Chapter 48

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Taehyung slowly walked through the familiar hallways of the building. His shift had just  ended, Jin taking over for the evening. The blonde turned another corner, knowing his way through the building pretty good by now. In the few months that he had stayed in the building with Jungkook and the others he had learned most ins and outs of the building, knowing multiple shortcuts and easier ways to get to places. This time Taehyung was taking one of the shortcuts through the canteen to get faster to Jungkook's office. The younger would be almost done with his work and Taehyung was planning on picking him up so they could walk to their apartment together.

With a small skip in his step Taehyung turned the corner towards the canteen, opening the huge doors that would reveal the big room behind them. The whole hall was once again completely filled with members from Jungkook's gang, all of them being there to enjoy their dinner. The canteen had a pretty common design, large picnic tables filled the whole room. The tables creating enough space for everyone to sit on when breakfast, lunch or dinner rolled around. On the left side of the canteen was a large opening in the wall with a small foodbar before it. Behind it was a large kitchen, making it easier for the people who were working there to hand out all the plates with food.

Taehyung had no idea how the food tasted though, Jungkook's spot in the gang made it possible for both of them to have their own apartment with a pretty royal kitchen where they could make their own food. To make a long story short, if you had a higher rank in the gang you would also get more privileges. The lower the rank the lower your basics. From what Taehyung knew only the boys in Jungkook's direct circle had access to the privileges they had, meaning their own apartment with kitchen and bathroom. All the others shared a room, bathroom and would get their food from the canteen. In some ways it reminded Taehyung of the prison, but in other ways it completely didn't. Taehyung was pretty sure the food would be a whole lot better than it was in the prison and he was also pretty sure that the rooms were much more comfortable. Life inside the gang wasn't easy but it definitely wasn't as bad as in the prison.

With a small smile on his face Taehyung passed through the canteen, he was finally going to see Jungkook after his long day and that alone made him more than happy. The blonde passed by some tables, maneuvering himself around multiple people to get to his destination as fast as possible.

At least that was his plan......

Before Taehyung could fully register what had happened a gang member with dark brown hair smashed against another gang members back, knocking the plate with food out of his hand. The food now on the ground in a large puddle while the man slowly started to turn around, an angry look on his face and his hands clenched into fists. "WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!"

The brown haired gang member immediately raised one of his eyebrows, clearly not impressed with the remark. "Maybe you shouldn't stop walking in the middle of the path then."

Taehyung's eyes darted from one guy to another, both of them getting more pissed off with each second that passed. It didn't take long before the screaming man turned from words to action and within a second the small plate the other gang member was holding flew through the air, landing on a nearby gang members back.

Taehyung's eyes instantly widened, already knowing that nothing good would come out of the action and oh was he right. Within a few second the two gang members were engaged in a huge fist fight, throwing punches from one to another like there was no tomorrow. Blood flew through the air from busted lips and small wounds on their bodies, making the whole situation way too gross for Taehyung's eyes.

Little by little the whole canteen started to form a circle around them, closing Taehyung in and giving him no way of escape. The two men kept fighting like there was no tomorrow, while the third member who was covered in food slowly walked up to them. Taehyung's breath stuck in his throat and before he knew it the third member had thrown himself in the fight as well. None of the men could see who they were hitting anymore and all three of them just punched around themselves, hitting everyone who was close enough.

It didn't take long before one of them had hit someone out of the crowd and as if on cue the whole canteen erupted in a massive fight. People started to hit each other without any reason, shouts sounded through the whole room and the breaking of multiple plates could be heard through the whole building. Taehyung was sure that whoever wasn't here right now would be able to hear the whole commotion.

The whole ordeal scared Taehyung, sure he had seen a lot of violence in the prison but he had never been in the middle of a massive gang fight. He didn't know what to do and he wouldn't be able to protect himself from any incoming hits.

Without giving it a second thought the blonde dropped down on his knees, trying to be lower than everyone else so he wouldn't be in arm reach whenever someone threw a punch. With great caution Taehyung started to crawl through the canteen, multiple people bumping into him with their legs and feet. He was sure those would leave some good bruises but he would be glad if that was everything he would get from this whole mess.

Taehyung kept crawling, not exactly knowing where he was going but hoping it was the right way. His heart beated in his throat and he could feel his hands getting clammy. Never had he been good at commotion and this time wasn't any exception.

More blood and spit flew through the air, some of it landing on Taehyung's open arms and face. It grossed him out, but he would wash it off as soon as he was with Jungkook. His first priority right now was to leave this fucking room without getting hit by any of these members.

Taehyung kept crawling and crawling until.....


A harsh blow landed on Taehyung's left side of his face. He had no idea who or why he had been hit but what he did know was that the fist had hit him pretty good. Blood started to trickle from the blonde's mouth and his whole vision started to get blurry. Dark spots and stars danced before his eyes and a huge pain spreaded from his cheek through his whole face.

Taehyung blinked his eyes rapidly to get rid of the dizzy feeling inside his head, but it didn't help at all. A loud ringing sounded through his ears and he had no idea what was happening around him anymore. He could still feel people bumping into him every once in a while but it all felt like nothing compared to the soaring pain he felt in his face. Taehyung's arms started to buckle underneath him and he fell from his hands on his elbows, his face now even closer to the floor. The sudden motion causing him to see even more stars and dark spots before his eyes.

Taehyung didn't know who or what it was but at some point he could hear loud shouting and a gunshot, turning everything around him really quiet all of a sudden. His body felt weaker with every second and harsh pants left his mouth, there was no way he could make it out of this canteen alone.

There was-......

"Oh my god, Taehyung are you okay!?" Taehyung could make out the words but he couldn't make out who the voice belonged to. He tried to answer with everything in him, but he just couldn't do it. His head was cloudy and he could feel how the darkness was slowly taking over.

Taehyung felt how a pair of hand turned him on his back and picked him up bridal style before he completely passed out.

The last thing he could hear being; "We need to get him to Jungkook!"



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