Chapter 16

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Both boys slept pretty uncomfortable that night. Jungkook couldn't move at all, each move making his body feel like it got stabbed by twenty swords at once. Everytime he did try to move low grumbles left his mouth. Grumbles that made their way straight to Taehyung's ears every time the younger let them out, causing him to wake up every twenty or thirty minutes. Taehyung had tried to comfort the younger to get him to sleep easier but nothing seemed to work. He had tried cooling the bruises in the middle of the night, massaging his sore spots and even tried singing to him to get him back to sleep. The latest only being an act of less than ten seconds before Jungkook shut him up and told him to stop this nonsense.

The sleep was still heavily present in both of their eyes when the guards decided to wake them up for the morning routine. The morning routine Jungkook was in no way able to complete. The boy could barely stand on his own, let alone complete a whole routine without any help from Taehyung.

With Jungkook's arm draped over his shoulder Taehyung struggled to get to the front of their cell. Just like yesterday he put Jungkook against the bars and his own body to provide the younger with some sort of support. Jungkook's bodyweight pressed itself completely against Taehyung and the blonde boy had to put up a struggle himself to stay upright and not fall over with the brown haired boy on top of him.

"Kook, you need stand on your own for a few minutes." Taehyung whispered while he pushed the boy a little more on his own feet, a soft grumble of displeasure leaving Jungkook's mouth. The guard was slowly making his way over towards Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung's heartbeat increased more and more with each step the man took. There was no way this was going to end well and Taehyung could only hope that the guard would show some mercy towards Jungkook.

"Mr. Kim and mr. Jeon, back up on your feet I see?" Taehyung quickly looked up at the sound of the guard's voice right in front of him, his eyes big and his heartbeat beating at an incredible speed. The same guard from last night stood with an evil smirk in front of them. The same guard that showed no mercy at all towards Jungkook and within an instant all the hope Taehyung had left his body. They were doomed, there was no possibility that this man was gonna go easy on them after what he had done last night. This man took pleasure in seeing Jungkook suffer and Taehyung was sure that that was exactly what was gonna happen in the next few moments.

An evil laugh left the man's mouth at seeing the distressed face of Taehyung and the broken of Jungkook. "It didn't take you much to fall asleep last night, did it Jeon?" Jungkook didn't answer the man, he only gave him an angry glare through his eyelashes, knowing perfectly well that he was in no way able to take the man on for a fight right now. The guard pushed up on of his eyebrows and the evil smirk made his way back on his face. "I give the both of you five seconds to complete the routine, if not you both know what's gonna follow next........5......"

Taehyung immediately stood up right, hands in front of him and his head low. He felt how Jungkook tried to lift himself completely from Taehyung's shoulder to complete the routine but failed miserably. Everytime the boy was somewhat loose from Taehyung's shoulder he fell back immediately, his knees shaking and and his muscles tensing up with every move.


Taehyung's heartbeat increased even more at the counting and with a soft push from his shoulder he managed to the get Jungkook to stand up somewhat right. Jungkook's head already hung low but his hands were gripping the bars like there was no tomorrow. Jungkook's fingers turned white from the harsh grip he had on the bars, there was no doubt that if Jungkook would let go of the bars he would tumble down to the ground immediately. Jungkook's body was shaking so much that Taehyung could hear his bones cracking every now and then.


Jungkook tried to remove one of his hands from the bars but his body started to fall down the moment he let go. With a quick movement of his hand the younger grabbed the bars again being able to prevent his whole body from going down.

"Time's up Jeon. It looks like you really enjoy these beatings, don't you?" The guard laughed with an evil smirk still plastered on his face. The man removed his baton from his belt and before both of the boys could register what was happening Jungkook was already thrown on his knees in the middle of the floor. Taehyung looked with huge eyes at the scenario that was taking place before him, he felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. His hands became clammy and sweat made his way out of his forehead and back. The guard readied his baton and before Taehyung could fully register what was happening the words had already left his mouth.

The guard slowly lowered his baton and turned towards Taehyung. Taehyung's whole body started to feel like ice, his blood leaving his face and his courage leaving his whole body. The boy looked paler than Jungkook's friend that came to visit him in the first week that Taehyung had arrived at the prison, his knees started to buckle and his mouth became dry.

"What did you say mr. Kim?" The guard smirked and started to make his way over towards Taehyung.

"I will take his hits." Taehyung whispered back almost inaudible. The guard lifted his eyebrow and within a second Taehyung sat down on his knees next to Jungkook.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Jungkook grumbled towards him but Taehyung only gave him an apologetic smile before the first hit came crashing down on his side. A hard cry left Taehyung's mouth and he placed his hands on the floor to steady himself a little.

"You're lucky this time Jeon. Since this idiot insisted on taking your hits you won't receive any right now. Don't get your hopes up tho, it's a one time only thing. Next time both you and your loverboy will get hit. This isn't a charity!" The guard spoke while he crashed his baton against Taehyung's shoulder. Another cry left Taehyung's mouth and it was immediately followed by another hit towards his stomach. Small tears started to form in Taehyung's eyes and the pain was almost unbearable. His whole body felt like it had been run over by a truck and he only had had three hits. He didn't know how Jungkook could receive so much hits without him showing any form of pain. Taehyung felt like shit and didn't even receive half of the hits Jungkook normally got.

Another hit makes his way towards Taehyung's side. A deep cry let his mouth and tears started to fall down his cheeks.

"I think that's enough to make you understand that acting like a hero for loverboy isn't gonna get you anywhere in here mr. Kim. NOW GET UP AND GO TO BREAKFAST!" The guard yelled at the both of them and with a huge struggle both of manage to get up and make their way towards the breakfast room. Fat tears kept rolling down Taehyung's cheeks and his breaths came out in small little puffs to decrease the pain on his ribs as much as possible. Both of them sit down without getting any food. Taehyung was pretty sure he couldn't eat at all, he felt like he could throw up at any moment. Jungkook didn't have the strength to get up and get breakfast for the both of them, the short walk towards the room had already drained them enough from their energy.

"Why the fuck did you do that." Jungkook grumbled angry at Taehyung. To say that he was happy with what the younger did for him was a complete misunderstanding. Jungkook hated it when other people started to fight his battles for him, if it was his battle it stayed his battle and everyone needed to stay out of it. Besides that he found it utmost stupid that Taehyung had offered to take his hits. The boy had the strength of a chicken and was in no way able to handle the hits that Jungkook got on a regular basis.

"You....couldn't t...take them anymore Kook.....You were gonna pass out again if you t...took them." Taehyung answered through his tears and sobs.

Jungkook shook his head at Taehyung's remark. He knew Taehyung was right, but that didn't mean that he agreed with Taehyung's way of solving that problem. "You're stupid, you know that? Never do this shit again, you idiot." Taehyung stayed silent and with a soft sigh Jungkook reached over towards the crying boy. With a soft stroke of his fingers Jungkook removed Taehyung's tears from his face. "Stop crying Tae, it's gonna be okay." He whispered with a soft caring tone at the elder.

"It...h...hurts so do you do t...this....e...everyday?" Taehyung sobbed while Jungkook kept removing the tears from his face. "I grew up with it. My body is used to it, yours isn't. Promise me that you will never do this again."

Taehyung gave him a short nod, already knowing that he could never make it through another round of beatings without his body giving up on him. He would rather stay the perfect innocent boy than the bad boy hero he tried to be a little while ago. He wasn't made for it and he was glad that both him and Jungkook agreed on that fact.

What Taehyung wondered about though was what Jungkook had exactly meant by 'the environment I grew up in'

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