Chapter 62

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It had been about 5 minutes after Taehyung had left the meeting room. All the other boys were still discussing the best tactic to get Jimin back in one piece without having to send Yoongi there alone. Ofcourse each of them knew there wasn't another way, but they just couldn't help but refuse to accept the fact that both their friends would most likely die tonight.

"I won't sit around while you're risking your life to try and save Jimin." Taemin said as he suddenly stood up from the chair he was sitting on. Immediately Hoseok put a supporting arm around the brown haired boy's shoulder, eventhough Taemin didn't have to stay in the hospitalwing anymore he still had a long way to go before he was completely back to his old self.

"I agree, he might be your boyfriend, but he is our friend too." Hoseok backed his boyfriend up. Both boys had determined looks on their faces. "I know what it's like to almost lose the one who means the most to you." The red haired boy continued, now speaking directly to Yoongi. "You feel so alone and like the whole world is against you." The gang member continued while he slowly removed his hand from his boyfriend's back and began to walk towards were Yoongi was standing. Softly the red haired boy put his hand on the grey haired boy's shoulder as soon as he was standing directly in front of him. " But you're not alone, you've got us." He finished before softly squeezing Yoongi's shoulder.

A sad smile began to form on the grey haired boy's face and he softly began to shake his head. "I won't let any of you guys risk your lives." The gang member spoke before looking around the room with a serious look on his face.

"Jimin is my priority, Taehyung should be all of yours." The second to oldest boy said before focussing directly on Jungkook. The younger boy softly began to nod, clearly knowing exactly what it was that Yoongi meant.

Slowly the youngest one of them all began to walk towards the middle of the room while a soft sigh left his mouth. "We all know Tae has been framed for the murder of his brother, and up to this day it remains unclear what exactly has happened that night." The ravenette began to speak while looking at each person in the room individually. A serious look briefly crossed his face before he focussed on Yoongi again.

"Lately Jimin has been working his ass off to try and find that out and we believe that he had finally figured it all out." Jungkook spoke while softly looking down. The boy felt extremely responsible for the fact that Jimin was gone. If he had just kept the boy inside the gang none of this would have happened. He had been stupid, the light grey haired boy knew almost everything about what had happened the night of the murder of Taehyung's brother. Ofcourse the killer would want him gone because of that fact. Even though it was Taehyung they were really after something inside the ravenette told him that they wouldn't mind if they also had the chance to get rid of Jimin.

"Yoongi and I strongly believe that Jimin has been kidnapped because he knows too much." The gang leader continued while a sad look briefly crossed his face. "Even though the kidnappers are after Taehyung, they will never let Jimin go this easily." The ravenette finshed before slowly looking down. This whole situation was terrible. There was no way everyone would come out of it unharmed. Hell, Jimin had already been beaten up and god only knows what else they had done to the hacker.

"Taehyung is your main priority, I'll try to get Jimin to safety." Yoongi backed his friend up while slowly walking towards him and standing right next to the ravenette. Ofcourse he didn't like this plan either, but he had no choice. The more people he took to get Jimin back, the earlier the kidnappers would see them as a treath and kill the hacker without any chance of them reaching Jimin.

After a while of Jin coming up with a few other plans to get Jimin without Yoongi having to go alone and the grey haired boy refusing them all Jungkook had finally wrapped up the meeting. All boys present were having a hard time and thus the ravenette thought it would be best to stop talking about the subject all together. There was no other way, Yoongi was going there alone and even though the thought of losing his best friend already brought tears to his eyes he understood the older boy's choice. He would have done exactly the same had it been Taehyung who was kidnapped.

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