Chapter 45

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Sweat dripped from both Seokjin's and Taehyung's faces. While Taehyung was still putting pressure on the wound on Taemin's body Seokjin rushed around the room to get the supplies he needed. Taemin's face had by now almost turned into an icy colour and to say it worried the nurse and the surgeon would be an understatement. His vitals kept going lower and lower by the second while blood kept oozing out of the wound despite Taehyung's attempt to stop it. The whole situation didn't look good at all and both of them knew it.

"Tae, we need to do this now! We're losing him!" Jin yelled out distressed while he rushed back over to Taehyung and the unconscious Taemin. With a hard smack Jin dropped all his equipment next to Taehyung on the metal table. Within an instant the eldest of the three had put on a pair of gloves while he instructed Taehyung to step to the other side of the table.

"Tae, I need you to do exactly as I tell you. His vitals will drop once you let go of him and the bleeding will get worse but we need to get this bullet out for him to stabilize okay?"

Taehyung gave Jin a short nod while he stepped to the other side of the table, all while trying to keep pressure on Taemin's wound.

"When I say 'go' you will let go of Taemin and do exactly like you did at Jungkook's gunshot, okay? Open the wound, keep it clean and press it back together when I get the bullet out." Jin started while he grabbed the equipment he would need in a few seconds in his hands. "If his heart stops you start giving him CPR while I continue with the wound. We need to keep him alive at all costs. Giving up is not an option when you work with me, you understand?"

Taehyung swallowed loudly before he gave Jin an almost invisible nod, his heartbeat increasing by the second. Jin gave Taehyung a short look before shouting GO, setting them both into action. Taehyung let go of Taemin, grabbed the supplies Jin had instructed and a few seconds later both of them were standing over the wound. Taehyung cleaning and keeping the wound open while Jin tried to remove the bullet. Taemin's decreasing heartbeat sounded in the background, the beeps getting slower by the second while blood kept leaking out of his body. Hoseok's cries could be heard through the door that led to the other room, heartbreaking sobs travelling up Taehyung's ears. Taehyung opened the wound a little further while Jin pushed the clippers deeper down in an attempt to grab the bullet.

"GOT IT!" A small smile suddenly formed on Jin's face while he slowly started to maneuver the bullet out of Taemin's body. "The moment I get this out you need to close the wound and apply pressure on it, okay?"

With a soft nod Taehyung agreed with Jin's orders and not a second later Jin had retracted the bullet from Taemin's body. Without giving it a second thought Taehyung pressed the wound together while applying as much pressure on it as he could. Jin threw the bullet and the clippers in a metal bin next to him, already grabbing a needle and thread to sew Taemin's skin back together. Blood kept leaking out of the unconscious boy even more than a few minutes before, making Taemin's heartbeat sound weaker by the second.

"Keep pushing the wound together while I try to sew him up, his heartbeat should stabilize once the wound is closed up." Jin ordered, setting the both of them in immediate action.

While Taehyung pressed the skin together Jin started to sew it back up, the amount of blood loss decreasing with every knot the elder made. With a completely focussed face Jin finished up the last knot, a deep sigh leaving his body. "You can let go, please grab some fresh towels and clean him and yourself up. I will keep an eye on his vitals."

Taehyung let go of the wound, his hands completely covered in blood and his heartbeat almost rising out of his chest. Taemin's heartbeat was still beeping softly in the background although it had been barely there for a few times during the operation. Taehyung didn't know much about the boy but he knew the boy must be a fighter if he managed to survive such a wound.

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