Chapter 27

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That morning Taehyung woke up to a pleasant smell filling his nose and a warm blanket covering his body. It had been at that moment that he knew how grateful he had been of his life before the prison. This night had made him realise how lucky he is that he has a roof above his head and a blanket covering him at night. It clearly wasn't a common thing for everybody. With a soft grumble Taehyung turned around, expecting to find Jungkook beside him. Only to realise that the younger wasn't in bed with him anymore. Taehyung rubbed his eyes to make sure the younger wasn't really there, frowning when Jungkook still didn't show up before him after he opened his eyes again. He slowly pushed himself up on his elbows, hearing soft music coming from downstairs and the smell hitting him even harder.

With small movements Taehyung managed to get out of the way too comfortable bed and he dressed himself in the set of clothes Jungkook had provided for him last night, the black t-shirt and tight pants sitting comfortable on his body. He put on the black army boots Jungkook had also provided him with and with a small ruffle of his hand through his hair Taehyung walked downstairs to inspect the source of the music and the pleasant smell.

With small steps Taehyung walked down the staircase, seeing nobody in the living room so assuming that whoever was providing the music and smell was in the kitchen. Taehyung made his way in the kitchen, immediately seeing Jungkook with his back turned to him in front of the stove. The younger was cooking some kind of breakfast while softly humming along to the music that was playing from the radio.

Taehyung softly coughed to make his presence known and Jungkook instantly turned around, a small smile falling on his face at seeing Taehyung before him. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" Jungkook still smiled while he motioned Taehyung to take a seat at the dinner table.

Taehyung slowly walked over to the table, sitting down on it while a smile also started to form on his own face. "I did, your bed is really comfortable. Thanks for sharing it, you didn't have to do that."

A soft chuckle left Jungkook's mouth and he turned back to the stove to go on with whatever he was cooking. "I didn't have to, but I wanted to. I'm glad you slept well Tae." Jungkook answered while he grabbed two plates from the cupboard above him. Jungkook divided the food he had just prepared between the two plates, walking over to Taehyung with the small smile still on his face. "I hope you like eggs and toast, enjoy your breakfast." Jungkook placed a plate filled with fresh baked eggs and french toast before the elder while placing his own across from Taehyung. "Coffee?"

Taehyung gave the younger a soft nod and two minutes later both boys were sitting across from each other at the dinner table while enjoying their breakfast and coffee. Taehyung had expected a lot when he came downstairs that morning but this definitely wasn't on the list. He had never thought that the younger he now knew as the country's biggest gang leader would let him sleep in and cook breakfast for him. A really great breakfast not forgetting to mention, Jungkook definitely knew how to cook. Besides, Taehyung was pretty sure that almost everything would have tasted as heaven to him after the prison food he had been forced to eat in the last couple of months.

"Jin asked me to bring you to the hospital wing this morning. He wanted to make you familiar with everything now that there aren't any seriously ill or wounded patients. This way you would be prepared when duty calls." Jungkook mumbled while biting another piece of his toast that he later swallowed with some coffee. Taehyung nodded in agreement and before he knew it both of them stood before the doors of the hospital wing. Jungkook pushed them open with some force, loud music surrounding them instantly. A huge grin immediately made his way up on both of their faces at the sight before them. Jin was dancing enthusiastically to the song that was way too loudly playing through the room, clearly not aware of his visitors.

"Jin........" Jungkook softly said, trying to get the elder's attention but without success. Jin kept on dancing, his eyes closed and his body moving to the rhythm of the song.

"Jin........" Jungkook tried again, a little louder this time but again without any success. A soft chuckle left Taehyung's lips and the younger grinned shortly at him before he yelled out Jin's name again. "JIN!....."

Within a second the eldest of the three had turned himself around, his eyes big and his hand on his heart. With a few quick steps he had made his way over to the radio, turning it off instantly. "What the hell are you doing?" Jungkook now full on laughed behind his hand, trying to cover it somewhat up.

Jin threw a glare at the younger while he made his way over to them. "Don't you have anything better to do Kookie? Namjoon's waiting for you."

A still laughing Jungkook left the room after giving Taehyung a small pat on his shoulder while Jin mumbled something in the lines of 'that rascal.' Taehyung heard how the door fell shut behind him and looked back over to Jin. The elder squinted his eyes one last time at Jungkook who had already disappeared before he turned towards Taehyung.

Jin's whole demeanor changed in an instant, a huge smile now on his face and his eyes shining with pleasure. "Follow me, please." Jin motioned with his hand towards his desk. He made his way over to it while Taehyung followed him slowly, starting his first day as a nurse at the hospital wing of Jungkook's gang.

To say his day was exciting was a complete misunderstanding. Jin had mentioned something about 'learning the basics' before he got to the real stuff in the first five minutes but Taehyung hadn't paid much attention to it. He had been pretty sure that by basics Jin meant the basics of gang related stuff, only to find out that by basics Jin had literally meant the basics of nursing in general. So here Taehyung had been; cleaning tools, changing bed sheets and reading files while Jin explained everything he had already learned in school at him again. 'Just to be sure, he really did understood everything.' Jin had told him multiple times that day, promising Taehyung that they would do more exciting stuff once Jin had explained him all there was.

Taehyung left that night with a bored and useless feeling. Sure he liked the bonding time he got with Jin, but his needs as a nurse in training hadn't been fulfilled at all. Besides that, nobody had shown their face at the ward at all. It had been Jin and Taehyung the whole time, just the two of them in an empty ward.

With a soft sigh Taehyung walked inside Jungkook's apartment. The younger had provided him with the code for the door before he had dropped him off at the ward, making sure that Taehyung always had access to the room if he needed it. Besides the fact that he hadn't done that much today Taehyung was still exhausted. The prison had clearly taken a toll on his condition and it wasn't much later that he found himself dozing off on the couch in the living room, falling into a peaceful slumber right before Jungkook came back home from his own day of work.

A small smile fell on Jungkook's face at the sight of the elder on the couch. He didn't know what it was that made him feel like he did, but he always felt calm and happy around the elder. Over the small span of time they had spent in the prison Jungkook had come to trust the elder. Taehyung had become someone who he liked to spent time with and who he loved having around. It wasn't something he was familiar with at all though. Sure he liked the other five boys, they meant the world to him and they were like family but he would never want to share an apartment with them or sleep in the same bed. Taehyung was just.......different.

Jungkook softly walked over to the sleeping elder, grabbing a blanket from the side of the couch on his way there. An unfamiliar feeling, making him feel all warm and happy, spread through his body and his smile grew slightly bigger seeing the elder sleep so calm and peaceful before him. He carefully placed the blanket over Taehyung's body, making sure the elder was tucked in everywhere so he wouldn't be cold. Jungkook let his hand rest on the elder's shoulder while he wiped some of Taehyung's hairs away from his face.

"Sleep well, Tae." Jungkook whispered before he walked off to the kitchen to prepare their dinner.

The unfamiliar but pleasant feeling still soaring through Jungkook's body.

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