Chapter 50

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A/N -> This chapter contains (light) smut, if you don't feel comfortable reading it skip to the last part of this chapter to read the last two important ending lines. You will need them for the next chapter.


Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, a warm feeling covered his body and soft puffs of breath hit his forehead. A small smile fell on his face at the sight before him. Jungkook was laying next to him on their shared bed, his eyes still closed and his mouth slightly open. Jungkook's arm was placed over Taehyung's middle to keep the boy close to him, providing Taehyung with a nice amount of heat on his body.

Without giving it a second thought Taehyung snuggled a little closer towards Jungkook, pushing his head against the younger's chest while alining the rest of their bodies. The blonde softly rubbed his cheek against Jungkook's body, trying to get as much body heat from the younger as possible. Taehyung loved being this close to the younger, it gave him a feeling of safety. Whenever he was with Jungkook he knew there was nothing to be afraid of. Not only did he trust Jungkook with his life he also trusted the younger with his feelings. There was no doubt anymore that both of them felt some sort of attraction towards each other. If you had asked Taehyung a few months back how he thought about Jungkook he would have probably answered something like 'scary cellmate' but that wasn't the case anymore. Jungkook had proved to him that he was not only nice but also caring towards Taehyung and the blonde loved every moment of it.

Taehyung softly placed a featherlight kiss on Jungkook's collarbone, his heart beating in his chest due to his own action. Sure he had already made out with Jungkook and sure they always shared a bed together but lately it felt like their relationship was slowly going further than only the innocent stuff. They weren't officially together but it did feel like that to Taehyung, it felt like Jungkook was his and he was Jungkook's.

A soft groan above Taehyung's head shook the elder awake from his own thoughts, his lips still lingering on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook instantly tightened his arm around the elder, pushing his head against Taehyung's hair and smelling the light smell of shampoo that still lingered there. "Morning, Tae."

"Good Morning, I'm sorry for waking you up." Taehyung softly whispered while he slowly looked up to get a better look at the younger.

Jungkook's hand travelled from Taehyung's back to his cheek, a small smile on his face and a caring look in his eyes. "It's okay."

Both boys kept looking at each other, both of them completely lost in the other's eyes. It didn't take long before Jungkook softly bowed his head a little further, catching Taehyung's lips with his own. Jungkook immediately took the lead, moving his own lips against Taehyung's. The elder had been somewhat surprised but instantly catched on with the action, molding his own lips against the younger while he closed his eyes.

Jungkook pushed his hand a little harder against Taehyung's cheek, guiding the elder to turn on his back a little more. Without questioning Jungkook's action Taehyung rolled on his back, giving Jungkook full control over the situation. The blonde placed one of his hands against Jungkook's chest while Jungkook turned himself on his side. The younger softly bit Taehyung's lip, a small smirk on his face before he managed to push his tongue inside the elder's mouth. Their tongues softly battled for dominance before Jungkook managed to get the upper hand once again.

Jungkook turned his body a little further, climbing over the elder with one leg so he was completely above him. He placed both of his hands next to Taehyung's head while he remained seated on his knees, his upper body bend to get his face on the same level as Taehyung's while their lips kept clashing together.

Taehyung's hands softly started to roam over Jungkook's chest, not really knowing what he was doing but somehow it felt good to him. Feeling Jungkook above him felt amazing, having the younger so close felt amazing, kissing him felt amazing and judging from Jungkook's actions he was pretty sure Jungkook felt the same.

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