thing Taehyung wanted to do was to help him but he had no idea how. He wasn't a wizard who could remove the bruises with a flick of his wrist and for all the methods he did know to help the younger he needed supplies he didn't have right now.

With a soft sigh Taehyung placed the cold blanket against Jungkook's bruise. Jungkook immediately flinched at the touch and a harsh grumble of discomfort left his mouth.

"I'm sorry Kook, I don't know what to do to make the pain go away." A single tear started to drip down Taehyung's cheek. He felt so helpless, so useless. Jungkook needed him and he had no idea what to do. Taehyung lifted the blanket again and placed it down on another bruise that was a little lower than the huge one on Jungkook's ribcage. This one was a little smaller but looked almost as nasty as the last one despite the size difference. Taehyung kept replacing his towel every few minutes, sometimes dumping it in the toilet again to make it cooler between session, but nothing seemed to help. Jungkook kept grumbling in discomfort everytime Taehyung placed or removed the towel from his body and his face kept showing the same discomfort it had when Taehyung started the whole process. Taehyung was about to replace the blanket for the probably twentieth time when he heard the familiar sound of a baton against cell bars ring through the hallway.

"EVERYBODY UP! CHECK UPS BEFORE BED TIME!" The guard yelled around the hallway. Taehyung's eyes widened. SHIT! Taehyung's eyes darted around their cell. There was no way he was being able to fix his own bed and get Jungkook up and to the front of their cell in the little time he had. Without giving it a second thought he threw his soaked blanket on his top bed, pulled Jungkook's shirt down and started to get the younger up.

"Kook, please. You have to help me a little. They will give you another round of beatings if we aren't at the front within two minutes." A desperate Taehyung almost cried while he hoisted Jungkook up with all his might. Taehyung felt how Jungkook placed his feet on the ground beneath him and somewhat tried to stand on his own. His eyes slowly opened a little and the anger that radiated from them made Taehyung do a double take. Even now the younger still hadn't lost his fierce spirit. Taehyung slung Jungkook's arm over his shoulders and with all his strength he was able to get the younger to the front of their cell just in time. The guard that stood in front of their cell opened their door, ordered them to get out and follow the usual routine. Both boys walked out of the cell, but there was no way Jungkook was gonna be able to stand on his own while carrying out the routine. The boy needed Taehyung's support to stand and without it he would without a doubt fall face first against the pavement. Taehyung heard how the guard started to rummage through their cell and in a quick decision he placed Jungkook against the bars of their cell.

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