Chapter 33

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Jungkook slowly started to feel better day by day. He still needed a lot of help from Taehyung and went for a checkup with Jin every morning, but apart from that the boy was doing quite alright.

This morning Jungkook had gone to multiple meetings with Namjoon, making him more than exhausted when he finally came back to his apartment. With some persuasion from Taehyung Jungkook took some rest after eating a small lunch with his roommate. Of course Jungkook told Taehyung multiple times that he was alright and didn't need any rest, but Taehyung didn't want to hear any of it while he made sure that the younger went upstairs and got to bed.

Ten minutes later Jungkook had finally admitted his defeat and silence had taken over the living room. With a soft sigh Taehyung looked up at the stairs, hoping Jungkook would fall asleep after his long morning with Namjoon. Deciding that there wasn't much to do around the apartment now that Jungkook left upstairs to sleep Taehyung walked out of the large living room into the long white hallway. Without much of a plan Taehyung started to wander around the building. Somehow ending up in front of Jimin's office, hoping that the small boy would be inside to provide him some company. Taehyung softly knocked on the door, waiting for a reply from Jimin that would ensure Taehyung that it was okay to enter the room. After Taehyung's last encounter with Jimin and Yoongi the blonde boy always knocked nowadays when he was about to enter a room, making sure he won't make the same mistake twice.

The door to Jimin's office slowly opened, revealing not Jimin but Yoongi behind it. Taehyung's and Yoongi's eyes locked shortly while Yoongi took a small step forward. "I'm assuming you're looking for my boyfriend." Yoongi started while he closed the door behind him. "Jimin's not here, how's Jungkook?"

Taehyung looked the elder boy up for a second before he locked eyes with Yoongi again. "Jungkook's alright. He still needs some care and is exhausted pretty fast, but he's on his way to making a full recovery." Yoongi gave Taehyung a short nod, signalling the younger to follow him while grabbing a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. Taehyung followed the elder outside, Yoongi clearly on his way to take a break and smoke a cigarette. Taehyung wasn't sure why Yoongi invited the blonde to go along with him, but he was happy with the company anyway. Yoongi leaned his back against a small wall just outside the huge building, Taehyung following his and copying his actions.

"You and Jungkook seem to get along pretty well." Yoongi smirked, lightning his cigarette and taking a whiff from it.

A small smile fell on Taehyung's face, his cheeks turning cherry red. "Thank you, I guess we do."

Yoongi's smirk turned even bigger, taking another whiff from his cigarette and blowing the smoke away from Taehyung's face. "He's very fond of you. That smile he gives you hasn't been on his face in a long time."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, turning a little towards Yoongi not completely getting what the elder was hinting at.

Yoongi softly shook his head, a small laugh escaping his mouth at Taehyung's cluelessness. "He has never been mad at you, has he?"

The younger gave Yoongi another questioning look before answering his question, one particular moment coming to his mind. "One time, although that wasn't immediately directed at me. Every sunday we had church in the prison. I've been there once and Jungkook wasn't happy about the whole church thing at all. I've never understood why though, he just hated the whole church thing from the very first moment I've met him."

Yoongi's smirk disappeared from his face and a soft sigh left his lips. Taehyung didn't know the elder that well, but even he understood that Yoongi knew more about this topic than Taehyung had first thought. Ever since Jungkook had lashed out about the whole church thing Taehyung had wondered why Jungkook did it. Nothing in the prison gave the younger a reason to lash out at the sunday service. Of course a lot of bad things happened in the prison, but none of them was an immediate reason for Jungkook to hate the sunday service that much.

Yoongi took another whiff of his cigarette, coughing softly while getting Taehyung's attention again. "Normally I don't talk about Jungkook without him being present but since you've helped me with Jimin I can tell you a little bit. Jungkook started hating the whole christian thing because of his mother, I guess he started hating everything that reminds him of her."

Yoongi threw his cigarette on the floor, crushing it with the sole of his shoe to stop it from burning any further. Taehyung watched the whole action, trying to understand what it was that made Jungkook so mad about the church thing in combination with Jungkook's mother. Taehyung didn't know much about Jungkook's family life but he knew that it was fucked up from what he had heard about it. Jungkook's dad made everybody scared and apparently Jungkook's mother made the youngest of them all angry about specific topics.

Taehyung looked over at Yoongi again, opening his mouth to ask him another question. "Why? What did his mother do?"

A loud bang was heard behind both boys, making the both of them jump a little. Taehyung's heart started to raise and his eyes widened at the sudden noise. Slowly Taehyung turned around, coming face to face with an angry looking Jungkook. All colour drained from Taehyung's face, his heart starting to beat even faster.

Jungkook gave both boys an angry look, his whole body tense and his teeth clashed together. "My mother was a coward who left me alone is this fucking shithole. That woman took the easy way out by killing herself and leaving me with that asshole." Without another word Jungkook turned around, walking away from the two boys while his whole body radiated anger.

Taehyung gave Yoongi a short look, trying to understand the whole situation. "Jungkook's mother is a sensitive topic to him, just let him cool down a little before you go after him." Yoongi answered before he walked back inside, leaving Taehyung all by himself.

Tears started to make their way up in Taehyung's eyes, knowing that he had upset the one who meant the most to him. Jungkook had become really important in his life and to know that Taehyung had betrayed the youngers trust made Taehyung more than upset. Deciding that his only way of fixing his problem was to talk to Jungkook Taehyung walked back inside in search of the younger boy. The blonde opened the door, immediately seeing Jungkook turn a corner at the end of the hallway. Without thinking Taehyung started to run after the younger while calling out his name. Jungkook never slowed his steps, turning another corner and going down the stairs to the basement where Yoongi had tried to teach Taehyung how to handle a gun.

Taehyung sprinted after Jungkook, throwing open the door and running down the stairs. He opened another door and got immediately greeted by an enormous amount of gunshots getting fired. Shot after shot sounded through the room, all coming from one particular gun. A gun that was in the hands of none other than Jeon Jungkook. The boy was angry, really angry. Jungkook kept shooting like crazy, his body violently shaking from the backlash of the gun in his hands.

Knowing that the shots couldn't be any good for Jungkook's still fresh wound Taehyung slowly approached the younger. Jungkook kept shooting like there was no tomorrow, not caring about the fact that Taehyung was getting closer to him at all. Taehyung's eyes fell on Jungkook's gun, seeing that every shot the younger fired hit bullseye.

"J..Jungkook." Taehyung stuttered softly, hoping to get the attention of the younger. Tears now made their way down Taehyung's face, hating what he had done to the younger. "K..Kookie, p...please stop."

A loud scream sounded through the room, the sounds of gunshots stopping instantly. Jungkook placed the gun on the table beside him, grabbing his shoulder painfully while his back was still turned towards Taehyung.

"K...Kookie?" Taehyung stuttered again, soft sobs leaving his mouth. "I..I'm s...sorry." Taehyung casted his eyes down, not daring to look at Jungkook right now.

A deep sigh left Jungkook's mouth, Taehyung's soft sobs still sounding through the room. "I..I shouldn't have asked a...about your m...mother.....I'm sorry."

Taehyung felt how two strong arms placed themselves around his shoulders, engulfing him in a soft hug. "Shhh, it's okay. It's not your fault Tae. I can't control myself whenever my mother is involved. I'm sorry for lashing out"

A deep sob left Taehyung's mouth, immediately getting more engulfed in Jungkook's embrace. "Shhh, calm down Tae. Don't cry, I'm sorry for scaring you. It's okay."

Another sob left Taehyung's mouth while his body embraced Jungkook's soft touch, calming the elder slowly.

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