Chapter 64

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Suffocated. That's exactly how Taehyung felt at the moment. His whole life felt like a nightmare at the moment. Jimin was at the verge of passing out, a gun was being held against his head and tears were streaming out of his eyes.

Powerless. That's what he was at this exact moment. Jimin and Taehyung were in great danger and there was nothing he could do. The man standing in front of him would put a bullet through both their heads the moment Taehyung would make a wrong move.

Chetsnut brown. A colour the blonde boy had grown to love over the months he had gotten to know his boyfriend. The beautiful color of his boyfriend's eyes were one of the many things Taehyung liked about Jungkook. Yet here he was, looking at the colour he had grown to love so much as if it was poison. He would never be able to look at those beautiful chestnut brown eyes again while not thinking of this moment.

Why? Why was this all neccesary? Should he have stayed in the prison? Should he have done things differently? Would it have made a difference. At least a thousand questions were roaming Taehyung's thoughts. However there was one that topped all the others. How could you betray your own family like this? How could you live knowing you ruined multiple people's lives? How could you do this to your own son?

"Mr. Jeon....why?" Taehyung asked, a scared tone lacing his voice. Immediately the powerfull laugh of his boyfriend's father sounded through the room while the man was softly shaking his head. Power was radiating from the man's aura and it somehow made Taehyung even more scared than he already was. How could you be so heartless?

"Well well well, if it isn't my son's dumb boyfriend." Mr. Jeon said, amusement lacing his voice. Slowly the man lowered his gun before harshly grabbing the blonde's chin and squeezing it painfully.

"You're even dumber than I thought you were."  The man spoke before harshly pushing Taehyung's face to the side. Quickly the blonde boy bit his lip in order to not make any sound while tears were streaming out of his eyes.

"You know, I always thought you were the smarter one of the Kim brothers." Mr Jeon said before releasing Taehyung from his grip and taking a step back. "Turns out you're just as dumb as your brother was." The raven haired man said, amusement lacing his voice again.

Quickly Taehyung began to shake his head fiercly. "I don't understand, why would you do this to your own son?" Taehyung softly whispered, a scared tone lacing his voice. Mr. Jeon really had no remorse, the man was basically the devil himself.

"Let me explaing something to you before I decorate that pretty face of yours with a bullet." Mr. Jeon spoke loudly before he slowly began to pace in front of Taehyung. Carefully the blonde looked up a bit, only to see a wicked smile prominent on the raven haired man's face.

There was absolutely no way this man was related to his boyfriend. Sure Jungkook looked a lot like the man who was standing in front of him but the both of them were completely different when it came to character. Jungkook was sweet and caring while his father was merciless and a monster. How could he have possibly created someone as caring as Jungkook?

"You see, your brother has cost me a lot of money." The merciless man said before kneeling down in front of Jimin and harshly slapping his cheeks in order to check if he was still alive. Immediately the grey haired boy began to move a bit while pained noises left his mouth. Taehyung slowly began to move in order to help his friend, however the other men who were with Mr Jeon were quick to pull out a gun and aim it at the blonde's face.

"Your brother even had the audacity to give us away to to the police and he made sure my son got locked up behind bars." Mr. Jeon spoke, an angry tone now lacing his voice. The man clearly became angry again upon thinking of what Taehyung's brother had done.

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