Chapter 40

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Thanks to everyone who's supporting this story. We've reached almost 25k and I'm so happy about it. As a gratitude to everyone who has been reading, voting, commenting and adding this story to their reading list I wanna give you this extra chapter. All of you are really dear to me, I love you all and all this attention for my story means the world to me❤️


Ten minutes had passed by, ten minutes in which
nobody had dared to say a word. Jungkook and Yoongi both sat down at the table, ignoring each other but keeping themselves calm. Jimin still hadn't said a word at all and Taehyung didn't dare to say a word after Jin's outburst.

Five more minutes passed before they heard the door open again, all of their heads turning towards it. Namjoon slowly walked in, behind him a still crying Hoseok who furiously wiped his cheeks to get rid of the tears.

Without another word Hoseok sat back on his chair next to Taehyung while Namjoon walked back to the front of the table. Taehyung's eyes were immediately on Hoseok, hating the fact that the elder was crying because of Jungkook. Without thinking Taehyung reached his hand over to Hoseok's, grabbing it softly to give him some sort of support. He gently rubbed his thumb over Hoseok's hand while he gave the elder a supporting smile and whispering a soft. "It's gonna be okay. Kookie will behave himself."

Jungkook instantly caught up with Taehyung's words, lifting his eyebrow without vocal reacting to Taehyung's statement. If it had been any other member he would have lashed out for ordering him around but he knew he was wrong this time. Jin on the other hand gave the two a soft smile, glad Taehyung had reached out towards Hoseok to give him some support in a moment he needed it the most.

A soft sigh came from the front of the room, Namjoon slowly getting all the attention. "Since everybody decided to behave the plan is back on. Jimin can you please enlighten us with the details?"

The small boy gave Namjoon a soft nod, standing up from his chair to walk towards the board with the powerpoint presentation. "As we all know Taemin will be moved from prisons tomorrow, this will probably be our best shot to free him."

Jimin showed a map on the screen while he continued with his plan. "He will be moved on his own by eight guards spread between two police cars and a prisoners van. Two guards in each car and four guards with Taemin in the van, two in the front and two guarding Taemin. Taemin's van will be between the two police cars and is without a doubt bulletproof....."

Jimin looked around the room to see if everybody was still catching on before he continued again. "Halfway through their route they will end up between two meadows, that's where we come in. There are no sideways on that road so they have no way to escape. If we split ourselves in two teams we can catch them from both the front and the back at the same time. First we eliminate the police cars by killing the policemen inside of it. One team goes for the front while the other goes for the back....." Everybody nodded, still catching on.

"In the meantime I will sabotage the security system of the van so we can free Taemin. I need a person who stays behind with me to assist me when I need it though. When I manage to crack the system, team one will take out the two guards at the front of the van while team two breaks open the van and kills the two guards who are with Taemin in the back.......If everything goes to plan Taemin should be freed within twenty minutes." Jimin finished while a small smile fell on his face.

Namjoon gave the younger a soft nod before he took back over. "I've already decided about the teams. Yoongi and Jungkook you two will be team one, you will take control over the front part. Hoseok and I will be team two, taking care of the back. Jin will ride with Yoongi and Jungkook, assisting wherever he is needed. Jimin will ride with us."

Silence fell over the room, everybody thinking about the whole plan and how it was going to play out tomorrow. At least until Yoongi noticed something was missing. "Didn't Jimin say he needed an assistant?"

Another round of silence fell over the group......all eyes slowly shifting towards Taehyung, the last one in the group without a task. Jungkook's eyes widened and within a second he had gotten up from his chair. "ABSOLUTELY NOT! FIND SOMEONE ELSE!"

"We can't, no one is available at the moment. Taehyung's our only option." Namjoon sighed, already knowing that Jungkook didn't like this one bit.

"Besides, we can't leave him here all by himself Kook, we still don't know who we can trust." Jimin added softly.

Jungkook immediately fell silent at that statement. Jimin was right, they still didn't know who had framed Taehyung and leaving him on his own inside the gang would be a risk. On the other hand taking him with them would be an even bigger risk, but at least it was a risk Jungkook could control. He had no control over what was happening inside the gang if he wasn't there, but he did have control over their mission.

A soft sigh left Jungkook's mouth. "Fine, but only if he agrees and stays inside the car at all times." Namjoon and Jimin softly nodded, turning their attention towards Taehyung. Taehyung swallowed thickly before he slowly nodded his head. He had no idea why he agreed with the plan, but if Jungkook agreed it would sure be alright......right?

Thirty minutes later everything had been fixed, everybody knew what they had to do and they all had left the room to go back to their apartments. Tomorrow would be their big day and they all needed the rest.

"Kook? Can I ask you something?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow giving Taehyung a soft nod. "Who is Taemin exactly?"

A small smile formed on Jungkook's face, both of them turning the corner towards their apartment. "Taemin's the last member of our head crew, the crew you've been seeing the whole time. Before I ended up in prison we always worked in two teams who did the field work. One team consisting of Yoongi and myself while the other team consisted of Namjoon and Taemin. You know what all the others do. Ever since we both ended up in prison the teams have gone messed up. We aren't as good as we used to be so we need him back to get everything back like it was before."

Taehyung gave the younger a soft nod, Jungkook in the meantime opened the door to their apartment to let them both inside. "Why did Taemin end up in prison?"

A hard snort left Jungkook's mouth, another wave of anger radiating from his body. "We got betrayed remember? Your brother betrayed us......Taemin was one of the members I mentioned last time we spoke about it....." Another harsh snort left Jungkook's mouth mumbling an angry. 'We got fucking betrayed.' behind it.

Taehyung immediately stopped his questioning, not wanting to piss the younger off even more while thinking back of their last conversation about his brother.

"Y..You knew my" Taehyung stuttered, his eyes now as big as saucers. He had always known that his brother hung out with 'bad' people but he hadn't expected him to know any gang members. Sure Jungkook wasn't that scary once you got to know him, but Taehyung just didn't see his brother being all friendly with Jungkook at all.

"I did, we weren't friends though. Your brother used to be a member of this gang, he was pretty good at hiding it so that's why you never knew about it. Your brother sold our drugs on the streets and he was pretty good at it too."

Taehyung's mouth slowly started to fall open while Jungkook continued with his story. "He decided to betray us though. He went to the police and told them everything. He made a deal with them to catch some gang members, including myself. A deal that worked and resulted in the fact that myself and a few others ended up behind bars. Your brother was the reason I ended up in that prison in the first place." Jungkook scoffed.

Taehyung slowly got out of his head, remembering cleary what Jungkook had said that day. The puzzle pieces slowly coming all together. His very own brother had not only been the reason for Jungkook's imprisonment but also for the imprisonment of this Taemin guy. The guys they now had to rescue, bringing everybody at great risk....all thanks to his very own brother.

A feeling of anxiety slowly started to take over Taehyung's mind, tomorrow could be his last day on this earth and to think it was because of his brother fucked his mind up even more.

Tomorrow would be their big day and only then they would know what the future would hold.

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