Chapter 13

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He hated it, Taehyung really hated it in here. Just when he thought that things were going right- Or at least somewhat right, right wasn't exactly the best word to describe your situation inside a prison- Things were going fucked up once again. Three days had passed, three days in which things went pretty good. Jungkook was still keeping himself low and the other prisoners didn't bother Taehyung that much when Jungkook was with him. Three days in which things actually looked somewhat good. At least until visiting time came around. Taehyung's mother had come to visit him, but unlike the last few times Taehyung wasn't happy with her visit. His mother kept acting like nothing happened and whenever Taehyung mentioned his father she would change the subject as fast as possible. Taehyung had no idea why she kept avoiding the subject like it was some kind of war subject, but it irritated him to the bone. He just wanted to know why his dad suddenly decided to turn his back to him and if his mother was having the same thoughts. Only problem was that there was really no way to mention the whole subject without his mother blurring out something random and rambling on about that until she taught that Taehyung had forgotten about his earlier question. Problem with that was that Taehyung didn't forget his question and kept bringing it up, making the two go round and round in endless circles. Normally Taehyung hated the time limit he had when his mother came to visit him, this time he was glad there was a time limit since their conversation was going nowhere.

At some point he had decided to completely block out his mother and focus on Jungkook and his visitor. This time Jungkook's visitor was once again another boy than the last two times, a boy probably around Taehyung's age with silky smooth silver hair. He had almost the same height as the first boy that visited Jungkook in Taehyung's first week at the prison. His hair colour was also similar to the other boy only a few tints lighter, making it more on the white side of grey than on the black side like the other boy had.

There were a few things that Taehyung immediately noticed once he looked over at the two boys.
The first thing that Jungkook was the one who had clearly the upper hand in their conversation, it almost looked like he was scolding the boy.
The second thing that Jungkook's visitor was on the verge of breaking out into tears.
The third thing that Jungkook had no idea that the boy was on the verge of tears.

"What do you mean that there is still no date for the birthday party Jimin!? How much longer do I have to wait!?" Jungkook yelled angry at the boy in front of him.

"I'm trying Jungkook, I really am. I just need a little more time." Jimin mumbled back without looking at Jungkook. "I..I just need to fix two more things and everything will be ready."

"Well make it happen! It has taken you long enough, I am so done with this shit!" Jungkook yelled again and at the same time the short boy in front of him bursted out in tears. Both Jungkook's and Taehyung's eyes widened at the sight, both of them being thrown completely off guard. Taehyung due to the fact that he hadn't expected that the boy would really start crying in the visiting room and Jungkook due to the fact that the boy had begun to cry out of nowhere in his opinion.

"Oh my fucking god, don't make such a big deal out of the fact that I'm scolding you Jimin. Why would you start crying about that, man the fuck up dude." Jungkook sighed with an angry tone lacing his voice.

"I...I...I am not crying about that." Jimin hiccuped back at the angry boy in front of him.

"Then why are you crying for God's sake!?" Jungkook barked, clearly being more than done with the whole situation at hand. Taehyung didn't know what it was that made Jungkook that upset and angry but it clearly wasn't a birthday party they were talking about.

"T..The guard....h...he touched me before I came in here. H...he was checking my pockets for any goods that I couldn't bring in here and h..he....touched me." Jimin now full on cried. Taehyung's eyes widened even further while Jungkook's hand bawled up into tight fists.

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